EV Mobility Design Contest
一般社団法人 電気自動車普及協会 for International Students 2019
Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles
http://www.apev.jp/contest/ contest@apev.jp
国際学生 EV デザインコンテスト
EV Mobilit y Design Contest for International Students
主催者メッセージ / Message from the Organizer
APEV 代表理事 田嶋 伸博
今回の応募は31校47チームで日本から23校37チーム、海外は8 ヶ国から8校10チーム(インド2校2チーム、タイ2
1) EV の楽しさやすばらしさを具体化するにはどうしたらよいのか、若いフレッシュな頭脳を持った皆様に考えて
2) モビリティを取り巻く社会のデザインを勉強している若者に、挑戦する機会を提供すること。
Nobuhiro Tajima, President, APEV
This contest which started in 2013 was able to reach its 4th holding this year. This would not have
been possible without the contribution from everyone including the supporting and sponsoring or-
ganizations who understood the concept of this contest, screening committee members and sup-
porters. I would like to express my sincere gratitude.
This year , 47 teams from 31 schools appl ied for the contest . We had 37 teams from 23
schools in Japan. Applicants from abroad (8 countries) included 10 teams(India:2 Schools / 2
Teams,Thailand:2 Schools / 2 Teams, Below countries are 1 School / 1 Team : Canada, Italy, Ko-
rea, Lithuania, Taiwan, Tunisia).
The two main purposes of the contest are as follows:
1) To have students with inquisitive, young minds think about what should be done to embody the
enjoyment and excellence of electric vehicles.
2) To provide young people studying the relationships between vehicle design and society with a
chance to take on new challenges.
This anthology has been created to serve as a portfolio for the participants and to promote the
coming 5th EV Mobility Design Contest for International Students, through the documentation of
the results of the participants' efforts. I hope to see you at the award ceremony for the 5th contest
in the fall of 2021!
02 - E V Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s
2019年の体制 / 2019 Organizations
主 催 一般社団法人 電気自動車普及協会 (APEV)
後 援 環境省
公益社団法人 自動車技術会
一般社団法人 日本自動車工業会
Host Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles(APEV)
Supporters Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, University of Tokyo
Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. (JAMA)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan(METI)
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan(MLIT)
Ministry of the Environment of Japan
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.(JSAE)
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
審 査 委 員 長 中 村 史 郎 (デザインコンサルタント、 CEO ㈱ SHIRO NAKAMURA DESIGN ASSOCIATES)
審 査 委 員 安 藤 忠 雄 (建築家、東京大学 名誉教授)
奥 山 清 行 (工業デザイナー、KEN OKUYAMA DESIGN 代表)
長 屋 明 浩 (ヤマハ発動機㈱ 執行役員 デザイン本部 本部長)
ジャン・ファン (広州自動車グループ デザイン担当副社長)
山 﨑 孝 章 (国土交通省 自動車局環境政策課 課長)
吉 村 直 泰 (経済産業省 製造産業局参事官)
田 嶋 伸 博 (一般社団法人 電気自動車普及協会 代表理事)
EV デザインコンテスト実行委員会
・ 委 員 長:山下 敏男(APEV 理事、INTERROBANG DESIGN ㈱代表、首都大学東京客員教授、女子美術大学特別招聘教授)
・ 副 委 員 長:有馬 仁志(APEV 理事、有馬マネジメントデザイン㈱代表取締役社長、横浜スマートコミュニティ代表)
・ 事 務 局:一般社団法人 電気自動車普及協会(APEV)
Head of Screening Committee Shiro NAKAMURA(Design consultant & CEO,SHIRO NAKAMURA DESIGN ASSOCIATES.)
Screening Committee Members
・ Tadao ANDO (Architect & Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo)
・ Zhang, FAN (Vice President, Head of Design Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd.)
・ Akihiro NAGAYA (Executive Offi cer, Chief General Manager, Design Center, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.)
