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Signet Specials - Product Range


Specials Catalog and ordering guide

The Specials Catalog provides details of modified
standard GF Signet products that meet special needs
of specific applications.


ドキュメント名 Signet Specials - Product Range
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 9.2Mb
取り扱い企業 ジョージフィッシャー株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


Supplier Code - Sustainability in the supply chain


Stay in touch with your level - Non-contact radar level transmitter type 2290


Stainless Steel Inserts




GF Piping Systems Signet Specials Catalog and ordering guide 1 www.gfsignet.com

Specials Catalog and ordering guide The Specials Catalog provides details of modified After receiving the initial request, we will provide a standard GF Signet products that meet special needs quote within two working days via email. of specific applications. The quote will include list price, lead-time and a quote In this catalog, we have selected the most popular expiration date. If the product is not ordered prior to the modified products used throughout the GF Global expiration date, product must be re-quoted. sales channel. If after your search through this If you need a modified version of a product listed in this catalog you do not find a product that suits your catalog, or have a request for a new product, please application needs, please send an email request to contact the Special Order Product Manager. We advise the Special Order Product Manager at to include all relevant application information. signet-specialproduct@georgfischer.com You can use the Application Assistance Form located: 1) On the last page of this catalog How to Order Special Products 2) On our website using the link below: http://www.gfps.com/content/gfps/country_US/en_US/service_and_support/application.html GF Sales companies must order Special Order products directly from GF Signet. All quotes issued All GF Sales companies are required to contact the will have important reference information which GF Signet Office. must be submitted to the GF Signet Customer Service Simply send an email request to order special products department when issuing an order. directly to the Signet Customer Service representative (See example below). or the Signet Special Order Product Manager at signet-specialproduct@georgfischer.com SAP Material: 150 301 002 Quote Number: Q15020 001 Special Order products can NOT be ordered through Part Number: 3-2774-HT the GF SAP system. These products are not standard Description: pH electrode, high temperature with products, SAP part numbers will not be assigned to ¾” NPT process connector them. All orders must be manually prepared by your List price USD (in US dollars) Purchasing/Logistic Manager. NET iLab Charge: $90.00 Quote is good until the end of 2017 or unless specified. List price ranges are provided for budgetary purpose; however, the factory should be contacted for final net quotations which will be valid for all orders placed prior to year end 2017. A separate NET iLab charge may be added to the Special Order product. See price sheet or contact the factory for specific information. When contacting GF Signet for a quote on a Special Order product, it’s important to provide the full Special Order part number to avoid any confusion. ALL Special Order products can NOT be returned for credit. All information and specifications contained in this catalog are subject to change without notice. Corporate trademarks and logos stated herein are the property of their respective companies. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2016 Georg Fischer Signet LLC 2 www.gfsignet.com

Terms and Conditions Please read the following very carefully: Special OEM Support: • S pecial Order products must be ordered directly GF Signet can package your OEM’s system products in from GF Signet only. to a single package. This allows the customer to use • Price is issued as a list price, your standard one part number to receive an OEM system in one box GF Signet discount will be applied. avoiding ordering separate part numbers. • L ead-time for Special Order products is 4 to 6 weeks. (The 3-2774 family sensors could have extended lead-times of up to 9 weeks). • All Special Order product orders must be accompanied with a: • Non-cancellable Purchase Order • Reference the SAP Material • Quote Number • Sales Companies are responsible for all freight charges to the final destination. • All Special order products can NOT be returned for credit. • Special Order products are not guaranteed to meet all standard part specifications. Verification testing of “special modifications” to determine conformance can be performed, and will be quoted upon request by the customer. To perform such a conformance test, specific requirements of fluid type and conditions of the media and piping system must be specified. Without this information, a determination of the time required and associated non-recurring testing cannot be determined. If testing is not performed, buyer agrees to accept the product as-is. The buyer will be responsible for any consequential damages due to suitability of use and installation of the provided products. The contents in this publication are based on information available at the time of publication. In view of the possibility of human error, we accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this publication. The technical data is not binding and may be subject to modification. It neither provides a guarantee of product performance and durability nor constitutes coverage under warranty. In case of doubt or uncertainty, we strongly recommend consultation with the factory. www.gfsignet.com 3

SAP Material Number 150 301 001 Flow >> C h o o s e : P 5 1 5 3 0 -X X X X-X X X-X O R 3 - 2 5 3 6 -X X X X-X X X-X Sensor Body Material 1 Black Polypropylene 2 PVDF Rotor Material Signet Accessory Reference 1 Black PVDF 198 820 052 2 Natural PVDF 159 000 272 3 ETFE 159 000 273 4 Sleeved Black PVDF 198 820 056 5 Sleeved Natural PVDF 198 820 057 6 Sleeved ETFE 198 820 058 The Model 515 and 2536 sensors Pin Material are offered in a variety of materials 1 Titanium 198 801 182 for a wide range of pipe sizes and insertion configurations. The 2 Hastelloy-C 198 801 183 many material choices including PP 3 Stainless Steel 198 820 015 53.3 mm and PVDF make this model highly (2.1 in.) 4 Tantalum 198 820 014 versatile and chemically compatible -0, -1 5 Ceramic 198 820 016 to many liquid process solutions. 26.7 mm or -2 Sensors can be installed in DN15 to 6 Natural PVDF* 159 500 049(1.05 in.) DN900 (½ to 36 in.) pipes. O-ring Material 1 FPM 198 801 000 Also available for Wet-Tap sensors - contact the factory. 2 EPR (EPDM) 198 820 006 -0 = 104 mm (4.1 in.) 3 FFKM 198 820 007 Refer to the Signet Measurement -1 = 137 mm (5.4 in.) -2 = 213 mm (8.4 in.) - Cable Lengthand Control Product Catalog for 025 7.6 m (25 ft) additional information. 050 15.2 m (50 ft) PVDF Sensor body assembly built 075 22.8 m (75 ft) with a combination of PVC and 100 30.5 m (100 ft) PVDF material. Material in contact with liquid is PVDF. - Sensor Length Example Part Number 0 DN15 to DN100 (0.5 to 4 in.) **PVDF only available in X0 and X1 P 5 1 5 3 0 - 2 2 3 1 - 0 2 5 - 1 1 DN125 to DN200 (5 to 8 in.)lengths. Paddlewheel sensor, PVDF body, Natural PVDF Rotor, Stainless Steel pin, 2 DN250 to DN900 (10 to 36 in.) FPM O-ring, 7.6 m (25 ft) cable for a DN125 to DN200 (5 in. to 8 in.) pipe. *Only available with Natural PVDF Rotors **PVDF only available in X0 and X1 lengths General Operating Temperature Operating Range PP - 515 -18 °C to 90 °C 0 °F to 194 °F P51530 0.3 to 6 m/s 1 to 20 ft/s 2536 -18 °C to 85 °C 0 °F to 185 °F 2536 0.1 to 6 m/s 0.3 to 20 ft/s PVDF - 515 -18 °C to 100 °C 0 °F to 212 °F Pipe Size Range DN15 to DN900 ½ to 36 in. 2536 -18 °C to 85 °C 0 °F to 185 °F Linearity ±1% of max. range @ 25 °C (77 °F) Shipping Weight Repeatability ±0.5% of max. range @ 25 °C (77 °F) P51530-X0 / 3-2536-X0 0.454 kg 1.00 lb Cable Length 7.6 m (25 ft) can be extended up to P51530-X1 / 3-2536-X1 0.476 kg 1.05 lb 60 m (200 ft) maximum P51530-X2 / 3-2536-X2 0.680 kg 1.50 lb Max. Temperature/Pressure Ratings Standards and Approvals PP 12.5 bar @ 20 °C 181 psi @ 68 °F CE, FCC (2536) 1.7 bar @ 90 °C 25 psi @ 194 °F RoHS compliant, China RoHS PVDF 14 bar @ 20 °C 203 psi @ 68 °F Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and ISO 14001 for 1.4 bar @ 100 °C 20 psi @ 212 °F Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 4 www.gfsignet.com

