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Signet Submersion Kit


A solution for many applications

How to use this brochure
Use this step-by-step ordering guide to assemble your Signet Submersion Kit.
The cost eff ective Submersion Kits are easily built by selecting a Signet instrument/junction box, pipe segments, adapter and sensor. Various pipe sizes and materials (PVC-U, PVC-C, PP and PVDF) are also available to suit your needs.


ドキュメント名 Signet Submersion Kit
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 1.4Mb
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GF Piping Systems Signet Submersion Kit Hydrostatic Level Temperature pH ORP Conductivity Resistivity

Signet Submersion Kit A solution for many applications How to use this brochure Use this step-by-step ordering guide to assemble your Signet Submersion Kit. The cost eff ective Submersion Kits are easily built by selecting a Signet instrument/junction box, pipe segments, adapter and sensor. Various pipe sizes and materials (PVC-U, PVC-C, PP and PVDF) are also available to suit your needs. Customer Benefi ts Installation Tips Professional, liquid tight, cost eff ective solution Use the universal mount junction box to adapt any mounting bracket. Easy to build using standard Georg Fischer accessories Standpipe must be fi lled with water proof Modular design for easy shipping epoxy resin to seal against condensation Easy installation build-up. Easy maintenance Chemical resistance 2

Market Segments Water Treatment Chemical Processing Aquatic Animal Life Support Systems pH/ORP Hydrostatic Level • Water/Wastewater Treatment • Inventory Management • Neutralization Systems • Storage Tank Monitoring • Effl uent Monitoring • Neutralization Tanks • Surface Finishing • Plating Lines • Heavy Metal Removal and Recovery • Waste Sumps • Sanitization Systems • Clarifi ers • Aquatic Animal Life Support Systems • Overfl ow Protection Temperature Conductivity/Resistivity • Plating Bath • Water Treatment and Water Quality Monitoring • Temperature Control • Aquatic Animal Life Support Systems • Heat Exchange Monitoring • Deionization • Hot/Cold Mixing System Monitoring • Plating Bath • Data Acquisition • Chemical Processing 3

# 1 Choose a transmitter 3-9900-396 Angle Adapter kit 3-9900-1 required for Conductivity/Resistivity # 2 Choose a wiring junction box 3-8050 Universal Mount Junction Box: Customer required to drill a 19 mm (¾ in.) clearance hole in the base. # 3 Choose the pipe material 1 6 2 3 4 5 6 (pH/ORP only) (Temp/pH/ORP/Cond/Resist) # 4 Choose a sensor Hydrostatic Pressure Temperature pH/ORP Conductivity/Resistivity Pre-assembled from factory using PVC components - verify chemical compatibility 3-2250-XXX 3-2350-X 3-2725-61 3-2766-1 3-2776 3-2750-4 3-2839-1V 3-2819-X 3-2726-01 3-2766-2 3-2776-1 3-2840-1V 3-2820-X 3-2726-11 3-2767-1 3-2777 3-2841-1V 3-2821-X 3-2842-1V 3-2822-X 3-2823-X # 5 Optional Accessories # 5.1 # 5.2 # 5.3 # 5.4 Select based on your application needs. 4

# 1 Choose a transmitter • if required SmartPro® Transmitter Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description • 10.8 to 35.2 VDC • 4 to 20 mA output • Open collector output • 9900 Accessories (Optional) 3-9900-1 159 001 696 Single channel transmitter - HART Module - Conductivity Module with angle adapter - 4 to 20 mA Output Module If no transmitter required Go to number 2 5

