2024年 新ポートフォリオ
✓キーワード:オープンネス、IIoT、OPC UA リアルタイム C2C、EUROMAP
✓コントローラ:X67 IO-Link マスター、X20エッジ、X90 APCモバイル
✓工業用PC: APC/PPC3200、APC4100
✓メカトロニクス:ACOPOS 6D、SuperTrak 90°カーブセグメント、ACOPOStrak 180°コンパクト、ACOPOStrak Monitor、マシンセントリックロボティクス(MCR)
✓ドライブ:ACOPOSモータ コンパクトサイズ
ドキュメント名 | B&Rの最新ポートフォリオ Innovations 2024 |
ドキュメント種別 | その他 |
ファイルサイズ | 50.1Mb |
取り扱い企業 | B&R株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |

2024 en
2 I N N OVATI O N S 2 0 24
Innovations 2024
I'm proud to share this year's Innovations, Openness is the future, that much is clear.
where we present some of the most On the following pages, you'll see some of
exciting new additions to the B&R the ways we drive adoption of open
portfolio. As always, our focus in devel- standards and technologies with our latest
oping them is on helping machine builders developments in industrial communication,
and end users turn the forces of industry IIoT, simulation, hardware-independent
transformation into a competitive edge. control and robot mechanics.
In a world of rapid change, we offer the But openness is not an end in itself –
power to adapt to uncertain markets and it's performance we're after. When it comes
individual consumer needs. In an age of to the deterministic timing of motion
heightened environmental conscious- control and mechatronics, or the extreme
ness, we help make intelligent use of demands of machine vision, the best
energy, space and materials. And as outcomes for our customers often rely on
complex technologies meet shrinking the seamless synchronization of a
workforces, we design simplicity and cohesive, integrated solution.
usability into everything we do.
We're especially excited to put these
As I reflect on this collection of our innovations in the hands of our passionate
team's achievements, I am struck by the people. Wherever you are, there's a team of
harmony it finds in combining the virtues B&R experts who can't wait to partner on
of openness with the advantages of your next game-changing solution and
integration. bring your most ambitious visions to life.
Florian Schneeberger,
Chief Technology Officer, B&R
Do more
with less.
More productivity from less space,
using less energy and creating less waste.
Open new
Where teams and technologies converge,
new possibilities emerge.
Build a better
The best solutions for industries today
drive the best outcomes for society tomorrow.
4 I N N OVATI O N S 2 0 24
Where open meets integrated
Intuitive HMI
Scalable control
Integrated Energy-efficient Compact,
machine vision motion control versatile I/O
Adaptive mechatronics Open robot mechanics
Open connectivity Digital twin
Future-proof high Sustainable from the
performance from the start with simulation
field to the cloud
B&R Community IIoT
Open collaboration Data-driven insight
for faster for operational
development excellence
and service
The B&R portfolio
Where open standards and
scalable, interoperable
technologies meet perfectly
orchestrated systems and
universal tools. Where industry-
transforming performance meets
unprecedented adaptability and
usability to master increasing
complexity and rapid change.
