Innovative Drinking Water and Heating System d16-d32
iLITE - evolution in axial press technology
GF Piping Systems has achieved success with the new iLITE plastic piping
system by bringing real innovation to the market in the area of plumbing and
heating. This new system offers a quick and safe connection of various piping
materials while providing an excellent flow rate at the same time.
ドキュメント名 | iLITE - Lightweight with excellent flow rates |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 1.8Mb |
取り扱い企業 | ジョージフィッシャー株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |
GF Piping Systems
Innovative Drinking Water
and Heating System d16-d32
iLITE New!
Quick | Multi | Flow
iLITE – evolution
in axial press
GF Piping Systems has achieved success with the new iLITE plastic piping system by bringing real
innovation to the market in the area of plumbing and heating. This new system offers a quick and safe
connection of various piping materials while providing an excellent flow rate at the same time. iLITE is the
ideal choice for use in drinking water and heating distribution demonstrated by its long life span.
In comparison to conventional axial press systems, iLITE fittings are delivered with pre-assembled
sleeves. There are no loose, individual parts that can get lost. No additional tools or steps are required
for the expansion of the pipes. With the innovative design of the cone-shaped fitting nipple, the pipe is
expanded by itself while pushing the fitting onto the pipe. This leads to the excellent flow rate.
Finally, the pre-assembled sleeve will be pushed in the reverse direction for a safe and tight connection
of pipe and fitting. And all of this can easily be accomplished with one tool in a single step.
Inspection window
as additional safety
Multi-usable fitting
connects PE-X and ML pipes
Fitting nut for simple
usage of tool
EPDM o-ring provides
additional safety
Destinctive ribbing and
reinforcement for a
lightweight design with
maximal power
Cone-shaped fitting nipple
expands the pipe while
pushed onto fitting
A dvantages
Quick – 1 tool and 1 step
In a single step, the fitting and pipe are connected quickly
and easily with just one tool. No more loose spare
parts and no need for calibration or deburring of the pipe.
Additional tools are not necessary to expand the pipe.
Simply connect the pipe and fitting by hand, use the tool,
release with a double click, the connection is made. This
saves time during the installation and space in the tool
Multi-usable fitting
The iLITE fitting is multi-functional for different pipe
materials. Both, full plastic pipes made from crosslinked
polyethylene (PE–Xa/c) as well as multilayer composite
pipes in the dimensions d16-32mm can be connected. No
change of the tool is necessary.
Flow – Excellent flow rate
The innovative design of the cone-shaped fitting nipple
ensures a perfectly circular expansion of the pipe when
pushed onto the fitting. With the fitting nipple, the pipe is
calibrated simultaneously. The sophisticated expansion of
the tube ensures excellent flow rates, low pressure losses
and low noise levels.
Safe connection
Axial sliding sleeve connections are among the safest
connections of pipes and fittings. Through the expansion of
the pipe and the sleeve’s axial pressing, a large sealing
surface is created between the fitting nipple and pipe. The
O-ring provides additional safety. With the inspection
window, the plumber has a simple control mechanism to
check whether the connection is correct and tight.
Connections are immediately ready for pressure. Missed
connections will immediately leak during the pressure test.
Flexible pipe choice
for your application
Multilayer Composite Pipes PE-X Pipes
iLITE composite pipes combine the advantages of plastic and PE-X pipes consist of three-dimensionally cross-linked
metal. Thanks to the flexibility of the plastic and the stability polyethylene and is commonly used in hot and cold water
of the metal, the pipes are ideally suited for the wide pipework systems. The cross-linking provides an
temperature and pressure range in hot and cold drinking improvement of the creep resistance, low-temperature
water systems. impact strength and stress-cracking resistance. Therefore,
it also provides safety in drinking water installations along
The pipe’s composition is made out of five layers: with a high level of quality. A characteristic of our PE-X pipe
an extruded inner layer made out of PE-RT, bonding agent, includes is its low weight, as well as resistance to abrasive
longitudinal butt welded aluminium pipe, an additional waters, corrosion and deposits. Due to their flexibility, these
bonding layer and an extruded outer layer made out of pipes are very easy to install and are ideally suited for cold
PE-RT. and hot water installations.