# 2 Choose a wiring junction box • More than one item can be used Transmitter Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description The Universal Mount Kit mounts a 9900 fi eld mount instrument onto a wall, pipe, or tank. 3-8050 159 000 184 • Use to mount transmitter, 3-9900-1 Includes: transmitter base, universal mounting plate and bracket. The Universal Mount Junction Box contains two terminal blocks that enable cable extensions for pH, ORP, fl ow, temperature, pressure, and conductivity sensors/ • Use if sensor wiring needs to be 3-8050-1 159 000 753 electrodes. This kit mounts on a extended. Cable for sensor should wall, pipe, or tank. never exceed 30 m (100 ft) Includes: top cover, transmitter base,universal mounting plate and bracket, liquid tight connector kit. • Adjusts the mounting angle of the 3-9900 3-9900.396 159 001 701 Angle Adjustment Adapter Kit Transmitter and adds additional wiring clearance pH/ORP Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description The pH/ORP Universal Mount Junction Box contains two terminal blocks that enable cable extension of pH or ORP sensors. It features • Built-in EasyCal electronics an EasyCal board for simple, push- • Digital (S³L) signal output to remote 3-8050-2 button pH or ORP calibration. This 3-8900 Multi-Parameter Controller or (pH/ORP) 159 000 754 kit mounts on a wall, pipe, or tank. 3-9900 Transmitter• 4 to 20 mA signal output to PLC Includes: top cover, transmitter • Used with the 3-2750-4 cable assembly base, universal mounting plate submersed with the sensor and bracket, liquid tight connector kit. Conductivity/Resistivity Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description 3-2850-61 • Digital (S³L) signal output to remote (Conductivity/ 159 001 400 Universal mount junction box 3-8900 Multi-Parameter Controller or Resistivity) with sensor electronics, (S³L) 3-9900 Transmitter • Built-in EasyCal electronics 3-2850-62 (Conductivity/ 159 001 401 Universal mount junction box with • 4 to 20 mA signal output to PLC Resistivity) sensor electronics, 4 to 20 mA • Built-in EasyCal electronics NONE Go to Step 5.3 - Cable Gland + Reducer + Elbow 6

# 3 Choose the correct pipe material based on Chemical Compatibility • Verify the length of the assembly and add a union adapter ( 3 ) every 2 meters • Recommended pipe size d25 ‹ 2m/d50 > 2m • If union/FPM component is not suitable, contact factory Hydrostatic Level Pipe Adapter Nipple NPT Reduction Material Male 3/4” Pipe PN16 Union/ FPM(+Reductions) to d25 1 Item 6 * Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 1 PVC-U d25DN20 721 910 557 161 017 107 721 510 132 d50DN40 721 910 557721 900 354 161 017 110 721 510 135 721 900 354* PVC-C d25DN20 723 910 557 163 017 132 723 510 132 2 d50DN40 723 910 557723 900 354 163 017 135 723 510 135 723 900 354* PP d25DN20 727 914 557 167 480 712 727 520 157 d50DN40 727 914 557727 910 354 167 480 715 727 520 160 727 910 354* PVDF 3 d25DN20 735 914 557 175 480 204 735 528 607 d50DN40 735 914 557 735 908 654 175 480 207 735 528 610 735 908 654* Temperature Pipe Adapter Nipple NPT Adapter Nipple NPT Material Male 3/4” Pipe PN16 Union/ FPM Female 3/4” 4 (+Reductions) (+Reductions) 1 Item 6 * Item 2 Item 3 4 Item 6 * PVC-U d25DN20 721 910 557 161 017 107 721 510 132 721 914 207 d50DN40 721 910 557 161 017 110 721 510 135 721 910 441721 900 354 * 721 900 354 * 5 PVC-C d25DN20 723 910 557 163 017 132 723 510 132 723 910 207 d50DN40 723 910 557 163 017 135 723 510 135 723 910 441723 900 354 * 723 900 354 * PP d25DN20 727 914 557 167 480 712 727 520 157 727 914 267 d50DN40 727 914 557 6 727 910 354 167 480 715 727 520 160 727 914 267 * 727 910 354 * PVDF d25DN20 735 914 557 175 480 204 735 528 607 735 914 267 d50DN40 735 914 557 735 914 267 735 908 654 175 480 207 735 528 610* 735 908 654 * * Reducer required for d50/DN40 pipes to 3/4 inch nipple 7