SAP Material Number 150 301 001 Flow >> C h o o s e : 3 - 8 5 1 0 -X X X X-X O R 3 - 8 5 1 2 -X X X X-X Sensor Body Material 1 Black Polypropylene 2 PVDF Rotor Material Signet Accessory Reference 1 Black PVDF 198 801 181 2 Natural PVDF 159 500 304 3 ETFE 198 820 018 4 Sleeved Black PVDF 198 820 059 5 Sleeved Natural PVDF 198 820 060 Shown with the 9900-1 and 8051 6 Sleeved ETFE 198 820 017 The Model 8510 and 8512 sensors are 99.06 mm Pin Material offered in a variety of materials9 6fo mr ma (3.90 in.) 1 Titanium 198 801 182 wide range of pipe sizes and ins(e3r.8ti ionn.) configurations. The many material choices 2 Hastelloy-C 198 801 183 including PP and PVDF make this model 106 mm 3 Stainless Steel 198 820 015 102 mm highly versatile and chemically compatible (4.16 in.) (4.0 in.) 4 Tantalum 198 820 014 to many liquid process solutions. 5 Ceramic 198 820 016 Both the Integral Adapter Kit (3-8051) and 6 Natural PVDF* 159 500 049 a Field Mount Transm2it6te.7r m(3m-8150-1 or 26.7 mm0, -1 O-ring Material 3-9900-1) are required( 1(s.0o5ld in s.)eparately), (1.05 in.) 1 FPM 198 801 000 or can be ordered fully assembled (See page 25). 2 EPR (EPDM) 198 820 006-0 = 152 mm (6.0 in.) -1 = 185 mm (7.3 in.) 3 FFKM 198 820 007 Refer to the Signet Measurement and - Sensor Length** Control Product Catalog for additional information. 0 DN15 to DN100 (0.5 to 4 in.) 1 DN125 to DN200 (5 to 8 in.) PVDF Sensor body assembly built with a Example Part Number *Only available with Natural PVDF Rotors combination of PVC and PVDF material. 3 - 8 5 1 0 - 1 3 5 2 - 1 **Sensor length 1 not available in PVDF Material in contact with liquid is PVDF. Integral paddlewheel sensor, PP body, ETFE Rotor, Ceramic PVDF only available in X0 and X1 lengths. pin, EPR (EPDM) O-ring, for a DN125 to DN200 (5 in. to 8 in.) pipe. 8510 Sensor 8512 Sensor General General Operating Range, 8510 0.3 to 6 m/s 1 to 20 ft/s Operating Range, 8512 0.1 to 6 m/s 0.3 to 20 ft/s Pipe Size Range DN15 to DN900 ½ to 36 in. Pipe Size Range DN15 to DN900 ½ to 36 in. Linearity ±.01% of max. range @ 25 °C (77 °F) Linearity ±1.0% of max. range @ 25 °C (77 °F) Repeatability ±0.5% of max. range @ 25 °C (77 °F) Repeatability ±0.5% of max. range @ 25 °C (77 °F) Cable Length 7.6 m (25 ft) can be extended up to Cable Length 7.6 m (25 ft) can be extended up to 60 m (200 ft) maximum 60 m (200 ft) maximum Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating - Standard and Integral Sensor Max. Temperature/Pressure Ratings PP 12.5 bar @ 20 °C 181 psi @ 68 °F PP 12.5 bar @ 20 °C 180 psi @ 68 °F 1.7 bar @ 90 °C 25 psi @ 194 °F 1.7 bar @ 85 °C 25 psi @ 185 °F PVDF 14.0 bar @ 20 °C 203 psi @ 68 °F PVDF 14 bar @ 20 °C 200 psi @ 68 °F 1.4 bar @ 100 °C 20 psi @ 212 °F 1.7 bar @ 85 °C 25 psi @ 185 °F Operating Temperature Operating Temperature PP -18 °C to 90 °C 0 °F to 194 °F PP -18 °C to 85 °C 0 °F to 185 °F PVDF -18 °C to 100 °C 0 °F to 212 °F PVDF -18 °C to 85 °C 0 °F to 185 °F Shipping Weight Shipping Weight 3-8510-X0 0.23 kg 0.50 lb 3-8512-X0 0.454 kg 1.00 lb 3-8510-X1 0.23 kg 0.50 lb 3-8512-X1 0.476 kg 1.05 lb Standards and Approvals Standards and Approvals RoHS compliant, China RoHS CE, FCC Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and ISO 14001 for RoHS compliant, China RoHS Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and ISO 14001 for Occupational Health and Safety Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. www.gfsignet.com 5