PE-RT was developed by renowned manufacturers precisely
for building technology applications and is approved for use In our product range, multilayer composite pipes and PE-X
with food and drinking water. pipes are available both as insulated pipe and as a pipe in
pipe version with conduit pipe.
• Oxygen diffusion resistant and opaque thanks to a butt
welded aluminium layer
• High temperature and pressure resistance for use in
heating and sanitary applications
• High flexibility and yet stable installation; simple and
economical workmanship
• Resistant to numerous chemicals
• Low thermal expansion comparable to metal pipes
Protective layer made of PE-RT
Bonding layer
Homogeneous longitudinal butt -
welded aluminum pipe
Bonding layer
Pipe wall made
of PE-RT
The pipe is cut to length and connected to
the fitting by hand. There is no need for calibration
or deburring of the pipe.
With the cone-shaped design of the fitting nipple,
the pipe is simultaneously expanded while pushed
onto the fitting.
The pre-assembled sleeve is pressed in the
opposite direction over the connection.
Due to the self-locking design, the pressed
sleeve prevents potential pulling out of the pipe.
Lightweight with
maximal power
iLITE plastic fittings from the high-performance plastic PPSU, also commonly used in air
and space travel, are lightweight and nevertheless extremely sturdy and stable.
PPSU is hygienic, resistant to corrosion, durable and therefore an ideal choice for your
installation. The unique construction and design with distinctive ribbing is the result of
decades of experience in the development of drinking water systems.
This patented design enables finding the optimal weight-stability proportion for the fittings.
Consequentially the result for the customer is a competitive price and simultaneously a high
level of quality. The fittings have a smooth inner surface and are fabricated as one part and
from one material.
PPSU Fittings
• Pre-assembled sleeves with inspection window
• Low pressure losses
• Reinforcement thanks to distinctive ribbing
• Good impact strength
Threaded Fittings
Our iLITE threaded fittings consist of a hygienic, drinking • UBA-compliant brass
water quality brass alloy that is listed on the Federal • Pre-assembled sleeves with inspection window
Environment Agency (UBA)’s published positive list. • Low pressure losses
• Plastic protective cap to prevent transport damage
The fitting nipple of all metal fittings is provided with plastic • Spacer to avoid contact corrosion
protective caps to prevent transport damage.
Special fittings
• Easy installation by hand
• Detachable and reusable
Reduce direct on
the fitting
Double Socket
Direct fitting to
fitting connection Cap
Closing direct
on the fitting
detachable and
The intelligence is
in the tool
For the connection of the iLITE pipes and fittings, only one tool is needed.
Per dimension, there is a pair of jaws consisting of a fitting mounting and a pipe clamping jaw.
The basis of our iLITE battery tool originate from a renowned tool Optimised and modified for the iLITE system, the battery tool
maker with longstanding experience and expertise in the tool has two holding fixtures for the fitting jaws, an optical check on
manufacturing industry. the tool head, which immediately indicates whether the tool is
in the initial position, a double spring for a full return into initial
This basis tool has already established and proved its quality position and release with a simple double click.
on the market. This handy and lightweight tool for single-
hand operation has an ergonomic handle, a battery with a The GF patented pair of jaws are a masterpiece of Swiss
very short charging time and is captivating with its reliability engineering. The system’s intelligence lays within the tool jaws
and high quality of workmanship. in combination with the sophisticated fitting design.
The expanding of the pipes and the two axial movements in the
opposite direction are put into one step using one tool.