# 3 Choose the correct pipe material continued... • Verify the length of the assembly and add a union adapter ( 3 ) every 2 meters • Recommended pipe size d25 ‹ 2m/d50 > 2m • If union/FPM component is not suitable, contact factory pH/ORP Pipe Adapter Nipple NPT Adapter Nipple NPT Material Male 3/4” Pipe PN16 Union/ FPM Male 3/4” (+Reductions) (+Reductions) 1 Item 6 * Item 2 Item 3 5 Item 6 * 1 PVC-U d25DN20 721 910 557 161 017 107 721 510 132 721 910 557 d50DN40 721 910 557 161 017 110 721 510 135 721 910 557721 900 354 * 721 900 354 * PVC-C d25DN20 723 910 557 163 017 132 723 510 132 723 910 557 2 d50DN40 723 910 557 163 017 135 723 510 135 723 910 557 723 900 354 * 723 900 354 * PP d25DN20 727 914 557 167 480 712 727 520 157 727 910 507 d50DN40 727 914 557 727 910 354 167 480 715 727 520 160 727 910 507 * 737 910 354 * PVDF 3 d25DN20 735 914 557 175 480 204 735 528 607 735 910 557 d50DN40 735 914 557 735 910 557735 908 654 175 480 207 735 528 610* 735 908 654 * Conductivity/Resistivity Pipe Adapter Nipple NPT Adapter Nipple NPT Material Male 3/4” Pipe PN16 Union/ FPM Female 3/4” 4(+Reductions) (+Reductions) 1 Item 6 * Item 2 Item 3 4 Item 6 * PVC-U d25DN20 721 910 557 161 017 107 721 510 132 721 914 207 d50DN40 721 910 557721 900 354 161 017 110 721 510 135 721 910 441 * 721 900 354 * 5 PVC-C d25DN20 723 910 557 163 017 132 723 510 132 723 910 207 d50DN40 723 910 557 163 017 135 723 510 135 723 910 441723 900 354 * 723 900 354 * PP d25DN20 727 914 557 167 480 712 727 520 157 727 914 267 6 d50DN40 727 914 557 167 480 715 727 520 160 727 914 267727 910 354 * 727 910 354 * PVDF d25DN20 735 914 557 175 480 204 735 528 607 735 914 267 d50DN40 735 914 557 175 480 207 735 528 610 735 914 267 735 908 654 * 735 908 654 * * Reducer required for d50/DN40 pipes to 3/4 inch nipple 8

# 4 Choose the correct sensor or electrode Hydrostatic Level Choose the correct sensor by verifying the correct chemical compatibility, temperature, fl uid density and requested output sign Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description Hydrostatic level Digital (S³L) output signal. Use with the 3-9900-1 3-2250-11U-1 159 001 478 0-700 mbar Transmitter or 3-8900 Multi-Parameter Controller Hydrostatic level 3-2250-21U-1 159 001 482 0-700 mbar 4 to 20 mA output (Blind) Temperature - Choose the correct sensor by verifying the correct application temperature and requested output signal. Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description Digital (S³L) output signal. Use with the 3-9900-1 3-2350-1 159 000 021 Temperature sensor Transmitter or 3-8900 Multi-Parameter Controller 3-2350-3 159 000 920 Temperature sensor 4 to 20 mA output (Blind) pH/ORP - Choose the correct preamplifi er based on sensor selection and the use of a transmitter. Bulb type electrodes are recommended for submersible application Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description Sensor Electronics for 3-8900 3-2750-4 159 000 842 Multi-Parameter Controller and Sensor Electronics ¾ inch ISO 3-9900 Transmitter Metric Preamplifi er 3-2760-2 159 000 940 for 3-8750-X instrument and Preamp ¾ inch ISO older GF Signet instruments Choose the correct sensor by verifying the correct chemical compatibility, conductivity level, temperature and sensor glass (bulb or fl at) 3-2724-01 159 001 546 pH Electrode, fl at, PT1000 Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2724-11 159 001 548 pH Electrode, fl at, 3K Use with the 3-2760 preamplifi er 3-2725-61 159 001 562 ORP electrode, fl at Use with all preamplifi ers and electronics 3-2726-01 159 001 554 pH electrode, bulb, PT1000 Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2726-11 159 001 556 pH electrode, bulb, 3 KΩ Use with the 3-2760 preamplifi er 3-2734-00 159 001 774 pH Electrode, fl at, PT1000 Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2734-01 159 001 775 pH Electrode, fl at, PT1000 Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2734-HF-00 159 001 776 pH Electrode, fl at, HF resistant Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2734-HF-01 159 001 777 pH Electrode, fl at, HF resistant Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2736-00 159 001 778 pH electrode, bulb, PT1000 Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2736-01 159 001 779 pH electrode, bulb, PT1000 Use with the 3-2750 electronics 9

