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医薬品の研究開発用プラットフォーム「FRANKA RESEARCH 3」


 ◆ROS(Robot Operating System)対応

FRANKA RESEARCH 3は協働ロボットによる「狭所作業」や「人や周辺物との安全な接触」のような課題に対応できる製品になります。

#協働ロボット #7軸 #コボット #ROS #産業ロボット #少量多品種 #繰り返し #AI #自動化 #省人化 #工場 #生産性向上 #IoT #スマートファクトリー #Franka


ドキュメント名 医薬品の研究開発用プラットフォーム「FRANKA RESEARCH 3」
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 1.3Mb
取り扱い企業 株式会社リョーサン (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)




スマート工場/ スマート物流特集






医薬品の研究開発用プラットフォーム 「FRANKA RESEARCH 3」


Franka Research 3 Release Version: 1.0 (December 2023) Document number: R02212 Datasheet ¹ Arm & Control ARM Degrees of freedom 7 Interfaces • ethernet (TCP/IP) for visual intuitive programming with Desk Payload 3 kg • safety-rated input for external enabling device Maximum reach 855 mm • 2 configurable safety-rated inputs for Force/Torque sensing link-side torque sensor in all 7 axes emergency stop devices, safeguards or other Joint position limits A1, A3: -166/166 deg protective devices (OSSD devices via external A2: -105/105 deg OSSD converter connectable) • A4: -176/-7 deg hardware prepared for: 2x DI & 2x DO (24V, isolated, EN 61131-2 type 3 A5: -165/165 deg characteristics, 100 Hz sampling rate) A6: 25/265 deg • Control connector A7: -175/175 deg • connector for end effector Mounting flange DIN ISO 9409-1-A50 Installation position upright User Interfaces at the • integrated safety-rated guiding enabling switch Arm's Pilot Grip Weight ~ 17.8 kg • guiding button Protection rating IP40 • guiding mode selector Ambient temperature ² +5 °C to +45 °C Air humidity 20 − 80 % non-condensing User Interfaces at the • status light Arm's Pilot Disc • Pilot mode selector • arrow keys, teach, confirm, delete CONTROL PERFORMANCE Controller size (19”) 355 x 483 x 89 mm (D x W x H) Motion Supply voltage 100 − 240 VAC Joint velocity limits A1-A4: 150 °/s Mains frequency 50− 60 Hz A5-A7: 301 °/s (at FCI use A6: 239 °/s) Power consumption ~ 80 W Cartesian velocity limits up to 2 m/s end effector speed Active power factor correction (PFC) yes Pose repeatability ³ <+/- 0.1 mm (ISO 9283) Weight ~ 7 kg Protection rating IP20 Interaction Ambient temperature ² +5 °C to +45 °C Guiding force ~ 2.5 N Air humidity 20 − 80 % non-condensing Adjustable translational stiffness 10 − 3000 N/m Permitted mounting orientation horizontal Adjustable rotational stiffness 1 − 300 Nm/rad Interfaces • ethernet (TCP/IP) for internet Monitored signals joint position, velocity, and/or shop-floor connection torque cartesian position, force • power connector IEC 60320C14 (V-Lock) ADD-ONS • Arm connector Fully integrated end effectors • 2-finger gripper • Vacuum gripper EXCLUSIVE Fieldbuses • Modbus/TCP Research interface 1kHz Franka Control Interface (FCI) • OPC UA Copyright © Franka Robotics

Franka Research 3 Release Version: 1.0 (December 2023) Document number: R02212 SAFETY Certification EN ISO 13849-1:2015 safety of machinery - certified by TÜV SÜD RAIL safety-related parts of control systems Collaborative operation modes Safety-rated monitored stop fully integrated in PL d Cat. 3 Hand-guiding fully integrated in PL d Cat. 3 Safety-rated speed and separation monitoring realizable in combination with external protective devices up to PL d Cat. 3 Safety parametrization & validation Watchman user interface to set and validate safety-related parameters User management role based access management Safety Functions Emergency Stop (X3.1) PL d / Cat. 3 External Enabling Device (X4) PL d / Cat. 3 Enabling Button PL d / Cat. 3 Two configurable safe inputs (X3.2 and X3.3) PL d / Cat. 3 SLP-C: Safely limited Cartesian position PL d / Cat. 3 note: FCI cannot control the robot while SLP-C is active SLS-C: Safely limited Cartesian speed PL d / Cat. 3 note: FCI cannot control the robot while SLS-C is active SLP-J: Safely limited joint angle PL d / Cat. 3 note: FCI cannot control the robot while SLP-J is active SLS-J: Safely limited joint speed PL d / Cat. 3 SLD: Safely limited distance PL d / Cat. 3 SEEPO: Safe End Effector Power off PL b / Cat. b Stopping Functions Category 0 stop PL d / Cat. 3 Category 1 stop PL d / Cat. 3 Category 2 stop PL d / Cat. 3 Worst case safe Cartesian position accuracy 50 mm for stopping functions Safety values according to EN ISO 13849-1 PFH of PL d / Cat. 3 safety functions < 1 × 10−7 (Probability of Failures per Hour) PFH of PL b / Cat. b safety functions < 1 × 10−7 (Probability of Failures per Hour) 1. Technical data are subject to change. 2. For more details see Product Manual Franka Production 3. 3. Based on ISO 9283 (Annex A), specified values refer to a workspace of 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 m centered at [0.498, 0.0, 0.226] m, with the Z-Axis of the flange oriented parallel to earth-gravity and the elbow positioned upwards. Copyright © Franka Robotics

Franka Research 3 Release Version: 1.0 (December 2023) Document number: R02212 DIMENSIONS & WORKSPACE 82 384 88 A5 A6 X Z 82 107 A4 A7 X Y Y A3 Axes alignment without end effector 316 Z A2 Z 333 A1 X Z Y X Y Axes names with joint lengths [mm] Axes alignment with Franka Hand 855 855 1188 R 80 5 ase reach with flange // to b 333 ange R 855 o ISO CUBE f fl . r ach max e 362 365 280 280 Workspace | side view [mm] Workspace | top view [mm] Copyright © Franka Robotics ISO CUBE

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