Jaw Holding Fixture
Pipe Clamping
Fitting Mounting
15min charging time
for 200 cycles (d20)
Compliance to standards
and one of the safest
connections make
iLITE the number one
Technical Data
Operating pressure max. 10 bar
Temperature range 0°-70°C in continious operation, short- term up to 95°C
Life span 50 years (DVGW)
Dimensions d16 - 32mm
Materials Plastic Body
PPSU (Polyphenylsulfone)
High resistance to chemicals, good impact strength,
and inherent fire resistance
Sliding Sleeve
PA6GF30 (glass fibre reinforced polyamide)
Threaded Fittings
Brass – UBA compliant
Multilayer Pipe
PE-RT / AL / PE-RT (Polyethylene Raised-Temperature)
Plastic Pipe
PE-X (cross-linked Polyethylen)
Standards Pipes
DVGW W542 (multi-layer composite pipe)
EN ISO 21003 (multi-layer composite pipe)
EN ISO 15875 (PE-X pipe)
EN ISO 21003-5
System Permissions
Registration number: DW8501CSO320
CSTB, WRAS and IIP in Process
Convincing quality
GF Piping Systems is one of the leading suppliers of plastic With the burst test, it is clearly visible that with a burst
and metal pipes with a global presence with more than pressure between 130 bar and 245 bar, iLITE PPSU fittings
60,000 products and over 200 years of experience in withstand more than 10 times of the normal pipeline
research and development. We aspire to deliver our pressure. They provide security against pressure surges
customers only products with a consistent, excellent level of thanks to an intelligent design with ribbing and fitting
quality. reinforcements in critical areas.
Quality provides security and is the basis for trust. By
systematically integrating business partners and suppliers,
we pursue a holistic approach to quality, thus warranting a
binding claim to quality along the entire value-added chain.
Like other GF Piping Systems products, our iLITE System is
developed, produced, and tested for compliance with all
relevant norms and standards.
For example, the weld seam of all multilayer pipes is directly
tested during the production process inline. Likewise, a
100% inspection of the internal diameter of the finished
pipes is examined with a special ball.
Thermal shock tests, internal pressure creep testing and
bending tests analyse and show the excellent combination of
the iLITE pipe and fitting and the security of the connection. Pipeline pressure
max. 10 bar
Burst pressure
min. 130 bar
Burst pressure
max. 245 bar
for you
iPLITipE es
Muulitlliatyelra pyipeesr composite pipes
iLITE Multilayer pipe
• Description: in bars
• Material: PE-RT / AL / PE-RT
d DN JRG GF Weight l s
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg ⁄ m) (m) (mm)
16 12 E600.016 351 816 802 0.129 5 2.00
20 15 E600.020 351 820 802 0.202 5 2.50
26 20 E600.026 351 826 802 0.296 5 3.00
32 25 E600.032 351 832 802 0.365 5 3.00
iLITE Multilayer pipe
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-RT / AL / PE-RT
d DN JRG GF Weight l s
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg ⁄ m) (m) (mm)
16 12 E604.016 351 816 814 0.129 100 2.00
20 15 E604.020 351 820 814 0.202 50 2.50
26 20 E604.026 351 826 814 0.296 50 3.00
32 25 E604.032 351 832 814 0.365 50 3.00
iLITE Multilayer pipe, insulated 6mm
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-RT / AL / PE-RT, insulation W/mK 0.040