・ Ken OKUYAMA (Industrial Designer & CEO, Ken Okuyama Design)
・ Takaaki YAMASAKI (Director of Environmental Policy Division Road Transport Bureau Ministry of Land, Infrastruc-
ture, Transport and Tourism)
・ Naoyasu YOSHIMURA (Director,Manufacturing Industries Bureau Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
・ Nobuhiro TAJIMA (President, Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles)
Planning Management
・ Vice chairman: Hitoshi ARIMA(Commissioner,APEV & President, Arima Management Design, Ltd.)
・ Secretariat:Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles (APEV)
Ken Akihiro Shiro Tadao Zhang Nobuhiro
EV Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s - 03
最優秀賞 ( 副賞 20 万円 ) / Grand Prix 9
Japan/HAL東京 HAL Tokyo College of Technology & Design
E Vを使った教育施設のコンセプトは斬新。E-leaningは現実のものとして重要
T he concept of the educational facility using EV is novel. E-leaning
is important and highly possible to be
realized. However, I would like you to
further study the ideal form of design
for children, including the detailed de-
sign processing. I can understand the
structural interest of the basic concept,
but how to increase the appeal of feasi-
bility and concreteness is a future task.
• S h i n k i T A N
• N o b u c h i k a K I K U T A
• K o u k i K U R O S A W A
• I t a r u Y U G A K I
04 - E V Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s
経済産業大臣賞 ( 副賞 10 万円 ) / METI Minister Award 9
Japan/HAL大阪 HAL Osaka
‘SAICA’ by T2D
T he manga-like taste that governs the work is interesting and the
presentation is easy to understand.
The concept of making sightseeing a
pleasant memory is attractive and well
thought out from various aspects. On
the other hand, the idea of drones lead-
ing motorcycles is difficult to imagine
in actual scenes of use, leaving doubts
about whether drones are really neces-
• Y u m a O G U N I
• Y u y a H I R O T S U
EV Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s - 05
国土交通大臣賞 ( 副賞 10 万円 ) / MLIT Minister Award 9
Japan/産業技術大学院大学 Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology
‘tetra’ by AIIT TOKYO
W e highly value the fact that this team is tackling the important
issue of disaster. We expect the level
of design when this mobility is consid-
ered as a part of the usual landscape
to be further improved. Also, as for the
inside part, we cannot feel the human-
centered ideas which means that the
basic approach as mobility is missing
making it unsatisfactory.
• S o n o k o H E R A I
• T a k u m i T A K A H A S H I
• M a s a n o b u A O Y A M A
• K e n j i Y A M A S H I T A
• Maihemuti MIRIGULI
06 - E V Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s
カーデザインアカデミー賞 / Car Design Academy Award 9
Japan/千葉工業大学 Chiba Institute of Technology
‘nofa’ by HyKs
T his concept can be one of the ideas to solve the social problems in de-
populated areas and it is a good idea to
use automatic driving to tackle the prob-
lem. It is even more interesting since its
suggestion is facing the urgent issues of
Japan, such as the shortage of doctors,
young people leaving their hometowns
and the aging population. However, as a
design proposal for a medical vehicle, the
logical appeal is weak, and the doubts
remain about the necessity of the form.
• H a r u k i K A B E
• Y u i c h i N A K A M U R A
• S h o g o T A K A S A W A
• K a i t o S A T O
EV Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s - 07
トゥールズインターナショナル賞 / TOOLS INTERNATIONAL Award 9
Tunisia/Car Design Academy
‘I RESC-U’ by Jimaxon
A s a car used at disaster scenes, the mechanical and tough design
is preferable since it expresses the
strength and accuracy. However, the
slightly exaggerated styling and size
of the vehicle makes it seem a bit too
much in terms of design, regarding the
rescue team's willingness to care for
the people affected by the disaster. The
form of expression that can pay atten-
tion to the pain of the people should
be considered.
