ドキュメント名 | 組込み向けMini-ITX マザーボード |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 1.5Mb |
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このカタログ(組込み向けMini-ITX マザーボード)の内容
Page 1:mITX-BDW-ULOW POWER, IOT READY EMBEDDED mITX MOTHERBOARD WITH5TH GENERATION Intel® 14NM CORE I7, I5 & I3 PROCESSORS embedded mITX motherboard with up to 7 years availability thin profile, low power platform with 15W CPUs in 23mm envelope supporting 3 independent displays pipes via 2x DisplayPort and LVDS operating temperature range from 0°C to 60°C powered by 19V notebook-style power adapter or internal 12V connector
Page 2:EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST& AFRICALise-Meitner-Str. 3-586156 AugsburgGermanyTel.: 49 821 4086 0Fax: 49 821 4086 111sales@kontron.comCORPORATE OFFICES ASIA PACIFIC17 Building, Block #1, ABP.188 Southern West 4th Ring RoadBeijing 100070, P.R.ChinaTel.: 86 10 63751188Fax: 86 10 83682438info@kontron.cnNORTH AMERICA14118 Stowe DrivePoway, CA 92064-7147USATel.: 1 888 294 4558Fax: 1 858 677 0898info@us.kontron.com// 2 www.kontron.comCopyright©2017KontronAG.Allrightsreserved.Alldataisforinformationpurposesonlyandnotguaranteedforlegalpurposes.Informationhasbeencarefullycheckedandisbelievedtobeaccurate;however,noresponsibilityisassumedforinaccuracies.KontronandtheKontronlogoandallothertrademarksorregisteredtrademarksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveownersandarerecognized.Specificationsaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice.mITX-BDW-U-20170209-WMHmITX-BDW-U Digital Signage: Low profile, low power & multidisplay support Gaming/POS/POI: High graphics and high CPUperformance-to-power ratio Industrial Automation: Wide range of I/Os & longevity Future-oriented Devices: IoT support througheg. WWAN support. SATA and x2 PCIe SSD supportin M.2 socket.TECHNICAL INFORMATIONFEATURES 5th Generation Intel® Core i7, i5 & i3 MotherboardsFORM FACTOR mITX – low profile: 170 mm x 170 mm x 23 mm (6.7" x 6.7" x 0.9”)CPU Intel® Core i7/i5/i3 2C CPU clock up to 3.2 GHzGRAPHICS Integrated into CPU with GT2 or GT3 depending on CPU typeGRAPHIC INTERFACE 2x Display Port revision 1.2 in Rear IO and LVDS 18bpp/24bpp internallyMEMORY Up to 16 GByte DDR3L (2x 8 GByte SO-DIMM modules), 1333 & 1600 MT/s support.CHIPSET Intel® Broadwell PCH-LP on multi-chip package BGA with CPUSATA 3x SATA 6 Gb/s (one on M.2) w. RAID 0 & 1USB 4x USB 3.0 in Rear I/O, 2x USB 2.0 on front panel & 1x on mPCIe socket.AUDIO HD Audio codec supporting 5.1 channel surround soundETHERNET 2x Intel Gigabit-LANAVAILABLE I/OS 1x Mini-PCIe with SIM card holder, 1x M.2 (2280), 2x COM (RS232)REAR I/O 19V DC input, 2x Display port, 4x USB 3.0, 2x RJ45, Audio jack for line-in & headset.SPECIAL FEATURE Intel® AES security, Kontron embedded feature connector with ADC, DAC up to 160 GPIOOS SUPPORT Win7, Win8.1 & LinuxTEMPERATURE Operating 0 °C to 60 °C (32 °F - 140 °F)ADDITIONAL Up to 7 years availabilitySUPPORTED MODULES mITX-BDW-U 81061X-45XX