6 I N N OVATI O N S 2 0 24
Table of contents
10– 13 Collaboration 34 SiteManager 13xx
36 X20 Edge
10 B&R Community
38 High-density products
14 – 20 Software 40 X90 CP150 standby mode
41 APC mobile certified for ISOBUS
14 Automation Studio 6
18 Hardware-independent control 42 – 53 Machine vision
19 Automation Studio CoPilot
43 Next-level vision functions
22 mapp Cockpit with new
44 Machine vision simulation in
Logbook Analyzer
Automation Studio
24 – 29 Openness 47 3 new FPGA preprocessing functions
48 Deep learning for vision systems
24 IIoT ecosystem
52 2.5D vision
26 IIoT Connector
53 Flash integration with no
28 OPC UA real-time C2C
communication 54 – 57 Industrial PCs
30 – 41 Controls 54 APC / PPC 3200
57 Automation PC 4100
30 8-channel X67 IO-Link Master
32 IEC 61850 and DNP3 compliance
33 Next-gen 24V power supply
58 – 79 Mechatronics 84 X20 Drives
86 EnDat 3 on servo drives and motors
58 ACOPOS 6D LaunchPad
88 Waterproof inverters
62 mapp Traffic library
90 SPT and cam automat running at 50 μs
63 SuperTrak 90° curve
92 New user interface for SPT
64 ACOPOStrak 180° compact curve
66 ACOPOStrak segment transition
93 DS402 drive profile for
third-party devices
67 ACOPOStrak force control
94 Dynamic configuration
68 New ACOPOStrak design tool
in mapp Motion
72 ACOPOStrak Monitor
95 Intelligent PWM
74 Robotics and ACOPOStrak
96 Feed-forward @ 50 μs
76 Pick & place, out of the box
97 Feed-forward parameters for
78 Hand-eye calibration with
condition monitoring
Vision and MCR
79 Robotics goes multicore 98 –101 Industrial control system
80 – 97 Motion 98 TPM 2.0 in APROL
100 OPC UA historical data access
80 ACOPOSmotor Compact Size 3
82 ACOPOS P3 supplied with
101 APROL Typesense
DC voltage
83 Energy monitoring in every
ACOPOS drive
8 I N N OVATI O N S 2 0 24
Infobox legend
Trends, values and KPIs
The infoboxes throughout this brochure show how B&R
Taking mapp Robotics to the next level
Unlock CPU power and do more with less
When using Automation Studio 6 and mapp Technology 6, machine helps machine builders and users address the biggest
builders can now run up to three times more robots per Automation
PC. Even without increasing the number of robots, mapp Robotics
frees up additional computational power that can be used for
complex applications or non real-time tasks. The new capability
takes advantage of multi-core technology without requiring
engineers to learn complex multi-threading coding architectures. trends driving industry transformation around the globe.
Trends KPIs Benefits for machine builders Powered by
• Sustainability • Simple management of multiple
• Uncertainty robots on a PC
• Digitalization TTM • Higher performance and
• Individualization optimized costs
• Reduced programming complexity
Values Benefits for end users
• Simplicity
• Higher performance
• Flexibility
• Efficient maintenance Trends KPIs Benefits for machine builders Powered by
• Quality ROI
• Smaller cabinet footprint
• Productivity
• All industries
Benefits for end users
B&R focus Benefits for machine builders & users
Digitalization Human-centered implementation of AI, IIoT • Faster, cheaper, more sustainable machine
Business transformation and simulation to amplify human potential, development
through AI, Industrial IoT simplify usability and enhance productivity • New services and business models
TRENDS and simulation and quality. Open ecosystems that support • Enhanced usability for engineers and operators
Navigating future-proof innovation. • More efficient and sustainable production
complex • Supply chain integration and resilience
realities • Data-driven maintenance and design optimization
Labor shortage Making industry a more rewarding place to • Lower training costs and quicker deployment
Skills gaps & changing work. Leveraging new technologies to provide • Resources free to focus on value-adding innovations
demographics better operation and service with less on-site • Intuitive, flexible operation with minimal intervention
expertise. • Increased availability without on-site expertise
Sustainability Enabling more productivity from less space, • Market differentiation through
Pressure across using less energy and creating less waste. sustainability credentials
entire value chain Adding flexibility to support use of new • Reduced energy costs and smaller
technologies and materials for sustainable production footprint
Individualization Combining key enabling technologies, industry • Profitable mass customization
A new generation of expertise and global partnerships • Globally competitive localized production,
consumer demands to deliver adaptive manufacturing solutions. closer to consumer
Uncertainty Offering resilient, scalable, adaptive products • Agile development and supply chain resilience
Unpredictable that maintain productivity and quality under • Flexible operation for fast responses
changes in markets changing conditions. Driving open standards to market changes
and supply chains and technologies.
B&R focus Benefits for machine builders & users
Productivity Reducing complexity with process-oriented • Performance edge in global markets
development supported by simulation and AI. • Faster from concept to production
Adaptive solutions that stay productive and • Reduced downtime and increased availability
VALUES efficient under changing conditions.
decisive Quality Leveraging AI and IIoT to improve development • Consistent high quality despite increasing
advantages and service. Enabling continuous data-driven complexity and variability
optimization and adaptive responses to • Cost savings through reduced waste
variations. Maximizing precision and system and better resource utilization
Simplicity Making complex, interconnected systems easier • Faster to market for competitive edge
to create and use without specialized training. • Easier system integration and customization
Streamlining collaboration between engineering • Simplified operations with less training
teams and disciplines. Reducing the mechanical • Fast, easy maintenance without on-site expertise
complexity of machines and lines.