d DN JRG GF Weight d1 l s s1 Thermal conductivity
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (W ⁄ mK)
16 12 E606.016 351 816 835 0.152 28 50 2.00 6 0.040
20 15 E606.020 351 820 835 0.225 32 50 2.50 6 0.040
26 20 E606.026 351 826 835 0.326 38 50 3.00 6 0.040
Mulitlayer composite pipes
iLITE Multilayer pipe, insulated 10mm
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-RT / AL / PE-RT, insulation W/mK 0.040
d DN JRG GF Weight d1 l s s1 Thermal conductivity
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (W ⁄ mK)
16 12 E606.116 351 816 836 0.164 36 50 2.00 10 0.040
20 15 E606.120 351 820 836 0.239 40 50 2.50 10 0.040
26 20 E606.126 351 826 836 0.338 46 50 3.00 10 0.040
32 25 E606.132 351 832 836 0.431 52 25 3.00 10 0.040
iLITE Multilayer pipe, insulated 6mm
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-RT / AL / PE-RT, insulation W/mK 0.035
d DN JRG GF Weight d1 l s s1 Thermal conductivity
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (W ⁄ mK)
16 12 E608.016 351 816 735 0.160 28 50 2.00 6 0.035
20 15 E608.020 351 820 735 0.224 32 50 2.50 6 0.035
26 20 E608.026 351 826 735 0.325 38 50 3.00 6 0.035
iLITE Multilayer pipe, insulated 10mm
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-RT / AL / PE-RT, insulation W/mK 0.035
d DN JRG GF Weight d1 l s s1 Thermal conductivity
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (W ⁄ mK)
16 12 E608.116 351 816 736 0.166 36 50 2.00 10 0.035
20 15 E608.120 351 820 736 0.239 40 50 2.50 10 0.035
26 20 E608.126 351 826 736 0.325 46 50 3.00 10 0.035
Mulitlayer composite pipes
iLITE Multilayer pipe, insulated 20mm
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-RT / AL / PE-RT, insulation W/mK 0.035
d DN JRG GF Weight d1 l s s1 Thermal conductivity
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (W ⁄ mK)
16 12 E608.216 351 816 737 0.222 36 50 2.00 20 0.035
20 15 E608.220 351 820 737 0.296 40 50 2.50 20 0.035
26 20 E608.226 351 826 737 0.401 46 25 3.00 20 0.035
iLITE Multilayer pipe, with protection pipe
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-RT / AL / PE-RT
d DN JRG GF Weight d1 l s
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (m) (mm)
16 12 E602.016 351 816 834 0.204 25 50 2.00
20 15 E602.020 351 820 834 0.294 30 50 2.50
PE-X pipes
PE-X pipes
JRG Sanipex PE-X pipe, blue
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-Xc
d DN JRG GF Weight L s
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg) (m) (mm)
16 12 5717.016 355 516 316 12.000 100 2.2
20 15 5717.020 355 516 320 8.600 50 2.8
JRG Sanipex PE-X pipe, blue, with protection pipe
• Description: in coils
• Material: PE-Xc
d DN JRG GF Weight d1 L s
(mm) (mm) Code Code (kg) (mm) (m) (mm)
16 12 5716.016 355 516 317 9.500 25 50 2.2
20 15 5716.020 355 516 321 13.100 29 50 2.8
• Material: PPSU
d JRG GF Weight l1 z1
(mm) Code Code (kg) (mm) (mm)
16 E690.016 351 816 920 0.010 51 9
20 E690.020 351 820 920 0.018 61 13
26 E690.026 351 826 920 0.032 72 14
32 E690.032 351 832 920 0.058 88 18
Elbow 90°
• Material: PPSU
d JRG GF Weight l1 l2 z1 z2
(mm) Code Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 E670.016 351 816 922 0.013 39 39 18 18
20 E670.020 351 820 922 0.024 48 48 24 24
26 E670.026 351 826 922 0.045 58 58 29 29
