民間校正・試験向け PTBにトレーサブルな証明書の発行が可能
ドキュメント名 | 周波数特性式加速度計較正装置 CS18 MF(汎用周波用) |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 957.6Kb |
関連製品 | |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | エフ・アイ・ティー・パシフィック株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |

このカタログ(周波数特性式加速度計較正装置 CS18 MF(汎用周波用))の内容
Page 1:SPEKTRA www.spektra-dresden.comCS18 MFCalibration System Medium-FrequencyApplicationSecondary calibration according to ISO 16063-21(comparison method) of charge type, ICP®,voltage, capacitive and piezo-resistivesensors for acceleration, velocity anddisplacement, with Sine excitation with highaccuracySecondary calibration ofreference standard accelerometerRange of UseCertified calibration laboratoriesDepartments for the supervision ofmeasuring instruments(automotive, aviation, space, military)Quality assurance in sensor productionFeaturesTraceable to Physikalisch TechnischeBundesanstalt (PTB) Braunschweig by theaccredited SPEKTRA Calibration Laboratory D-K-15183-01-00 (DAkkS Calibration Certificate)Calibration of sensors with / without amplifiers,measurement instruments with indication of theirown by applying of determinate accelerationsignalsCalibration of calibrators by exact measurementof vibration quantitiesFrequency range 3 Hz ... 10 kHzSensor mass up to 500 gramRepeatability under identical conditions up to5 kHz < 0.2 %, otherwise less than 0.5 %Upgradeable to a combined Sine calibrationsystem, e.g. type CS18 LF / MFContinuous frequency sweep for consistencycheck of vibration sensors日本代理店 : エフ・アイティー・パシフィック株式会社東京都台東区浅草橋3-20-15 浅草橋ミハマビル4FTel : 03-5820-7021 Mail : asdummy@fitpacific.com
Page 2:September 2011SPEKTRA Schwingungstechnik und Akustik GmbH Dresden, Germany www.spektra-dresden.comAll data are subject to change without noticeCS18 MFCalibration System Medium-FrequencyComponentsVibration control system SRS-35, SPEKTRAPower amplifier PA 14-180, SPEKTRAVibration exciter SE-10Internal reference standard accelerometer BN-09Standard-PCSpecificationfor environmental conditions: temperature 23°C / 73 °F (± 2°C) and relative humidity 30 % ... 75 %CS18 MF with internal reference standard accelerometer BN-09in the frequency range 3 Hz ... 10 kHz for sensors with mass to max. 500 gram (DUT)1)Only in combination with optional extra PHASE2)Determined according to GUM (ISO Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement) with k = 2 (coverage factor)3)Valid for electrical sensor signals ≥ (1 mV or 1 pC)4)Maximum acceleration for maximum payload (DUT)5)Maximum acceleration without any payloadOptions for calibration systems: see leaflet CS18-extrasFrequency Range Sensor MassDUTExpanded MeasurementUncertainty 2)PEAK Accelerationin gnFrom To Up to Amplitude 3)/ Phase 1)min. max. 4)max. 5)3 Hz < 5 Hz500 gram3.0 % / 2.0° 1 0.18 … 0.5 0.18 … 0.55 Hz < 10 Hz 2.0 % / 1.5° 2 0.5 … 2.0 0.5 … 2.010 Hz < 20 Hz 1.0 % / 1.0° 8 2.0 ... 8.0 2.0 … 8.020 Hz 1,000 Hz 0.75 % / 1.0° 8.0 ... 12.2 8.0 ... 5010> 1,000 Hz 5,000 Hz 250 Gramm 1.5 % / 1.5° 19.350> 5,000 Hz 10,000 Hz 2.5 % / 2.0° 35.750 Grammreference frequency80 Hz (100 Hz)500 gram 0.5 % / 0.5° 10 5.0日本代理店 : エフ・アイティー・パシフィック株式会社東京都台東区浅草橋3-20-15 浅草橋ミハマビル4FTel : 03-5820-7021 Mail : asdummy@fitpacific.com