• J i h e d Z A I E R
08 - E V Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s
ベネッセ賞 / Benesse Award 9
Korea/国立インチョン大学 Incheon National University
A lthough its idea as the future measures for an aging society is
wonderful, there are many issues as the
means of transportation for the elderly
people, such as the small internal space
and lack of space for luggage storage.
In addition, paying attention to the
aged drivers who returned the license
is a great idea but when we imagine a
scene where elderly people are riding
alone in this mobility, it is difficult to
feel the“ kindness” from this proposal.
• M O O N c h e o l w o n
• K O H H y u n J i n
• H O N G J i H o
• C H O H y e o n A
EV Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s - 0 9
CCC マーケティング賞 / CCC MARKETING Award 9
Japan/東京工科大学 Tokyo University of Technology
‘BAMBI’ by Kurage
買い物 + EVの組み合わせがユニークで興味深い。消費者経験(UX)に沿っ
T he combination of shopping and EV is unique and interesting. The
idea of taking the EV into the store or
taking the shopping cart into the house
is interesting as an idea which realizes
the world with seamless shopping flow
based on the IoT considering the con-
sumer experience (UX). However, there
is a concern that it may be too large in
stores such as supermarkets even if it is
to be folded.
• T a k e s h i S E K I N E
• M a s a k i W A K A S H I R O
• H a r u n a M A E D A
10 - E V Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s
最終審査提出作品 / Works for final screening 9
入賞作品除く Excluding winning works
India/ National Institute of Design/ Team ONE Japan/ Tokyo Metropolitan University/ WAVE Canada/ University of Waterloo/ Tomoki Kaneko
2次審査提出作品 / Works for second screening
上記チーム除く Excluding above teams
*By rotating the main module it is possible
to reach different configuration and switch from
a city car into a minivan or a minitruck. The position of
30° the dashboard and seats will adjust in order to get Carry New mobility
the right height and visibility in each configuration.
connection line L 1200 H 1100 W800
New mobility Boat
city car main unit disassembly minivan minitruck
*Following user’s need, it is possible BED
to easily upgrade the vehicle by
replacing the rear module with a new one, step 1
in order to get more space and a different car. * book your reserva�on to the Car Factory, Workshop or Dealer
step 2
Wait for the cabin to be unplugged from the back unit
step 3
CAR WORKSHOP Choose the back unit you need
Exit with your new car
Project Kikka | Team Proteo | School Car Design Academy International Student EV Design Contest 2019
Italy/Car Design Academy/ Proteo Japan/ HAL Nagoya College of Technology & Design/ team camel Japan/ Kobe Design University/ Kobe-beef
Japan/ Nihon Kogakuin College/ GYNOWS6 Japan/ Tokyo Metropolitan University/ e-SDIA Japan/Tokyo University of Technology /TAGYO
Japan/ Tokyo Zokei University/ B.E.E
EV Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s - 11
ワークショップ / Workshops 9
■ First Work shop ■ Second Work shop
Date : 25th June 2019 Date : 14th Sept.2019
Place : The Gallery Too @ Toranomon,Tokyo Place : Satellite Campus of Tokyo Metropolitan University@Akihabara,Tokyo
最終審査と表彰式 / Final Screening & Awards Ceremony
Photos: Takeshi Kubota
日 時:2019年10月27日(日)午前10時30分~ 16時30分 / Natsuki Ikehata
場 所:東京ビッグサイト会議棟6階605-608会議室
午 前 の 部:10:30 ~ 12:30
1) ご挨拶 APEV 会長 横川 浩
2) 基調講演「100年後のクルマ - モータ/キャパシタ/ワイヤレス -」東京大学大学院教授 堀 洋一 氏
3) シンポジウム – 自動車業界100年に一度の大変革期に於ける –「デザイン教育の在り方とは !」
になり、モビリティに課せられた CASE/MaaS/SDGs 等の課題を、デザイナーの・Mission・Education・Passion の3つの切り口から、
Date & time:27th Oct.2019(Sun)10:30 ~ 16:30
Place:Tokyo Big sight Conference Tower 6F Meeting room 605-608
Morning session:10:30 ~ 12:30
1) Greeting by Hiroshi Yokokawa, APEV Chairperson
2) Keynote speech:"Cars 100 Years Later - Motor/ Capacitor/ Wireless –“ by Mr.Yoichi Hori,Professor,The University
of Tokyo
Mr. Hori talked about an electric car that uses a capacitor as a power source while charging wirelessly without
loading heavy batteries.
