ドキュメント名 | TE SFP+|BtoB & I/Oコネクタ製品群 |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 349.2Kb |
取り扱い企業 | 株式会社日本電化工業所 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |

SFP+ Product Family:
Cable assemblies
SFP+ extends the use of the Small • SFP+ interconnect system supports data Technical Documents:
Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) interconnect rates of 10 Gb/s Application Specification
up to 10 Gb/s. This system meets the • Connector and cable assembly designed Single & Ganged Cages 114-13120
performance requirements of SFF to support 10 Gb/s+ signal speeds, back- Stacked Cages 114-13219
(Small Form-Factor) specification SFF-8431 ward compatible with SFP Product Specification 108-2331
and supports 8G Fibre Channel and 10G • Both EMI spring and gasket options for
Ethernet applications. The SFP+ product cages provide excellent shielding Industry Standards:
family includes cages, connectors, and • All cage configurations are offered with Cage and module definition: SFF-8432
copper cable assemblies. Tyco Electronics light pipes for LED applications Mating Interface and performance
also offers LC optical connectors and cable • Heat sink optional for single port cages requirements: SFF-8083
assemblies to link with SFP+ transceivers. • Cages are available for PCI card applica- Electrical Interface Specifications:
tions (one degree mounting angle) SFF-8431
• Cages and cable assemblies accommo-
APPLICATIONS Cages and Connectors date belly-to-belly mounting Product Manager — Mike Walmsley
• Storage • Stacked cages include integrated high Phone: 717-985-2835
• Servers speed connector using patented ”clicklet” Fax: 1-717-985-2833construction. Email: mjwalmsl@tycoelectronics.com
• Networking • Active and passive copper cable
• Switches assemblies provide a cost-effective Cable Assembly
• Routers solution for short reach applications. Product Manager — David StonferPhone: 717-986-5950
• Hubs • Cable assembly braid crimp and EMI Fax: 717-986-7179
• Network Interface Cards (NICs) skirt suppress EMI radiation. E-mail: david.stonfer@tycoelectronics.com
• Broad line of cable assembly lengths and
wire gauges offers diverse cable Technical Support
management options. Internet: www.tycoelectronics.com
• Optimum cable assembly performance is
obtained when assembly is engineered USA: 1-800-522-6752
to system architecture. Canada: 1-905-475-6222UK: 31-73-6246-431
Japan: 81-44-844-8111
PCI-SIG, PCI Express, PCIe, PCI-X and Conventional PCI are
trademarks or registered trademarks of PCI-SIG.
All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respec-
tive owners.
SFP+ Product Family
Cages with EMI Springs
Description Single Port 1x2 1x4 1x6
Cage Assy w/ Light Pipes 2007254-1 2007262-1 2007178-1 2007250-1
Cage Assy 2007198-1 2007263-1 2007132-1 2007251-1
Cage Assy w/ PCI Heat Sink 2007464-1 — — —
Cage Assy w/ SAN Heat Sink 2007464-2 — — —
Cage Assy w/ Networking Heat Sink 2007464-3 — — —
Cages with Elastomeric Gaskets
Description 1x2 1x4 1x6
Cage Assy w/ Light Pipes 2007180-1 2007093-1 2007169-1
Cage Assy 2007181-1 2007135-1 2007170-1
Cages for PCI Applications
• One degree mounting angle to meet
requirements of SFF-8075
Description Solder Press-Fit
Cage Assy 2007194-1 2007215-1
Cage Assy w/ PCI Heat Sink & Clip 2007193-1 2007277-1
Contact Plating Part Number
0.76μm (30 μin) gold 1888247-1
0.38μm (15 μin) gold 1888247-2
PCI-SIG, PCI Express, PCIe, PCI-X and Conventional PCI are
trademarks or registered trademarks of PCI-SIG.
All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respec-
tive owners.