SAP Material Number 150 301 001 Flow >> 3 - 2 5 5 2 - 4 X-X X S Process Connector 1 1 in. NPT 2 1 in. ISO - Output Type 11S Digital (S3L)/Freq. Output 12S 4 to 20 mA Output Example Part Number 3 - 2 5 5 2 - 4 1 - 1 1 S Submersible Magmeter, 1 in. NPT process connection, Submersible sensor with frequency output and 25 feet of cable. Extended cables available. Please see page 2 for ordering information. The Signet 2552 Submersible Metal Magmeter features a sensor manufactured in stainless steel with 276.3 mm a PVDF nosepiece, waterproof cable (10.88 in.) assembly and CPVC waterproof back seal. The 2552 installs quickly into 33.27 mm standard 1 in. ISO or NPT outlet and is (1.31 in.) adjustable to fit pipes up to 32 inches. 25.4 mm (1.0 in.) 63.5 mm 127 mm The waterproof design allows the (2.5 in.) 5 in. sensor to be installed in underwater piping systems at levels up to 4.6 m (15.09 ft). Select the blind 4 to 20 mA current The Signet 0252 Configuration Tool WARNING: output to interface directly with data is available to customize every BE CAREFUL INSTALLING THE SENSOR. loggers, PLCs or telemetry systems. performance feature in the 2552 so it ONCE THE PROCESS CONNECTOR IS Key features include empty pipe can be adapted to the user’s application PROPERLY TIGHTENED THE SENSOR detection and bidirectional span requirements. capability (4 to 20 mA models). CAN NOT BE DISASSEMBLED AND REINSTALLED. Refer to the Signet Measurement and Control Product Catalog for additional information. Wetted Materials: Short Circuit Protected < 30 V @ 0 Ω pull-up for one hour Body and Electrodes 316L Stainless Steel Reverse Polarity Protected to -40 V for 1 hour Insulator PVDF Overvoltage Protected to +40 V for 1 hour Cable 4-cond, rubber cable assembly with NEMA Max. Current Sink 50 mA, current limited 6P connector, 25 ft standard, custom Maximum cable 300 m (1000 ft) length available Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating Power Requirements Storage Temp. -15 °C to 70 °C 5 °F to 158 °F 4 to 20 mA 21.6 to 26.4 VDC, 22.1 mA maximum (non-icing conditions) Frequency 4.5 to 26.4 VDC, 15 mA maximum Operating Temperature Digital (S3L) 4.5 to 6.5 VDC, 15 mA maximum Ambient Temp. -15 °C to 70 °C 5 °F to 158 °F Reverse polarity and short circuit protected (non-icing conditions) Performance Media -15 °C to 85 °C 5 °F to 185 °F Pipe Size Range DN40 to DN1200 (1.5 in. to 48 in.) Max. Operating 20.7 bar @ 25 °C 300 psi @ 77 °F Flow Range Pressure Shipping Weight Minimum 0.05 m/s (0.15 ft/s) 2.50 kg 5.51 lb Maximum 10 m/s (33 ft/s) Sensor ships 5 m/s Standards and Approvals Linearity ±(1% reading + 0.01 m/s) CE, FCC ±(1% reading + 0.033 ft/s) RoHS Compliant, China RoHS Repeatability ±0.5% of reading @ 25°C NEMA 6P (IP68) (submersible cable models) Signet recommends Min. Conductivity 20 µS/cm maximum 3 m (10 ft) submersion depth for maximum 10 days Electrical continuous submersion. Frequency output/S3L compatible with Signet 8900, 9900 and 9950 Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality, ISO 14001 for Max. Pull-up Voltage 30 VDC Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety. Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 6 www.gfsignet.com

SAP Material Number 150 301 001 Flow >> High Temperature, High Pressure - Boiler package P 5 2 5 -X X-X X X Sensor Body / Rotor / Pin Material / Fitting 1 ½ - 1 in. Stainless Steel/Stainless Steel/Tungsten/Mini-tap 2 1¼ - 12 in. Stainless Steel/Stainless Steel/Tungsten/ Weld-on Mini-tap 1S ½ - 1 in. Stainless Steel/Stainless Steel/Stainless Steel/ Mini-tap 2S 1½ - 12 in. Stainless Steel/Stainless Steel/Stainless Steel/ Weld-on Mini-tap 2H 1½ - 12 in. Hastelloy-C/Stainless Steel/Stainless Steel/Customer supplied saddle or fitting only – Cable Length 050 15.2 m (50 ft) 075 22.8 m (75 ft) Signet P525 Metalex Sensor is a high pressure, high temperature 100 30.5 m (100 ft) paddlewheel sensor. The 316 L stainless steel version is ideal for Example Part Number monitoring boiler feed water and condensate return water. P 5 2 5 - 1 S - 0 5 0 High Temperature, High Pressure flow sensor, ½ - 1 in. Stainless Steel body, Stainless Steel rotor, Stainless Steel pin, with mini-tap The corrosion resistant Hastelloy-C fitting, 15.2 m (50 ft) of cable. version is ideal for desalination processes. Refer to the Signet Measurement P525-1, P525-1S P525-2, P525-2S, P525-2H and Control Product Catalog for additional information. SIGNET SIGNET 38.4 mm (1.5 in.) 63.5 mm (2.5 in.) 27 mm (1.06 in.) 27 mm (1.06 in.) Custom stainless steel manifold available in ¾ inch to 12 inch. General Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating Operating Range 0.5 to 6 m/s 1.6 to 20 ft/s Socket Weld or Weld-On 103 bar (1500 psi @ safety factor Pipe Size Range DN15 to DN300 ½ to 12 in. Mini-Tap Fittings 1.5) @ 149 °C (300 °F) Strap-on Saddle Fitting 21 bar (305 psi) @ 66 °C (151 °F) Wetted Materials Operating Temperature -18 °C to 149 °C 0 °F to 300 °F Sensor Body 316 SS (ACI type CF-8M per ASTM A351), DIN 17440 Shipping Weight Rotor Material CB7Cu-1 Alloy P525-1/-1S 0.723 kg 1.60 lb Rotor Pin Tungsten Carbide GRP 1 or P525-2/-2S 0.774 kg 1.70 lb 316 stainless steel Standards and Approvals Retainers (2) 316 stainless steel (1.4401) RoHS compliant, China RoHS Rotor Bearings (2) Carbon fiber reinforced PTFE Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and Gasket KLINGER®sil C-4401 ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and (supplied with fitting) OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. www.gfsignet.com 7

SAP Material Number 150 301 002 pH/ORP >> Wet-Tap pH Electrodes 3 - 2 7 5 6 -W T P -X X – Special Feature HF Hydrofluoric Acid LC Low Conductivity, 0 to 100 µs Example Part Number 3 - 2 7 5 6 -W T P - LC pH Wet-Tap electrode, for Low conductivity applications. Wet-Tap ORP Electrodes 3 - 2 7 5 7 -W T P -X X – Special Feature The Wet-Tap sensors allow installation G Gold Electrode and removal of pH or ORP electrodes, LC Low Conductivity, 0 to 100 µs even under process pressure, without the need for process shutdown HDPE reference junction for HDPE-PR during routine electrode maintenance aquariums/salt water and calibration. Automatic process isolation is achieved during electrode retraction with a double O-ring seal 35 mm on a unique and compact retraction 3719 Wet-Tap Assembly(1.4 in.) assembly. A patented cam-activated automatic locking mechanism, A separate valve is not required. SafeLoc®, and the short stroke design help to assure operator Refer to the Signet Measurement and safety. The Wet-Tap assembly can Control Product Catalog for additional be mounted at any angle and can information. be used with the Signet DryLoc® Wet-Tap electrodes. 218 mm (8.57 in.) 3719 Wet-Tap assembly sold separately 11.9 mm (0.47 in.) General O-rings FPM Operating Range pH 0 to 14 pH Connector CPVC ORP Application dependent Max. Temperature Rating Connector CPVC DryLoc Operating 0 °C to 85 °C 32 °F to 185 °F Temperature 3K Balco for pH Temperature Sensor (pH) Recommended Storage Temperature Reference Junctions Porous PTFE 0 °C to 50 °C 32 °F to 122 °F Electrolyte Saturated KCl The electrode glass will shatter if shipped or stored at temperature Elements Ag/AgCl below 0 °C (32 °F) Impedance (pH) < 150 MΩ @ 25 °C The performance life of the electrode will shorten if stored at Wetted Materials temperatures above 50 °C (122 °F) Body glass (bulb) PAS (Polyaryl sulphone) Shipping Weight Reference Junctions Porous PTFE 0.20 kg 0.44 lb Sensing Surface pH Glass Membrane Standards and Approvals ORP Platinum Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 8 www.gfsignet.com