3) Panel discussion:In the period of once-in-a-century revolution in the automotive industry "How should the design
education be?"
Mr.Shiro Nakamura,Mr.Kiyoyuki Okuyama and Mr.Akihiro Nagaya who served as judges of the design contest, were
panelists and Toshio Yamashita (Chairman of Planning Management) was a moderater.They discussed how to deal
with issues such as MaaS /SDGs from the three perspectives of designers, mission, education, and passion.
12 - E V Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s
最終審査と表彰式(続き) / Final Screening & Awards Ceremony( continued)9
午 後 の 部:13:30 ~ 16:30
4) APEV 及びコンテストの説明 APEV 代表理事 田嶋 伸博
5) 2次審査を通過した国内外の学生10チームによるプレゼンテーション
6) 講演「太陽エネルギーで走る電動車の未来」早稲田大学 招聘研究員 廣田 壽男 氏
廣田先生が国際エネルギー機関 太陽光発電パワーシステムプログラム タスク17 'PV and Transport' 運営責任者として研究して
7) 審査会(上記講演の間)
8) 表彰式:審査の結果、プレゼンターから賞状・トロフィー・副賞目録が贈呈されました。年々、プレゼンテーションが進化している
Afternoon session:13:30 ~ 16:30
4) Explanation of APEV and the contest by Nobuhiro Tajima,APEV President
5) Final presentation by students’10 teams which passed the second screening
6) Lecture:""Future of EV powered by solar energy"" by Dr.Toshio Hirota,Adjunct Researcher, Research Institute of
Electric-driven Vehicles, Waseda University/Operating Agent,Task 17 'PV and Transport'PVPS,IEA.
Dr. Hirota spoke about a practical electric vehicle that runs on solar energy alone without using fossil fuels, which
is being studied as the manager of the International Energy Agency Solar Power System Program Task 17 'PV and
7) Screening Meeting
8) Award ceremony:As a result of the screening, the presenter presented a certificate,trophy, and prize catalog.
There were comments from the judges that the presentation has evolved year by year.
上記のビデオ7本は下記の YouTube で見ることが出来ます。
The above 7 videos can be viewed on YouTube below.
Yoichi Toshio
Panel discussion After Panel discussion
EV Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s - 13
最終審査と表彰式(続き) / Final Screening & Awards Ceremony( continued) 9
Comments by
Screening Comitee
Shiro Ken Akihiro Nobuhiro
審査委員 ( 当日不参加)
Screening Comitee
Tadao Zhang
Message from Shiro Nakamura, Head of Screening Committee:
This year, the 4th contest was held and I felt the improvement in the submitted works. I would like to congratulate all
the teams in the final screening. It was hard to judge. Especially this year the presentation methods and qualities were
great. There were devices to entertain the audience as well.
This year’s participants understood the important role of designer well:“ knowing how to communicate”. The partici-
pating teams worked hard for almost 1 year for the final screening. I hope they can make use of this experience to gain
the self-confidence in their career.
This year, the 4th contest was held and I felt the improvement in the submitted works. I would like to congratulate all
the teams in the final screening. It was hard to judge. Especially this year the presentation methods and qualities were
great. There were devices to entertain the audience as well.
This year’s participants understood the important role of designer well:“ knowing how to communicate”. The partici-
pating teams worked hard for almost 1 year for the final screening. I hope they can make use of this experience to gain
the self-confidence in their career.