# 4 Choose the correct sensor or electrode continued... Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description 3-2736-HF-00 159 001 780 pH Electrode, bulb, HF resistant Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2736-HF-01 159 001 781 pH Electrode, bulb, HF resistant Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2735-60 159 001 782 ORP electrode, fl at, 10K Use with all preamplifi ers and electronics 3-2735-61 159 001 783 ORP electrode, fl at, 10K Use with all preamplifi ers and electronics 3-2766-1 159 000 949 pH electrode, bulb, 3 KΩ Use with the 3-2760 preamplifi er 3-2766-2 159 000 950 pH electrode, bulb, PT1000 Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2767-1 159 000 952 ORP electrode, bulb Use with all preamplifi ers and electronics 3-2776 159 000 959 pH electrode, bulb, 3 KΩ Use with the 3-2760 preamplifi er 3-2776-1 159 000 960 pH electrode, bulb, PT1000 Use with the 3-2750 electronics 3-2777 159 000 961 ORP electrode, bulb Use with all preamplifi ers and electronics Applications requiring high temperature, low conductivity and hydrofl uoric sensors must be ordered directly from signet-specialproducts@georgfi scher.com Conductivity/Resistivity Choose the correct preamplifi er based on sensor selection and the use of a transmitter. Mfr. Part No. Code Component Description * 3-2850-61 159 001 400 Sensor Electronics Sends a digital (S³L) signal to 3-9900-1 Transmitter or 3-8900 Multi-Parameter Controller * 3-2850-62 159 001 401 Sensor Electronics 4 to 20 mA output (Blind) None Connect directly to 8850-3 or 8860 Choose the correct sensor by verifying the correct chemical compatibility (if SS is not suitable, Hastelloy-C, Titanium, Monel - Contact factory or email signet-specialproducts@georgfi scher.com), conductivity level and temperature 3-2839-1V 159 001 810 Conductivity sensor, 0.01 cell Application with conductivity levels 18.2 MΩ to 100 μS 3-2840-1V 159 001 812 Conductivity sensor, 0.1 cell Application with conductivity levels 1.0 μSto 1000 μS 3-2841-1V 159 001 814 Conductivity sensor, 1.0 cell Application with conductivity levels 10 μSto 10,000 μS 3-2842-1V 159 001 816 Conductivity sensor, 10 cell Application with conductivity levels 100 μS to 200 mS 3-2823-1 198 844 003 Conductivity sensor, 20 cell Application with conductivity levels 200 μS to 400 mS * Maximum sensor cable length 4.6 m (15 ft) when using the 3-2850-XX electronics 10

# 5 Step 1 & 2 Step Optional accessories 1 & 2 3/4 Adapter pipe Flange 5.1 Pipe Clips Elbow3/4 Adapter 5.2 Elbow pipe pipe 5.3 Gland + Elbow (+Reductions) 5.4 Flange Step1 & 2 Step 1 & 2 3/4 Adapter pipe Flange Elbow 3/4 Adapter pipe pipe Examples of mounting options. Customise to your specifi c needs. Item 5.1 Pipe Clips Code d25DN20 167 061 037 d50DN40 167 061 040 Item 5.2 Elbow PVC-U PVC-C PP PVDF d25DN20 721 100 107 723 100 107 727 100 107 735 018 707 d50DN40 721 100 110 723 100 110 727 100 110 735 018 710 Item 5.3 Cable Gland + Elbow + Reductions PVC-U PVC-C PP PVDF 721 914 206 723 910 437 727 914 266 735 914 266 159 000 618 159 000 618 159 000 618 159 000 618 d25DN20 721 100 107 723 100 107 727 100 107 735 018 707 721 910 911 727 910 337 735 908 637 721 914 206 723 910 437 727 914 266 735 914 266 159 000 618 159 000 618 159 000 618 159 000 618 d50DN40 721 910 915 723 900 354 727 100 110 735 908 654 721 900 352 723 100 110 727 910 355 735 908 637 721 100 110 727 910 906 735 018 710 Item 5.4 Modifi ed Flanges PVC-U PVC-C PP PE d63DN50 150 301 700 150 301 704 150 301 708 150 301 712 d65DN75 150 301 701 150 301 705 150 301 709 150 301 713 d80DN90 150 301 702 150 301 706 150 301 710 150 301 714 d110DN100 150 301 703 150 301 707 150 301 711 150 301 715 Modifi ed fl anges must be ordered directly from signet-specialproducts@georgfi scher.com 11

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They are subject to modification. Our General Terms of Sale apply. 3-0000.707 (D-9/15) ©2015 Georg Fischer Signet LLC 3401 Aero Jet Avenue, El Monte CA 91731-2882 Tel (626) 571-2770, Fax (626) 573-2057