Flexibility Scalable, interoperable hardware. Modular, • Easier machine customization to serve diverse markets
reusable software. Open ecosystems. • Quick adaptation to changing production
Individual control and processing for every requirements
product on the line. • Fast responses to changing market demand
KPIs OEE Inline quality control, robust fault tolerance, • More uptime and consistent
Making Overall early defect removal. Faster changeover production quality
measurable Equipment increased production density and in-motion • Small batches at unit costs closer
impact Effectiveness processing. Tighter synchronization for tighter to mass production
tolerances and reduced waste. • More productivity per m³
TCO High-quality products designed to be scalable and • Smaller footprint for high-value adaptive lines
Total Cost interoperable. Open and future-proof systems • Energy and material savings
of Ownership and standards. Mechatronic solutions simplify • Lower lifetime service costs
processing stations and save hardware costs. • Lower long-term operational costs
ROI Productivity gains and quality improvements • Modular, reusable, out-of-the-box technology
Return on despite increasing complexity and uncertainty in • Higher availability and higher quality
Investment market demands and production requirements. • More productivity per m3
TTM Co-creation and simulation-based design and • Faster product launches and quicker
Time to development. Universal engineering environment revenue streams
Market and modular, reusable software. Adaptive lines • Rapid adoption of new technology
able to produce unforeseen future products. for competitive edge
10 I N N OVATI O N S 2 0 24
B&R community
Your home for collaboration
The new B&R Community gives users around the globe
an online home to share their knowledge and ask for guidance.
Whether it's tips and tricks from seasoned experts or a discussion
among early adopters on how to get the most out of a new
solution – the open community offers a convenient new route to
the answers we seek as we help each other up the learning curve.
Who is the B&R Community for? Community users can:
Users of B&R technology from all disci- • Collaborate and innovate on B&R technologies
plines and experience levels can leverage • Solve a challenge while building an application
the power of collaboration to build in Automation Studio
high-performing automation solutions. • Find clever ways to avoid starting
Whether a machine builder, systems inte- from scratch
grator, manufacturer, or any other user of • Learn whether someone, somewhere has
B&R technology – the B&R Community has tackled a similar problem
something for everyone. • Access how-to guides that complement official
B&R documentation
• Get input on their questions – potentially even
outside regular business hours
• Access Automation Help documentation online
• Consult the Conversational Help chatbot
A quick tour of the community ideas and share input on ideas thought up
The B&R Community offers three major by others. These discussions could natu-
features: a public forum, the Automation rally lead to new, collaborative open-
Help documentation, and a Conversational source initiatives. The "Announcements"
Help chatbot. channel is for updates from community
leadership. Lastly, the "Introductions"
The forum enables users to learn from the channel offers a chance to greet the com-
diverse experiences and skill sets of the munity and start making connections.
global community. It contains a simple
channel structure that is organized with a In addition to the forum, the community
product-based tag system. The heart of provides convenient online access to the
the forum is the "Ask & Share" channel, Automation Help system. This provides
where users can engage in open Q&A and the ability to easily share Help pages with
lively discussions. Users can post ques- other users simply via a link. The search
tions, share samples and guides, initiate mechanism is also fully revamped and
discussions, and so on. They can also based on AI.
jointly develop open-source software –
such as the mapp Framework – to extend Finally, the B&R Community incorporates
the functionality of standard B&R software the Conversational Help. This AI-powered
products with application layer solutions. chatbot generates immediate responses
to users' questions, while retaining con-
The "Community Ideas" channel offers a text throughout the conversation for more
dedicated space to propose innovative helpful and personalized guidance.