SAP Material Number 150 301 002 pH/ORP >> M K 7 X X MK7 Wet-Tap Assembly Complete with Electrode 316 L Stainless Steel Wet-Tap pH Sensor 21 Assembly with 1 in. SS ball valve 316 L Stainless Steel Wet-Tap ORP Sensor 23 Assembly with 1 in. SS ball valve Replacement Electrodes P71733-1 pH Replacement Electrodes for MK 721 P72733-1 ORP Replacement Electrodes for MK 723 Example Part Number M K 7 2 1 pH Wet-Tap assembly, Stainless Steel with Wet-Tap pH/ORP assemblies are sensor and 1 in. Stainless Steel ball valve. ideal for hard to reach applications. Its ¾ in. diameter allows insertion into narrow tank openings, flow lines, and gives greater stability in highly agitated vessels. 3/4" NPT Maintenance time is reduced, since there is only one active element to be serviced, and it is readily accessible, requiring no tools for removal. Optional junction box CL.I, Application Notes GR. C, D and CL.II, GR. E, F, Wetted materials of construction G explosion proof, weather-proof, painted aluminum are 316 stainless steel and CPVC, with double O-ring seals of EPR (EPDM). The outer O-ring absorbs The wet tap electrode can be any chemical attack, allowing the 432 mm wired to the 2750 pH/ORP inner to provide reliable sealing (17 in.) electronics using the 2722 in a protected environment. A 124 BNC to DryLoc® adapter. See mm (5 in.) long cartridge containing a combination pH or ORP sensor, page 18. Optional Wet-Tap snaps into the end of the stainless valve assembly steel body. TC elements are potted in the body itself. Special only, not in the Signet Adjustable Measurement and Control Product 76.2 to 228.6 mm 2722 BNC to Catalog. Contact GF Signet for 1" NPT (3 to 9 in.) DryLoc® adapter more information. past thread Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating Electrical Requires the 3-2722 to connect to Standard Sensor 100 PSIG @ 100 °C pH/ORP electronics. Sensor Only with Ball Valve Removed Temperature Compensation Valve Assembly 50 PSIG @ All Temperatures pH Wet-Tap 3K Balco Wetted Materials ORP Wet-Tap 10 KΩ ID Resistor Body 316 Stainless Steel Shipping Weight Sensor pH CPVC, PVDF Junction Wet-Tap assembly 2.27 kg 5.0 lb ORP CPVC, PVDF Junction, Platinum pin pH electrode 0.22 kg 0.49 lb O-rings EPR (EPDM) ORP electrode 0.22 kg 0.49 lb Connections Standards and Approvals Sensor pH Process ¾ in. NPT CE Valve 1 in. NPT Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. www.gfsignet.com 9

SAP Material Number 150 301 002 pH/ORP >> 3 - 2 7 7 X-X X-X Electrode 4 Flat Glass pH 5 Flat ORP 6 Bulb pH with protection 7 Bulb ORP with protection Special Feature HT High Temperature in-line applications (pH) HF Hydrofluoric acid applications <3% (pH) AU Gold Electrode (ORP only) Flat Protected Cable Option Glass Bulb – In-line sensor, NPT Example Part Number The Signet 2774-2777 pH and ORP Cable end for high temperature Electrodes feature a unique foul-proof 3 - 2 7 7 6 - H T- C C submersible applications only DryLoc® connector with gold-plated pH electrode with a protected bulb tip, for High Temperature contacts designed specifically for applications, cable for submersible application. ISO In-line sensor, ISO use with the Signet 2750 and 2760 preamplifiers, sensor electronics, and In-line pipe installation only 38.6 mm connectors. 38.6 mm (1.52 in.)(1.52 in.) The high temperature sensors are 35.5 mm35.5 mm available for in-line applications (1.4 in.)(1.4 in.) and allows the standard preamps and electronics to be used. For hot 29.2 mm submersible applications, a cable version 29.2 mm128.3 mm 128.3 mm (1.15 in.) of the sensor is available to locate the (1.15 in.)(5.05 in.) (5.05 in.) 3/4 in. preamps and electronics safely outside NPT the elevated application temperature. 0.64 mm 0.64 mm (0.25 in.) (0.25 in.) 32 mm 3/4 in. 43mm Refer to the Signet Measurement and insertion 22.8 mm insertion(1.3 in.) NPT (1.7 in.)depth, typical depth, typical Control Product Catalog for additional (0.9 in.) information. 22.1mm 22.1 mm (0.87 in.) (0.87 in.) 3-2722 BNC DryLoc Adapter The 2722 DryLoc adapter is used to Flat Electrode Bulb Electrode connect the Signet high temperature pH and ORP electrodes used in submersible Submersible installation applications to the 2750/2760 electronics. 139.7 mm 4.6 m (5.5 in.) 15.24 mm (15 feet) (0.60 in.) 38.6 mm (1.52 in.) 29.21 mm dia. 24.64 mm flats 22.1 mm (1.15 in.) (0.97 in.) (0.87 in.) 35.6mm (1.4 in.) 3/4 in. NPT threads 34.8 mm (1.37 in.) 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) High Temperature, Submersible option requires the 2722 BNC to Dryloc adapter to electronics, see page 16 and 18. General Recommended Storage Temperature Operating Range 2774/2776 0 to 14 pH 0 °C to 50 °C 32 °F to 122 °F 2775/2777 ±2000 mV (ORP) The electrode glass will break if shipped or stored at temperature Wetted Materials below 0 °C (32 °F) Body PPS The performance life of the electrode will shorten Reference PTFE if stored at temperatures above 50 °C (122 °F) Junction Shipping Weight Sensing Surface pH Glass 0.25 kg 0.55 lb membrane Standards and Approvals ORP Platinum or gold Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality O-rings FPM Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating Max Temperature 110 °C 230 °F Max. Pressure 10 bar 150 psi Higher temperature and pressure sensors are available upon request. Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 10 www.gfsignet.com