32 E670.032 351 832 922 0.084 71 71 36 36
T-piece equal
• Material: PPSU
d-d-d JRG GF Weight
(mm) Code Code (kg)
16 - 16 - 16 E650.016 351 816 921 0.019
20 - 20 - 20 E650.020 351 820 921 0.035
26 - 26 - 26 E650.026 351 826 921 0.066
32 - 32 - 32 E650.032 351 832 921 0.123
d-d-d d1 d2 d3 l1 l2 l3 z1 z2 z3
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 - 16 - 16 16 16 16 39 39 39 18 18 18
20 - 20 - 20 20 20 20 48 48 48 24 24 24
26 - 26 - 26 26 26 26 58 58 58 29 29 29
32 - 32 - 32 32 32 32 71 71 71 36 36 36
T-piece reduced
• Material: PPSU
d-d-d JRG GF Weight
(mm) Code Code (kg)
20 - 16 - 16 E652.110 351 820 934 0.026
20 - 16 - 20 E652.112 351 820 931 0.030
26 - 16 - 26 E652.214 351 826 931 0.052
26 - 20 - 20 E652.218 351 826 934 0.048
26 - 20 - 26 E652.220 351 826 932 0.057
32 - 20 - 32 E652.324 351 832 932 0.098
32 - 26 - 32 E652.330 351 832 933 0.107
d-d-d d1 d2 d3 l1 l2 l3 z1 z2 z3
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 - 16 - 16 20 16 16 42 42 48 21 21 24
20 - 16 - 20 20 16 20 48 42 48 24 21 24
26 - 16 - 26 26 16 26 58 46 58 29 25 29
26 - 20 - 20 26 20 20 52 52 58 28 28 29
26 - 20 - 26 26 20 26 58 52 58 29 28 29
32 - 20 - 32 32 20 32 71 57 71 36 33 36
32 - 26 - 32 32 26 32 71 63 71 36 34 36
Double Socket
• Description: reusable
• Material: PPSU
d JRG GF Weight l1 z1
(mm) Code Code (kg) (mm) (mm)
16 E692.016 351 816 940 0.014 51 30
20 E692.020 351 820 940 0.020 61 37
26 E692.026 351 826 940 0.028 72 43
32 E692.032 351 832 940 0.037 87 52
• Description: reusable
• Material: PPSU
d JRG GF Weight l1 z1
(mm) Code Code (kg) (mm) (mm)
16 E695.016 351 816 904 0.008 31 10
20 E695.020 351 820 904 0.012 38 14
26 E695.026 351 826 904 0.020 45 16
32 E695.032 351 832 904 0.070 55 20
• Description: reusable
• Material: PPSU
d JRG GF Weight d1 l1 z1
(mm) Code Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 E730.200 351 820 926 0.000 20 59 6
16 E730.202 351 826 926 0.012 26 65 8
20 E730.204 351 826 927 0.020 26 71 9
20 E730.208 351 832 927 0.030 32 78 10
26 E730.210 351 832 928 0.035 32 84 11
DZR brass
Pipe outlet, single
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant
d1 JRG GF Weight
(mm) Code Code (kg)
16 E615.135 351 816 794 0.118
20 E615.235 351 820 794 0.137
d1 d3 G d4 d5 l l1 l3 l4 l5 l6 z1
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 1∕2 6.4 40 40 44 22 18 15 21 23
20 1∕2 6.4 40 40 50 22 18 15 21 26
Pipe outlet, double
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant
d-d JRG GF Weight
(mm) Code Code (kg)
19 16 - 16 E616.150 351 816 781 0.239
20 - 20 E616.170 351 820 781 0.275
d1 d2 d3 G d4 d5 d6 l l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 z1 z2
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 1∕2 7 40 52 50 64 64 31 19 15 40 43 43
20 20 1∕2 7 40 52 50 69 69 31 19 16 40 45 45
DZR brass
Pipe outlet, single
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant
DZR brass
d1 JRG GF Weight
(mm) Code Code (kg)
Pipe outlet, si1ng6le E615.135 351 816 794 0.118
• 20 E615.235 351 820 794 0.137 Material: brass, dezincification resistant
d1 JRG GF Weight
(mm) Codd1e d3 G Codde 4 (kdg)5 l l1 l3 l4 l5 l6 z1
16 E61(5m.1m35) (3i5n1c h8)16 7(m94m) 0.(1m18m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 E615.21365 351 18∕220 7964.4 0.13470 40 44 22 18 15 21 23