SFP+ Product Family
Stacked SFP+ Cage/Connector
EMI Containment Style Light Pipe Option 2x1 2x2 2x4 2x6
Elastomeric Gasket Four Per Column 2007538-5 2007417-5 2007399-5 2007567-5
Elastomeric Gasket Inner Light Pipes Only 2007538-6 2007417-6 2007399-6 2007567-6
Elastomeric Gasket Outer Light Pipes Only 2007538-7 2007417-7 2007399-7 2007567-7
Elastomeric Gasket None 2007538-8 2007417-8 2007399-8 2007567-8
EMI Springs Four Per Column 2007492-5 2007637-5 2007394-5 2007562-5
EMI Springs Inner Light Pipes Only 2007492-6 2007637-6 2007394-6 2007562-6
EMI Springs Outer Light Pipes Only 2007492-7 2007637-7 2007394-7 2007562-7
EMI Springs None 2007492-8 2007637-8 2007394-8 2007562-8
Tin plated compliant pins listed, tin-lead compliant pins available for signal connector.
See Tyco Electronics drawing.
Dust Plug (Non-conductive)
For Uses In Part Number
Single Port Cages 1367147-1 or 1761394-1
Ganged and Stacked (Multi-port) Cages 1761394-1
Dust plug 1761394-1 has narrow width, required for port density in ganged and stacked cages.
EMI Plug
• Part Number: 1888901-1
• Springs comply with SFF-8432
requirements for Improved Pluggable
Form-factor (IPF)
PCI-SIG, PCI Express, PCIe, PCI-X and Conventional PCI are
trademarks or registered trademarks of PCI-SIG.
All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respec-
tive owners.
SFP+ Product Family
Direct Attach Copper Cables
The Tyco Electronics SFP+ direct attach
copper cable assembly is a low cost
alternative for short reach applications.
The design allows for a serial data trans-
mission up to 10Gbps in each direction.
These SFP+ assemblies are hot swappable
and the programmed EEPROM signature
enables the host to differentiate between a
copper cable assembly and a fiber optic
module. The mechanical design of the
braid crimp and EMI skirt ensure that
EMI radiation is sufficiently suppressed.
Additionally, the copper cable acts as a Type Part Number AWG Assembly Length
natural heat sink. The low power consump- 2032237-1 24 0.5 meter
tion assists in making the passive copper 2032237-2 24 1 meter
cable assembly an economic solution for 2032237-4 24 3 meterPassive
2032237-6 24 5 meter
within rack, or rack to rack applications.
1-2032237-1 24 10 meter
Standard SFP+ assemblies are offered in
2032247-1 26 0.5 meter
24 AWG, however, several smaller wire 2032247-2 26 1 meter
gauges are available. 2032247-4 26 3 meter
2032247-6 26 5 meter
Product Facts 1-2032247-1 26 10 meter
2053649-1 28 0.5 meter
• Truly broadband — operates from Other AWG
2053649-2 28 1 meter
1 Gbps to 10 Gbps Passive
2053649-4 28 3 meter
• Compatible with industry standard 2053649-6 28 5 meter
SFP cages 2052246-1 30 0.5 meter
• 100 Ohm differential impedance 2052246-2 30 1 meter
• 3.3 V input source voltage 2052246-4 30 3 meter
• EEPROM signature which can be
2052246-6 30 5 meter
customized 2032757-1 24 1 meter
Active 2032757-5 24 5 meter
• Pull-to-release retractable pin latch (Coming Soon) 1-2032757-0 24 10 meter
1-2032757-5 24 15 meter
• Pull tab allows compact belly-to-belly
• 360 degree cable braid crimp and
enhanced EMI skirt
• Various wire gauges provide diverse
cable management options
• Breakout and cross-over cables can be
• Able to custom engineer SFP+ cable
solutions to system architecture
• Uses Madison Cable high speed
TurboTwin parallel pair copper cable
© Copyright 2008 by Tyco Electronics Corporation.
MADISON CABLE, TurboTwin, TE LOGO and TYCO ELECTRONICS are trademarks.
PCI-SIG, PCI Express, PCIe, PCI-X and Conventional PCI are trademarks or registered trademarks of PCI-SIG.
All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Dimensions are in millimeters with inches (if shown) in brackets.
For more information, see Pluggable Input / Output Solutions Catalog No.1773408-1, contact your Tyco Electronics
sales engineer, call 1-800-522-6752, or visit our Website at: htpp://www.tycoelectronics.com.
Specifications subject to change.