SAP Material Number 150 301 002 pH/ORP >> 6 -X 7 X X-X X X 6-2760-WTA ORP Wet-Tap sensor assembly, PVC (sensor ordered separately) 6-3760-WTA pH Wet-Tap sensor assembly, PVC (sensor ordered separately) 6-2705-WT ORP Wet-Tap electrode, general purpose 6-2704-WT pH Wet-Tap electrode, general purpose Example Part Number 6 - 2 7 6 0 -W TA ORP Wet-Tap assembly. ORP Wet-Tap Sensor sold separately. PVC Wet-Tap pH or ORP sensors assemblies are ideal for hard to reach applications, such as tanks, and high maintenance applications Electrode that require more frequent cleaning. Built in temperature element for pH or a 10K ID resistor to allow use with 22.352 mm2.032 mm (0.88 in.) the 3-2750-X smart electronics or (0.08 in.) 34.544 mm the 3-2760-X preamplifiers. (1.36 in.) Maintenance time is reduced by Ø 22.86 mm easily removing the sensor without (0.900 in.) process interruption or shut down. The sensor is easily replaced with 64.008 mm no tools required. (2.52 in.) Wetted material, PVC. Special only, not in the Signet Measurement and Control Product Catalog. Contact GF Signet for more information. Wet-Tap Assembly 139.7 mm 53.34 mm (5.5 in.) 35.56 mm (2.1 in.) (1.40 in.) Ø 22.86 mm 38.608 mm (0.90 in.) (1.52 in.) 457.2 mm (18.0 in.) Shipping Weight Wet Tap Assembly (without electrode) 0.68 kg 1.50 lb pH Electrode 0.22 kg 0.49 lb ORP Electrode 0.22 kg 0.49 lb Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. www.gfsignet.com 11

SAP Material Number 150 301 003 Conductivity >> 3 - 2 8 X X-X X X-X X X Cell Constant 19 K = 0.01 20 K = 0.1 21 K = 1.0 – Sensor Body Material 1 316 Stainless Steel 2 Hastelloy-C 276 3 Titanium 4 Monel Process Connection K ½ in. NPT PVDF S ½ in. NPT Stainless Steel Signet 2819-2821 Conductivity/ Resistivity Electrodes are designed 2819 28 0 282 P ¾ in. NPT Polypropylene 2819-x 2820-x 2821-x to provide versatile installation ¾ in. Dual Stainless Steel and accurate sensing across a 4.6 m (15 ft) DS (To install into 2850 electronics, see page 13) very broad dynamic range. These cable (std) electrodes are built with a controlled ¾ in. Dual TitaniumDT surface finish to ensure accuracy 152 mm (To install into 2850 electronics, see page 13) and repeatability. The electrodes (6 in.) S1 1 -1½ in. Tri-clamp Stainless Steel* are with a choice of 4 different ¾ in. NPT S2 2 in. Tri-clamp Stainless Steel* materials for maximum chemical 107 mm compatibility. 49.5 mm (4.2 in.) T1 1 -1½ in. Tri-clamp Titanium* (1.95 in.) 20.3 mm T2 2 in. Tri-clamp Titanium* A platinum RTD (PT1000) located (0.8 in.) 7.6 mm within the electrode allows optimal (0.3 in.) O-ring Material temperature sensing. - EPR (EPDM) - standard material 12.7 mm 1 FPM Refer to the Signet Measurement (0.5 in.) and Control Product Catalog for - Cable Length additional information. 025 7.6 m (25 ft) 3-2819-S1 050 15.2 m (50 ft) 075 22.8 m (75 ft) 100 30.5 m (100 ft) *See 3-2819.606-X, page 13. Example Part Number 3 - 2 8 2 0 - 2 K- 0 5 0 Conductivity sensor, K = 0.1, Hastelloy-C electrode, ½ in. PVDF NPT process connector, EPR (EPDM) O-ring, 15.2 m (50 ft) of cable. *Tri-clamp sensors are available in Stainless Steel and Titanium only. General Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating Operating Range 3-2819 0.055 µS to 18.2 MΩ to 0.02 to 50 ppm Standard Polypro Fitting 6.9 bar @ 100 °C 100 psi @ 212 °F 100 µS 10 KΩ Optional ½ in. NPT 316 SS 13.8 bar @ 120 °C 200 psi @ 248 °F 3-2820 1 µS to 1 MΩ to 0.5 to 500 ppm fitting (3-2820.392) 1000 µS 1 KΩ Shipping Weight 3-2821 10 µS to 5 to 5,000 ppm 0.40 kg 0.88 lb 10,000 µS Standards and Approvals Cell Constant Accuracy ±2% of reading (certified cells ±1%) Temperature Compensation PT1000 RoHS compliant, China RoHS Device Wetted Materials O-rings EPR (EPDM)) Insulator Material Carbon fiber reinforced PTFE Electrodes 316L stainless steel (1.4408, DIN 17440) Hastelloy-C, Titanium or Monel Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 12 www.gfsignet.com

SAP Material Number 150 301 003 Conductivity >> 3 - 2 8 5 0 -X X-X X-X - Output 51 Digital (S3L) 52 4 to 20 mA - Cell Constant 19 K= 0.01 20 K= 0.1 21 K= 1.0 Sensor Body and Process - Connection Material S 316 L Stainless Steel T Titanium Example Part Number 3-2850 electronics can be ordered using the 2819, 2820 and 2821 3 - 2 8 5 0 - 5 1 - 2 1 -T Conductivity sensor, digital (S3L) output, K = 1.0 cell constant, series conductivity sensors for Titanium body and process connection. applications where a longer sensor length is needed. Wetted Material: Wetted Materials Choose Titanium process connector and sensor body or 316L Stainless O-rings EPR (EPDM) Steel. Insulator Material Carbon fiber reinforced PTFE Electrodes 316L stainless steel (1.4408, DIN 17440) or Titanium See Signet Measurement and Control Product Catalog for Shipping Weight a dditional specifications for: 0.79 kg 1.75 lb 3-2819 3-2850-51 Standards and Approvals 3-2820 3-2850-52 3-2821 CE, FCC RoHS compliant, China RoHS 3 - 2 8 1 9 . 6 0 6 -X - Process Connection Material S 316L Stainless Steel T Titanium Example Part Number 3 - 2 8 1 9 . 6 0 6 - S 3/4 inch dual NPT Adapter, Stainless Steel connection 3/4 in. NPT Process mount 3/4 in. NPT Instrument/Jbox mount PTFE Backup rings, 2 316 SS Stop washer 2-111 Seating O-ring The 3-2819.606-X dual NPT adapter can 2-112 EDPM O-rings, 2 Retainer Plug, 3-28119-606-X be used to adapt the 3-2819-1, 3-2820-1 Stainless or Brass or the 3-2821-1 Conductivity sensor to Seat snugly witth one wrench, while hand holding the fitting. the 3-2850-5X electronics. Do not over tighten by using two wrenches! See page 12. Shipping Weight 0.20 kg 0.44 lb Standards and Approvals CE Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. www.gfsignet.com 13