20 1∕2 6.4 40 40 50 22 18 15 21 26
d1 d3 G d4 d5 l l1 l3 l4 l5 l6 z1
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 1∕2 6.4 40 40 44 22 18 15 21 23
20 1∕2 6.4 40 40 50 22 18 15 21 26
Pipe outlet, double
Pipe outlet, double
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant
• MJaRtGerial: braGsFs,W deeigzhitncification resistant
Code Code (kg)
16 - 16 E616.d15-0d 351 816 78J1RG0.239 GF Weight
20 - 20 E616.170 351 820 781 0.275
(mm) Code Code (kg)
d1 d2 1d36 G- 16d4 dE5616d.6150 l 35l1 81l62 78l13 l40.23l95 l6 z1 z2
(mm) (mm) 2(in0ch -) 2(m0m) (mEm6) 1(m6m.1) 7(0mm) 3(m5m1) 8(m2m0) 7(m8m1) (mm0) .2(m7m5) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 1∕2 7 40 52 50 64 64 31 19 15 40 43 43
20 20 1∕2 7 40 52 50 69 69 31 19 16 40 45 45
d1 d2 d3 G d4 d5 d6 l l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 z1 z2
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 1∕2 7 40 52 50 64 64 31 19 15 40 43 43
20 20 1∕2 7 40 52 50 69 69 31 19 16 40 45 45
Wall penetration, single
Wall penetration, single
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant d GN JRG GF Weight
(mm)d (incGhN) CoJdReG CodGeF Wei(kggh)t
(m16m) (in1c∕2h) E625C.1o4d0e 351 816C 7o5d1e 0.21(k0g)
16 1∕2 E625.140 351 816 751 0.210
d GN d1 d3 Rp d4 d5 d6 G l l1 l3 z1
(mm)d (incGhN) (mmd)1 d(i3nc Rh)p (mmd)4 (mmd)5 (idnc6h )G (mm) l (mml)1 (mml)3 (mmz)1
(m16m) (in1c∕2h) (m16m) (in1c∕2h) (m7m) (m40m) (in3c∕4h) (m45m) (m50m) (m65m) (m33m)
16 1∕2 16 1∕2 7 40 3∕4 45 50 65 33
Wall penetration, double
Wall penetration, double
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant • Material: brass, dezincification resistant d-d GN JRG GF Weight
(mdm-)d (incGhN) CoJdReG CodGeF Wei(kggh)t
16 -( m16m) (in1c∕2h) E626C.1o4d0e 351 816C 7o6d1e 0.29(k0g)
16 - 16 1∕2 E626.140 351 816 761 0.290
d-d d1 d2 d3 Rp d4 d5 d6 G l l1 l2 l3 z1 z2
(mdm-)d (mmd)1 (mmd)2 d(i3nc Rh)p (mmd)4 (mmd)5 (idnc6h )G (mm) l (mml)1 (mml)2 (mml)3 (mmz)1 (mmz)2
16 -( m16m) (m16m) (m16m) (in1c∕2h) (m7m) (m40m) (in3c∕4h) (m45m) (m54m) (m54m) (m65m) (m33m) (m33m)
16 - 16 16 16 1∕2 7 40 3∕4 45 54 54 65 33 33
Manifold 2-way
Manifold 2-way
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant • Material: brass, dezincification resistant d JRG GF Weight d1 R l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 z1 ⎔
(mm)d CoJdReG CodGeF Wei(kggh)t (idnc1h )R (mml)1 (mml)2 (mml)3 (mml)4 (mml)5 (mmz)1 ⎔
(m16m) E645C.2o1d6e 351 816C 7o6d6e 0.33(k3g) (in3c∕4h) 1(m26m) (m46m) (m36m) (m55m) (m35m) (m25m) 36
2106 EE664455.2.2106 335511 8 82106 7 7666 00.3.3833 3∕34∕4 112266 5426 3366 555 3355 2285 3366
20 E645.220 351 820 766 0.383 3∕4 126 52 36 55 35 28 36
Manifold 3-way
Manifold 3-way
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant
• Material: brass, dezincification resistant d JRG GF Weight d1 Rp l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 z1 ⎔
(mm)d CoJdReG CodGeF Wei(kggh)t d(i1nc Rh)p (mml)1 (mml)2 (mml)3 (mml)4 (mml)5 (mmz)1 ⎔
(m16m) E645C.3o1d6e 351 816C 7o6d7e 0.46(k9g) (in3c∕4h) 1(m81m) (m46m) (m36m) (m55m) (m35m) (m25m) 36
2106 EE664455.3.32106 335511 8 82106 7 76677 00.5.43629 3∕34∕4 118811 5426 3366 555 3355 2285 3366
20 E645.320 351 820 767 0.532 3∕4 181 52 36 55 35 28 36