人間工学に優れ、軽くて衝撃に強い - B&Rのモバイルパネルの特長です。
ドキュメント名 | モバイルパネル 概要(英語表記) |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 4.1Mb |
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取り扱い企業 | B&R株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |
Mobile Panels
System overview
© 05/2016 by B&R. Alle Rechte weltweit vorbehalten.
Web meets
Operators of industrial machinery and equipment powerful and intuitive HMI solutions – and they
want interfaces with smartphone-like usability. don‘t have to be an expert web developer to do it.
That‘s exactly the kind of intuitive HMI solution
that is available with the B&R‘s 7100-series The right info at the right time
Mobile Panels. Operators aren‘t impressed by fancy graphics
alone. The HMI needs to directly facilitate the pri-
Mobile Panels are available in sizes ranging mary goals of industrial production: maximum
from the 3.4” WQVGA displays of the 7120 and productivity and minimum downtime. mapp View
7121 models, which can be operated as VNC cli- is the perfect solution for creating intuitive and
ents, up to the 7” WSVGA and 10.1” WXGA dis- clearly arranged screens that guide the operator
plays of the 7140 and 7150 models, which offer intuitively through every step.
the additional option of running B&R’s innova-
tive mapp View HMI software. The 7151 model, The right content for every client
also with a 10.1” display, runs a Windows-based With mapp View, B&R relies 100% on web standards
operating system for all types of applications. that allow content to be displayed optimally on any
output device or even customized for specific users
Web-based HMI made easy or user groups. Conventional approaches require
Modern websites and smartphone operating sys- considerable resources and expertise to develop
tems are designed by large teams of usability, screens for all the different output media.
design and ergonomics specialists. OEMs don‘t
typically have those kinds of resources at their Highlights
disposal. To bridge the gap, what they need are
easy-to-use tools integrated in their familiar < All the advantages of web technology
programming environment. < Fully integrated in the engineering
With mapp View, B&R now offers direct access to < Highly reusable
the wide world of web technology on mobile in- < Maximum productivity
dustrial HMI panels. For the first time, automation < Modular architecture
engineers have all the tools they need to create
Mobile handheld operating devices offer users Integrated safety functions
maximum flexibility – allowing them to operate The mobile operator panels are equipped with a
the machine right from the center of the action. 3-position enable switch. When the machine is in
B&R‘s extensive portfolio offers a solution for setup mode, the operator is only able to perform
every application, ranging up to a 10.1“ device operations such as triggering movements when
with the performance of an industrial PC. this switch is in the middle position. If it is re-
leased or pressed in all the way in a critical situa-
Ergonomic design tion, the machine goes into a safe state. All safe-
B&R‘s mobile operator panels are comfortable to ty functions have a dual-circuit design.
hold – for both right and left-handers – and do
not cause fatigue even after working for longer Simple and intuitive operation
periods of time. The low-weight construction also The combination of integrated touch screen and
helps ensure safe operation and monitoring. function keys provides an optimal user interface.
Frequently used functions can be assigned to
Robust design for harsh industrial environments pre-programmed keys, while functions that vary
By nature, a handheld system like the Mobile based on the state of the machine can be as-
Panel is exposed to significantly more rigorous signed to touch buttons. This ensures that oper-
demands than its stationary counterparts. That‘s ators are guided safely through all of their tasks.
why the Mobile Panel has a particularly robust
design, with double-walled housing to absorb
hard impacts. Control elements such as key Highlights
switch and stop button are flush-mounted, and
the special housing form dampens the force of < High-resolution displays
impacts. The Mobile Panel‘s electronics are posi- < Intuitive touch-screen operation
tioned to absorb external shocks and jolts as < Robust construction
effectively as possible, while the housing, cables, < Low weight
and connectors are all protected against dust < Ergonomic layout for right or left-handed
and sprayed water. operators
Web meets Mobile Panel MP7120 MP7121 MP7140 Mobile Panel MP7150 MP7151
Display 3.4“ TFT display 3.4“ TFT display 7“ TFT display Display 10.1" TFT display 10.1" TFT display
Resolution WQVGA (480 x 272) WQVGA (480 x 272) WSVGA (600 x 1024) Resolution WXGA (1280 x800) WXGA (1280 x800)
Touch screen Analog resistive Analog resistive Analog resistive Touch screen Analog resistive Analog resistive
ARM Cortex A8 ARM Cortex A8 ARM Cortex A9 ARM Cortex A9 Intel Atom E3815
Operators of industrial machinery and equipment powerful and intuitive HMI solutions – and they Processor Single core 600 MHz Single core 600 MHz Single core 1.0 GHz Processor Single core 1.0 GHz Single core 1.46 GHz
want interfaces with smartphone-like usability. don‘t have to be an expert web developer to do it.