SAP Material Number 150 301 003 Conductivity >> 3 - 2 8 2 X-X X X-X X X Cell Constant 2 K = 10.0 3 K = 20.0 – Sensor Body/Electrode Material 1 Stainless Steel 2 Hastelloy-C 276 3 Titanium 4 Monel Process Connection K ¾ in. NPT PVDF S ¾ in. Stainless Steel C PVC Submersible Signet 2822-2823 Conductivity Sensors are designed to provide O-ring Material versatile installation and accurate - EPR (EPDM) -Standard material sensing across a broad dynamic range. These sensors are built with 1 FPM a controlled surface finish to ensure - Cable Length accuracy and repeatability. 025 7.6 m (25 ft 172.7 mm The standard material of c4o.6n ms (t1r5u ftc) tion (6.8 in.) 050 15.2 m (50 ft) is 316L SS, but there are otchabelre (mstde) tals 075 22.8 m (75 ft) available for maximum chemical compatibility. 100 30.5 m (100 ft)203 mm (8.0 in.) Example Part Number A platinum RTD (PT1000) located 3 - 2 8 2 3 - 3 K 1 - 0 7 5 within the electrode provides ¾ in. Conductivity Sensor, K = 20, Titanium electrode, FPM O-ring, PVDF accurate temperature sensing. NPT ¾ in. NPT process connector with 22.8 m (75 ft) cable. 152.4 mm (6 in.) Refer to the Signet Measurement and Control Product Catalog for additional information. 76.2 mm (3.0 in.) 172.7 mm (6.8 in.) 4.6 m (15 ft) 19 mm cable (std) (0.75H ina.s) telloy-C, Titanium and Stainless Steel Monel sensor style are required 203 mm sensor style to be longer in length to meet the (8.0 in.) pressure rating of the full Stainless Steel version ¾ in. NPT 152.4 mm (6 in.) 76.2 mm (3.0 in.) 19 mm (0.75 in.) General Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating Operating Range 3-2822 100 to 200,000 µS 50 to 100,000 ppm Model 3-2823, SS Style 6.9 bar @ 150 °C 100 psi @ 302 °F 3-2823 200 to 400,000 µS 100 to 200,000 ppm Any Model, Hasteloy-C, 5.86 bar @ 100 °C 85 psi @ 212 °F Monel, Titanium style Temperature Compensation PT1000 Device Shipping Weight Wetted Materials 3-2822 0.40 kg 0.88 lb O-rings EPR (EPDM) 3-2823 0.30 kg 0.66 lb Insulator Material PEEK® Standards and Approvals Process Connection Electrodes See Matrix RoHS compliant, China RoHS Standard 316 SS See Matrix fitting Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 14 www.gfsignet.com

SAP Material Number 150 301 003 Conductivity >> 3 - 2 8 X X-X X-X X X Cell Constant 39 K = 0.01 40 K = 0.1 41 K = 1.0 42 K = 10 – Sensor Body/Electrode Material 1 316 Stainless Steel ONLY Process Connection V NPT 2839-1XX 2840-1XX 2841-1XX 2842-1XX VD ISO - Cable Length The Signet 2839-2842 Conductivity/ 025 7.6 m (25 ft) Resistivity Electrodes are available in four cell constants from 0.01 050 15.2 m (50 ft) to 10.0 cm-1, and are suitable for 075 22.8 m (75 ft) a wide variety of applications from high purity water quality 100 30.5 m (100 ft) monitoring to weak acids and Example Part Number bases. 316 SS electrode surface f in ishes are control led in a 3 - 2 8 4 0 - 1 V D - 0 7 5 Conductivity Sensor, K = 0.1, Stainless steel electrode, precision bead blasting operation ISO Process Connection with 22.8 m (75 ft) cable. to ensure measurement accuracy and repeatability (sensor body is PVDF). 3-2839-1 (0.01 cell) 3-2840-1 (0.1 cell) 3-2841-1 (1.0 cell) 3-2842-1 (10.0 cell) 4.6 m/15ft 4.6 m/15 ft 4.6 m/15 ft 4.6 m/15 ft A Certificate of Calibration is included cable (std) cable (std) cable (std) cable (std) with all 2839-2842 Conductivity Electrodes. The electrodes are calibrated to meet 2% accuracy. Electrodes can be shipped back to the GF Signet Factory for recertification. 67.8 mm 67.8 mm 67.8 mm 67.8 mm (2.67 in.) (2.67 in.) (2.67 in.) (2.67 in.) Refer to the Signet Measurement 103 mm 109 mm 109 mm 140.7 mm (4.3 in.) and Control Product Catalog for (4.05 in.) (4.3 in.)(5.54 in.) additional information. 35 mm 41.3 mm 41.3 mm 21.5 mm (0.85 in.) (1.38 in.) 26.8 mm (1.13 in.) (1.63 in.) 26.8 mm (1.13 in.) (1.63 in.) 73 mm 59.3 mm (2.88 in.) 16 mm 16 mm 16 mm (2.33 in.) (0.63 in.) (0.63 in.) (0.63 in.) Dual threads ¾ NPT or ISO 7/1-R ¾ front and back 16 mm (0.63 in.) General Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating Operating Range 131 °C @ 2.76 bar 268 °F @ 40 psi 2839 0.055 µS to 0.02 ppm to 18.2 MΩ Storage -20 °C to 131 °C -4 °F to 268 °F 100 µS 50 ppm to 10 KΩ Temperature 2840 1 µS to 0.5 ppm to 1 MΩ Shipping Weight 1,000 µS 500 ppm to 1 KΩ 2839 0.34 kg 0.75 lb 2841 10 µS to 5 ppm to 2840, 2841, 10,000 µS 5,000 ppm 2842 0.30 kg 0.66 lb 2842 100 µS to 50 ppm to 200,000 µS 100,000 ppm Standards and Approvals Wetted Materials RoHS compliant, China RoHS Internal O-ring Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and FPM (2841 and 2842) ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health Insulator Material PVDF and Safety Electrode Material 316L SS Threaded Process PVDF Connection Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. www.gfsignet.com 15