SO F T WA R E 13
How to get started Users of all levels can earn badges for
New members are encouraged to begin by achievements in the forum – such as visit-
reading the community guidelines. These ing the site for 10 consecutive days or re-
guidelines contain important information ceiving likes on their posts. This provides a
to ensure a safe and pleasant environment fun way to build reputation and enjoy the
for constructive collaboration. Once famil- community.
iar with the guidelines, members are free to
explore the various channels that the com- B&R experts – such as experienced applica-
munity offers, and consult the Automation tion engineers, value providers or partners
Help or Conversational Help as desired. – can rise quickly in the ranks by sharing
their knowledge. Top users are highlighted
Become a Community on the community homepage, giving well-
“Most Valuable Player” earned visibility to the community's most
The forum incorporates a points system, valuable contributors.
which means that users can increase their
status within the community over time. Join the conversation
The action that earns the most points: The B&R Community makes it easier than
when you answer someone's question in ever to find information and ask questions.
the forum and they mark your response as It empowers everyone in the B&R world
the solution. with new tools that make them more suc-
cessful. And the most powerful tool is col-
laboration – so explore the Community and
join the conversation today!
Trends KPIs Benefits Powered by
• Labor shortage • Increased autonomy
• Uncertainty • Quicker solutions Collaboration
TTM • Connection to B&R experts around
the world
Values • 24/7 availability
• Simplicity • Professional growth for engineers
• Flexibility • Companies stay at innovative edge
• Quality
• Productivity
• All industries
14 I N N OVATI O N S 2 0 24
Automation Studio 6
Major update for more
efficient engineering
The newest version of Automation Studio brings engineering teams
added flexibility for more efficient collaboration, making it easier to
maintain software with high quality and security. New transparency in
lifecycle coordination enables machine builders to plan more effectively
and ensure reliable on-time delivery of their solutions.
Like a skilled gardener carefully
tending to the needs of each plant,
selective versioning allows devel-
opers to choose which parts of the
software to version or update.
Project Automation mapp Vision mapp Motion Automation
Runtime Studio
6.5 6.1 6.3
6.3 6.3
6.1 6.1 6.3
6.1 6.1
6.1 6.1 6.1
6.1 6.1
SO F T WA R E 15
Commissioning IIoT
Diagnostics &
Service Simulation
Connectivity All tasks Engineering
HMI Robotics
All products
Control systems
Motion Vision
Transparent communication: versions without compromising compati-
Lifecycle coordination bility or having to convert projects.
Control technology is constantly evolving, Machine builders can more easily maintain
and as products reach the end of their life- multiple projects across large develop-
cycle, machine builders must plan accord- ment and service teams to keep their soft-
ingly to minimize lead times for end users. ware up to date and ahead of the
With a clear visual representation of the competition.
product lifecycle, Automation Studio 6
makes executing this plan significantly Keeping projects compatible with a se-
easier for engineers working with B&R lected Automation Studio version im-
products. proves efficiency and reduces errors.
Engineers can apply the latest features
Flexible collaboration: and fixes selectively for specific
Selective versioning sub-components such as Automation
Selective versioning decouples the project Runtime or mapp Technology. This added
version from the Automation Studio ver- flexibility accelerates development and
sion. This makes it possible to maintain reduces the time needed to test and vali-
projects using the latest Automation date the overall solution.
Studio version and switch between
16 I N N OVATI O N S 2 0 24
bool 1
1i IN1 OUT1 nt 1
conn 1
2 IN1 OUT conn 1 2 IN1 OUT1 int 2
conn 2
3 IN1 OUT conn 2 3 IN1 OUT1 int 3
int 2 IN2
The intuitive graphical interface helps
developers and technicians work
faster with colored function blocks,
auto-connections and other enhancements.
Intuitive engineering: Ladder editor across all relevant B&R products. B&R's
An intuitive new ladder logic editor that alignment with the industry standard
accelerates time to market for new and makes it easier for machine builders to
updated machine software. The new lad- conduct in-house analyses and supplier
der diagram editor provides unrivalled audits related to the cybersecurity of OT
ease of use and opens up powerful auto- systems.
mation tools for all users.