That‘s exactly the kind of intuitive HMI solution
that is available with the B&R‘s 7100-series The right info at the right time
Memory 256 MB flash memory 256 MB flash memory 4 GB flash memory Memory 4 GB flash memory 32 GB flash memoryMobile Panels. Operators aren‘t impressed by fancy graphics
alone. The HMI needs to directly facilitate the pri-
Mobile Panels are available in sizes ranging mary goals of industrial production: maximum
from the 3.4” WQVGA displays of the 7120 and productivity and minimum downtime. mapp View DRAM 128 MB LPDDRAM 128 MB LPDDRAM 1 GB DDR3 DRAM 1 GB DDR3 4 GB DDR3
7121 models, which can be operated as VNC cli- is the perfect solution for creating intuitive and
ents, up to the 7” WSVGA and 10.1” WXGA dis- clearly arranged screens that guide the operator
plays of the 7140 and 7150 models, which offer intuitively through every step. Ethernet 10/100 Ethernet 10/100 Ethernet 10/100 Ethernet 10/100 Ethernet 10/100
the additional option of running B&R’s innova- Interfaces USB 2.0 OTG (mini) USB 2.0 OTG (mini) USB 2.0 Interfaces USB 2.0 USB 2.0
tive mapp View HMI software. The 7151 model, The right content for every client
also with a 10.1” display, runs a Windows-based With mapp View, B&R relies 100% on web standards
Key switch Key switch
operating system for all types of applications. that allow content to be displayed optimally on any Stop button (gray) Stop button (gray) Key switch Key switch Key switch
output device or even customized for specific users Switching elements Enable switch Enable switch Stop button (gray) Switching elements Stop button (gray) Stop button (gray)
Push-button Push-button Enable switch Enable switch Enable switchWeb-based HMI made easy or user groups. Conventional approaches require Handwheel
Modern websites and smartphone operating sys- considerable resources and expertise to develop
tems are designed by large teams of usability, screens for all the different output media. 36 membrane keys 20 membrane keys 20 membrane keysKeys/LEDs 4 LED status 4 LED status 5 LED status Keys/LEDs 21 membrane keys 21 membrane keys
design and ergonomics specialists. OEMs don‘t indicators indicators indicators 5 LED status indicators 5 LED status indicators
typically have those kinds of resources at their Highlights
disposal. To bridge the gap, what they need are
mapp View mapp View
easy-to-use tools integrated in their familiar < All the advantages of web technology Software VNC (Linux) VNC (Linux) WES7VNC (Linux) Software VNC(Linux)
programming environment. < Fully integrated in the engineering
With mapp View, B&R now offers direct access to < Highly reusable Protection IP65 IP65 IP65 Protection IP65 IP65
the wide world of web technology on mobile in- < Maximum productivity
dustrial HMI panels. For the first time, automation < Modular architecture
engineers have all the tools they need to create
Weight 480 g (without cable) 480 g (without cable) 960 g (without cable) Weight 1850 g (without cable) 1850 g (without cable)
InItnetgergartieerdt ea uAtuotmomataiotinsierung
GlGolboabla plere Psreänsceenz
SoSloidli dpea rPtanretrnsehrispchaft
B&R CBo&rpRo Craotrep oHreaated qHueaardteqrusarters
BerneBcekrenre +c Rkaeirn +e Rr ainer B&R SBt&raRs sSetr a1ße 1 t +43t 7 +7438 76754886 -60586-0 ofofifcfeic@e@brb-ar-uatuotmoamtaiotnio.cno.cmom YouIhr rlo Acnasl pcroencthapcatrtner vor Ort
IndusItnrideu-sEtleriket-rEolneikt rGoensi.km G.be.sH.m. .b.H.5142 5E1g4g2e lEsgbgeergls, bAeursgt,r iÖasterreichf +43f 7 +7438 76754886 -625686-26 w ww.wbr.b-ar-uatuotmoamtaiotnio.cno.cmom wwww.bwr-.baru-taoumtoamtioanti.ocno.mco/cmo/nktoancttakt
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© 05/2016 by B&R. Alle Rechte weltweit vorbehalten.