SAP Material Number 150 301 003 Conductivity >> 3 - 2 8 X X-W TA Cell Constant 19 K = 0.01 20 K = 0.1 21 K = 1.0 22 K = 10.0 23 K = 20.0 Sensor A ½ in. dia. sensor B ¾ in. dia. sensor Example Part Number 3 - 2 8 2 0 -W TA - B Valve-Insertion Sensor assembly. Conductivity sensor, K = 0.1, Wet-Tap electrode assembly These insertion sensors are best with ¾ inch length sensor. suited for difficult applications in which the process line can not be interrupted, depressurized or is difficult to reach. These insertion sensors are also excellent for Version “A” ½ inch diameter sensor condensate return monitoring Cell constants 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 configuration and not for boiler blowdown. The O-rings are chosen for best general Insertion depth,22.8 cm (9 in.) maximum 13.7 cm (15.4 in.) chemical resistance, not for steam 15.2 cm (6 in.) minimum service*. 12.7 mm (0.500 in.) Wetted materials are 316L stainless steel and PTFE or PEEK, with double 14.2 mm (0.5 in.) to 14.7 mm (0.5 in.) O-ring seals of EPR (EPDM). Junction 19.0 mm (¾ in.) NPT box is aluminium. 12.7 mm Version “B” ¾ inch diameter sensor (½ in.) NPT Sensor can be used with the 2850 electronics or the Conductivity Cell constant 10 and 20 configuration Module and 9900 Transmitter. 43.1 cm (17 in.) *NOTE: 19.0 mm T he Version “B” ¾” diameter sensor transmits 44% of (¾ in.) the line pressure as force trying to push the sensor A out of the line. At 50 psi, the operator will have to "A" is the working length of the sensor tip, a value hold back the equivalent of a 22 pound weight with determined by the length of the internal flow path one arm when retracting the sensor (difficult for and location of the temperature compensation element. the average person). At 100 psi, the force to handle with one arm is 44 pounds (difficult to the point of dangerous, if there is hot fluid in the line). The Version “A” ½” diameter sensor transmits only 19.6% of the line pressure outward, less than half the force from Special only, not in the Signet Measurement the ½” diameter sensor. It can therefore be safely and Control Product Catalog. Contact GF Signet operated at pressures up to 100 psi. for more information. General Temperature and Pressure Rating Cell Constant Stand Alone Sensor 6.8 bar / 100 psi at 120 °C (no ball valve) 0.01 With Ball Valve 3.5 bar / 50 psi at all temperatures 0.1 (no exceptions) 1 ½ inch sensor 6.8 bar/100 psi 10 ¾ inch sensor 3.5 bar/50 psi at all temperatures Connections 20 Sensor assembly ¾ in. NPT Wetted Materials Ball valve 1 in. NPT 316 Stainless Steel Shipping Weight PVDF 2819, 2820, 2821 1.60 kg 3.5 lb EPR (EPDM) O-rings 2822, 2823 2.50 kg 5.5 lb Temperature Element PT1000 Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 16 www.gfsignet.com

SAP Material Number 150 301 003 Conductivity >> High Temperature, High Pressure 3 - 2 8 X X- H T H P Cell Constant 19 K = 0.01 20 K = 0.1 21 K = 1.0 Example Part Number MetalexFlowSensor 3 - 2 8 2 0 - H T H P (P525) Conductivity sensor, K = 0.1, High Temperature, High Pressure. ConductivitySensor (3-28XX-HTHP) 19.05 mm (3/4 in.) Conduit 19.05 mm (3/4 in.) NPT Custom stainless steel manifold available in ¾ inch to 12 inch. Note: Use the P525 Metalex The 28XX-HTHP Conductivity Sensor is Sensor to monitor boiler feed water and designed for the high temperature and pressures normally found in boiler 25.4 mm condensate return. (1.0 in.) applications. 140 mm (5.5 in.) Ideal applications include blow-down control, condensate return monitoring, Contact GF Signet leak detection on heat exchanges and Max Pressure/Temperature ratingsSpecial products for prices steam purity measurement. High Temperature Sensor 250 psig at 205 °Con a boiler control package, 500 psig at 100 °C Wetted materials include, 316L Conductivity Senors, Wetted Materials Stainless steel, PEEK, EPR (EPDM) Metalex Flow Sensor and/ Electrodes 316L Stainless Steel O-rings. Available in three cell or 9900 Transmitters. O-rings PEEK, EPR (EPDM) constants. Shipping Weight Special only, not in the Signet 1.02 kg 2.25 lb Measurement and Control Product Catalog. Contact GF Signet for more information. 3 - 2 8 X X- H P Cell Constant 22 K = 10.0 23 K = 20.0 Example Part Number 2822-HP 3 - 2 8 2 2 - H P Conductivity sensor, K = 10.0, High Pressure. 190.5 mm 96.52 mm (7.5 in.) (3.8 in.) 73.66 mm (2.9 in.) 19.05 mm The 28XX-HP Conductivity Sensor (0.75 in.) is designed for high pressure applications. Max Pressure/Temperature ratings Wetted materials include 316L High Pressure Sensor 500 psig at 25 °C stainless steel, PEEK, EPR (EPDM) Wetted Materials O-rings. Available in two cell Electrodes 316L Stainless Steel constants. Shipping Weight Special only, not in the Signet 1.02 kg 2.25 lb Measurement and Control Product Catalog. Contact GF Signet for more information. Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. www.gfsignet.com 17

SAP Material Number 150 301 004 Temperature/ Pressure >> 3 - 2 3 5 0 -X-X X X – Sensor 3 S3L or 4 to 20 mA output - Process Connector - ¾ in. NPT process connector U ½ in. Union process connector - Cable 025 7.6 m (25 ft) 050 15.2 m (50 ft) 075 22.8 m (75 ft) The Signet 2350 Temperature Sensor 100 30.5 m (100 ft) has a one piece injection molded Example Part Number PVDF body that is ideal for use in high 3 - 2 3 5 0 - 3 - 0 7 5 * S pecial only, not in the Signet purity applications. It also outlasts 3 Measurement and Control Temperature sensor, S L or 4 to 20 mA output, metal sensors in aggressive liquids ¾ in. NPT process connector, with 22.8 m (75 ft) cable Product Catalog. Contact GF Signet for more information. and eliminates the need for costly custom thermowells. These sensors will have both a proprietary digital (S3L) output and field-scaleable 4 to 20 mA output. Dual threaded ends (¾ in. NPT) allow Shipping Weight submersion in process vessels, or in-line installation with conduit 0.22 kg 0.49 lb connection. An integral adapter Standards and Approvals kit (sold separately) may be used CE, FCC to create a compact assembly with RoHS compliant, China RoHS field mount versions of the Signet 9900 Transmitter, or see page 28 Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety to purchase a complete integral temperature/9900 sensor assembly. 3 - 2 4 5 0 - 7 X-X-X X X 7 ½ in. Union Adapter GF Signet can custom span the 4 to 20 mA output to customers requirements. Pressure range Can be ranged to vacuum U 0 to 0.7 bar (0 to 10 psi) Vacuum Range L 0 to 3.4 bar (0 to 50 psi) U -0.1 to 0.7 bar -1.5 to 10 psi H 0 to 17 bar (0 to 250 psi) L -0.41 to 3.4 bar -6.0 to 50 psi O-ring Material H -0.96 to 17.2 bar -14.6 to 250 psi - FPM The 2450 Pressure Sensor has a 1 EPR (EPDM) one-piece injection molded PVDF – Cable Length body and ceramic diaphragm for superior compatibility in corrosive 025 7.6 m (25 ft) liquids. Three pressure versions 050 15.2 m (50 ft) allow for optimal resolution matched 075 22.8 m (75 ft) to your sensing needs. Solid state Example Part Number circuitry eliminates drift (no internal 3 - 2 4 5 0 - 7 U - 1 0 0 100 30.5 m (100 ft) potentiometers). These sensors will Pressure sensor, 0-10 psi with 30.5 m (100 ft) cable have both a proprietary digital (S3L) output, or field-scaleable Shipping Weight 4 to 20 mA output. 0.150 kg 0.33 lb An integral mount kit (3-8052, sold Standards and Approvals separately) may be used to create a compact assembly with field mount CE, FCC versions of the Signet 9900, or see RoHS compliant, China RoHS page 28 to purchase a complete Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and ISO integral pressure/9900 sensor 14001 for Environmental Management and OHSAS assembly. 18001 for Occupational Health and Safety Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 18 www.gfsignet.com