More highlights in Automation Studio 6:
The graphical interface offers a refreshed • Software quality: Advanced build
look and feel with colored function options for static code analysis
blocks, auto-connections and other en- • Stability and security: Real-time OS
hancements. When developers click on upgrade
a location inside the editor, for example, • Streamlined development: Easy import
a mini-toolbar pops up right next to the of open-source C/C++
cursor, making it easy to find the coil or
rung they are looking for. The intuitive
user experience helps both developers
and service technicians complete their
work faster.
Secure by design: Certified development
B&R takes cybersecurity into account in all
phases of the software product lifecycle –
from specification and design to develop-
ment, testing and maintenance. As a key
milestone, the development process for
Automation Runtime has been certified in
accordance with IEC 62443-4-1.
The IEC 62443 series of standards defines
supply chain security and gives users the
tools they need to develop and operate se-
cure machines and systems. Part 4 de-
scribes the requirements for development
of automation solution components, and Cybersecurity becomes essential at every level of
the automation pyramid as IT and OT converge
compliance will be rolled out successively and new manufacturing capabilities are unlocked.
Trends KPIs Benefits for machine builders Powered by
• Uncertainty • Transparent planning and reliable
• Digitalization delivery
TTM • Improved programming efficiency
and reduced errors
Values • Simplified machine version
• Simplicity ROI management
• Flexibility • Easy maintenance of machine fleet code
• Quality
• Productivity
TCO Benefits for end users
• Faster installation and commissioning
• Secure investment with safe and quick
Industries machine upgrade/update
• All industries • Easier maintenance and less downtime
18 SO F T WA R E
Hardware-independent control
Integrated performance meets
freedom of choice
Supply chain resilience
has become increasingly
important throughout
the world of manufacturing.
With the introduction of hardware-
-independent control, B&R enables ma-
chine builders to run its real-time OS,
Automation Runtime, together with a
general-purpose OS and hypervisor tech-
nology on suitable third-party PCs. This
combines the performance of integrated
machine controls with freedom of choice
in terms of hardware. With a standard
Ethernet interface, the third-party hard-
ware will be able to communicate via OPC
IP, Modbus, and more. As always – the
performance of the communication plat-
form and overall system depends on the
performance of the underlying PC
Trends KPIs Benefits for machine builders Powered by
• Uncertainty • No operational disruption with
• Digitalization supply chain challenges
TTM • Direct access to full B&R portfolio
• Freedom to pick any suitable Windows / Linux
Values hardware available on the market
• Simplicity
• Flexibility ROI
• Quality
• Productivity Benefits for end users
• Easier maintenance and hardware
TCO replacement
Industries • No operational disruption with supply
chain challenges
• All industries
• Resilience in production
Automation Studio CoPilot
Your AI companion for B&R software
B&R's experimental AI programming companion – CoPilot – helps
automation engineers focus on innovating their machines
without compromising development speed or code quality.
e x p e r i m e n t
In today's high-stakes industrial landscape, Less troubleshooting, more innovating
machine builders face ever-increasing de- CoPilot introduces AI-driven code genera-
mands for speed, efficiency and innova- tion, specifically optimized for IEC 61131-3
tion. Automation Studio CoPilot helps them Structured Text. The system is designed to
meet these challenges when creating ma- integrate effortlessly with B&R's existing
chine software in Structured Text, C and libraries and conventions, so there's no
C++. At the click of a button, engineers can learning curve. The end result: A signifi-
leverage the power of generative AI to gen- cant reduction in manual coding that frees
erate and optimize code, ask questions up engineers to focus on more creative
problem-solving and rapid prototyping.
• Generate code
• Optimize code
• Ask questions
• Add comments
20 I N N OVATI O N S 2 0 24
Code quality is another critical focus area Competitive edge for forward-thinking
for machine builders, and that’s where machine builders
CoPilot's automated code commenting Time-to-market is an essential metric for
and optimization features come into play. any business, especially in the rapidly
The software intuitively annotates code, evolving machine automation industry.
improving both readability and long- CoPilot empowers developers to manage
term maintainability. With clearly struc- increasingly complex systems efficiently. It
tured, well commented code, CoPilot simplifies workflows and reduces time to
makes collaboration more efficient – market for new machines, providing a sub-
helping teams spend less time trouble- stantial competitive edge to help machine
shooting and more time innovating. builders lead in competitive markets.