Comment from Toshio Yamashita, Chairman of EV Design Contest Committee:
Themes of this year's works included disasters, aging society, environment, lifestyle, education,
etc., and I felt that the students' awareness of issues in the world has deepened. I should note that this contest reflects
the international perspective as we can see in the list of themes. Also, I would like to mention that the advice to each
team in the two workshops held in between each screening effectively improved the final works.
We would like to keep on putting more efforts into the contest organization to make the 5th contest even better.
14 - E V Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s
次回2021年の予告 / Preliminary announcement concerning next year's 2021 contest
次回の第5回国際学生 EV デザインコンテストは東京モーターショーの開催に合わせて2021年秋に最終審査と表彰式を行う。
Final judging and the award ceremony for the 5th EV Mobility Design Contest for International Students is scheduled
to be held in the fall of 2021 in conjunction with the Tokyo Motor Show. The theme and entry qualifi cations will be
broadened more than the 4th contest. Project details and an overview of the schedule are scheduled to be announced
in June 2020 and a workshop will be held at the end of 2020 summer.
APEV の紹介 / Introduction of APEV
趣旨 :「 未来の子どもたちのために、美しい地球を残したい」この一念から、私達電気自動車普及協会の前身、電気自動車普及協議会は、
Our Mission: To leave the beautiful Earth for our children in the future—this is the strong desire that has driven us to
establish the former Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles on June 29, 2010 to promote the use of electric
Now is the time for us to fulfi ll our responsibility towards posterity and to take ongoing action in order that the future
generations, including our children and grandchildren, can continue living a healthy life in a rich natural environment.It
is our intention to acquire broad cooperation from people in positions throughout various industries, educational insti-
tutions and the administration to exert their infl uences in all directions. This will realize a world where many consum-
ers consider electric vehicles, among other candidates for personal transportation and actually select one. We would
sincerely like to request you for the endorsement.
Soichiro Hiroshi Nobuhiro
名誉会長:福武 總一郎(㈱ベネッセホールディングス 名誉顧問)
会 長:横 川 浩(理事)(日本陸上競技連盟会長)
代表理事:田 嶋 伸 博(㈱タジマモーターコーポレーション 代表取締役会長兼社長)
理 事:佐 藤 員 暢(公益財団法人えひめ産業振興財団EV推進協会 会長兼EVアドバイザー)
有 馬 仁 志(有馬マネジメントデザイン㈱ 代表取締役)
鈴木 高宏(東北大学 未来科学技術共同研究センター (NICHe) 教授 ︶
草 加 浩 平(東京大学大学院工学系研究科機械工学専攻 ダイレクタ )
藤 原 洋(㈱ブロードバンドタワー 代表取締役会長兼社長 CEO)
椎 木 衛(電気自動車普及協会 事務局長補佐)
荒木 恵理子(電気自動車普及協会 事務局長)
上荒磯 祥彦(電気自動車普及協会 事務局長代理)
Honorary Chairman: Soichiro FUKUTAKE (Honorary Adviser, Benesse Holdings, Inc.)
Chairperson: Hiroshi YOKOKAWA (President, Japan Association of Athletics Federations)
President: Nobuhiro TAJIMA (Chairman and CEO Tajima Motor Corporation)
Directors: Kazunobu SATO (Chairman, Ehime EV Promoters Association)
Hitoshi ARIMA (President, Arima Management Design, Ltd. Chairman)
Takahiro SUZUKI (Professor, New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University)
Kohei KUSAKA (Director, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
Hiroshi FUJIWARA (Chairman, President and CEO, BroadBand Tower, Inc.)
Mamoru SHIIKI (Assistant General Manager, APEV)
Eriko ARAKI (General Manager, APEV)
Yoshihiko KAMIARAISO (Assistant General Manager, APEV)
EV Mob i l i t y De s ign Con te s t f o r In te rna t i ona l S tuden t s - 15
EV Mobility Design Contest
一般社団法人 電気自動車普及協会 for International Students 2019
Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles
http://www.apev.jp/contest/ contest@apev.jp