SAP Material Number 150 301 004 pH/ORP >> 3 - 2 7 5 0 -X-X X X – Type of electronics 3 Submersible Gray Body, ¾ in. NPT threads 4 Submersible Gray Body, ¾ in. ISO threads 7 In-line yellow Body, ¾ in. NPT threads 8 In-line yellow Body, ¾ in. ISO threads – Cable Length 025 7.6 m (25 ft) Submersible In-line 050 15.2 m (50 ft) The Signet 2750 pH/ORP Sensor 075 22.8 m (75 ft) Electronics and 2760 Preamplifier/ Example Part Number 100 30.5 m (100 ft) connector feature the DryLoc® connector, providing robust connection 3 - 2 7 5 0 - 3 - 0 5 0 to Signet DryLoc electrodes. pH/ORP Sensor Electronics, Submersible Gray Body with ¾ in. NPT threads and 50 ft of cable. The 2750 has a preamplified signal and features two different outputs: 3 - 2 7 6 0 -X-X X X a two-wire 4 to 20 mA loop output and a digital (S3L) output and is – Type of electronics compatible with the Signet 8900 or 1 Submersible Gray Body, ¾ in. NPT threads 9900 instruments, or any 4 to 20 mA data logger or PLC. 2 Submersible Gray Body, ¾ in. ISO threads 11 In-line Yellow Body, ¾ in. NPT threads The 2760 Preamplifier allows any DryLoc pH/ORP electrode to work with 21 In-line Yellow Body, ¾ in. ISO threads Signet ProcessPro® and ProPoint® – Cable Length instruments and instruments that do not require preamplified signals. 025 7.6 m (25 ft) 050 15.2 m (50 ft) The 2722 must be used to connect any third party pH or ORP electrode that 075 22.8 m (75 ft) has a BNC connector to Signet 9900 100 30.5 m (100 ft) or 8900 instruments. An external 3K 3-2722 BNC DryLoc Adapter or 10K resistor (not supplied) will be The 2722 DryLoc adapter is used to Submersible In-line required. connect the Signet high temperature pH 31.75 mm 35.0 mm and ORP electrodes used in submersible (1.25 in.) (1.38 in.) Refer to the Signet Measurement and applications to the 2750/2760 electronics. 3/4 in. ISO or3/4 FNPT threads Control Product Catalog for additional information. 38.6 mm (1.52 in.) 82.8 mm (3.26 in.) 102 mm 115.8 mm 35.6mm (4.02 in.) (4.56 in.) (1.4 in.) 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) 56.6 mm (2.23 in.) 61.0 mm (2.40 in.) General Relative Humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing Operating Range pH 0 to 14 pH (without electrode connected) ORP ±2000 mV Storage Temperature Electrical -20 °C to 85 °C -4 °F to 185 °F Power - 2750 12 to 24 VDC ±10%, regulated for Shipping Weight 4 to 20 mA output 2750-1 & -2 0.75 kg 1.65 lb 5 to 6.5 VDC ±5% regulated recommended, 2750-3 & -4 0.64 kg 1.41 lb 3 mA max., for digital (S3L) Standards and Approvals output CE, FCC Accuracy -2750 ±32 µA RoHS compliant, China RoHS Resolution -2750 ±5 µA Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and Update Rate 0.6 seconds ISO 14001 for Environmental Management and Max. Temperature/Pressure Rating OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Health and Submersible 0 °C to 85 °C 32 °F to 185 °F Safety In-line 0 °C to 110 °C 32 °F to 230 °F Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. www.gfsignet.com 19

SAP Material Number 150 301 005 Systems >> 3 - 2 5 0 5 -X X Output Module Option 1C Pulse divider/flow switch/totalizer - Dry-contact relay 2C Pulse divider/flow switch/totalizer - Solid state relay 5C Digital (S3L) Output Example Part Number 6C 4 to 20 mA Output 3 - 2 5 0 5 - 5 C Sensor Electronics in Universal Junction Box, Digital (S3L) Output. The 2505-XX has the Signet 2537 paddlewheel sensor electronics, 95 mm mounted in the universal junction (3.7 in.) box. Use to easi ly upgrade Any Compatible Signet Flow paddlewheel sensors in the field. 82 mm Sensor (2536 shown) The electronics module mounts (3.24 in.) directly onto the pipe or wall, and is compatible with all GF and third 64 mm Sensor Electronics (2.5 in.) party open collector output sensors in junction box with signal levels of 5 to 24 volts and output frequency up to 1000 Hz. 82 mm (3.23 in.) Refer to the Signet Measurement and Control Product Catalog for additional information regarding the 2537 technical specifications. Compatible Signet Flow Sensors 2000 2100 2507 2536 2540 2551 2552 Electrical Power Supply ±1µA per V Multi With Dry-Contact 24 VDC nominal, ±10%, regulated, 30 mA Rejection Relay max current Max. Cable 305 m 1000 ft With Solid-State 6 V to 24 VDC, ±10%, regulated, 30 mA Maximum Loop 600 Ω @ 24 VDC 1 KΩ @ 32 VDC Relay max current Resistance 3 5.0 VDC min to 6.5 VDC max., 30 mA Load Impedance 375 ΩDigital (S L) max current (1.5 mA nominal) Reverse Polarity and Short Circuit Protected Up to 40 V, 1 hour 4 to 20 mA 400 mV max ripple voltage, 30 mA max current Over-voltage Protection > 40 VDC over 1 hour Maximum Pulse 300 Hz Relay SpecificationsRate Mechanical SPDT 5 A @ 30 VDC, 5 A @ 250 VAC Maximum Pulse Width 50 ms Solid-State Relay 100 mA @ 40 VDC, 70 mA @ 33 VAC Minimum Pulse Rate 0.5 Hz Relay Modes Low, High Compatible with PLC, PC or similar equipment Time Delay 0.0 to 6400.0 seconds Compatible with customer supplied metering pump Hysteresis Adjustable for exiting alarm condition Digital (S3L) Version 5 VDC nominal, regulated, 3 mA Shipping Weight max current 0.64 kg 1.41 lb Type Serial ASCII, TTL level 9600 bps Standards and Approvals Max. Cable Length Refer to Signet 8900 wiring specifications. CE, UL, NSF and FCC Compatible with Model Signet 8900 Multi-Parameter Controller China RoHS 4 to 20 mA Version 12 to 32 VDC nominal, ±10%, regulated, Manufactured under ISO 9001 for Quality and ISO 14001 for 21 mA max current Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 for Occupational Loop Accuracy ±32 µA @ 25 °C @ 24 VDC Health and Safety Loop Resolution 5 µA Temp. Drift ±1µA per °C max. Special order products may not meet all of the specifications of the standard sensor assemblies. 20 www.gfsignet.com