


スリップリング付き 光ファイバロータリージョイント(P-FORJ)            


FORJ 1~2ch と スリップリング~36CHの複合ロータリージョイント


●FORJ:1~2ch, ストレート/L型タイプ
 -シングルモード(Single Mode):E9/125, 1310nm/1550nm
 -マルチモード(Multi Mode): G50/125 or G62.5/125, 850nm/1300nm



ドキュメント名 スリップリング付き 光ファイバロータリージョイント(P-FORJ)            
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 1.8Mb
取り扱い企業 株式会社コムクラフト (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)




SPINNER Fiber Optic Rotary Joint with Slip Ring – P-FORJ Combinations of FORJ and Slip Ring HIGH FREQUENCY PERFORMANCE WORLDWIDE www.spinner-group.com

SPINNER | P-FORJ The SPINNER Group For more than 75 years, the SPINNER Group has been setting new standards worldwide in high-frequency technology. Based in Munich with production facilities in Germany, Hungary, and China, SPINNER currently has over 900 employees. Our international network of subsidiaries and distributors supports customers in more than 40 countries. SPINNER Rotating Solutions SPINNER has become one of the leading manufacturers in Across all applications, the trend toward digitization and rotary joints thanks to its innovative approach, technical increasing data transmission rates is continuing. Our expertise, and high standards of quality. Our products are contactless modules for rotating systems deliver benefits used in maritime applications (both above and below whenever slip rings are inadequate due to large outer water), on land, in the air, and in space. diameters and/or high data transmission rates. INDUSTRIAL WIND ENERGY SATCOM SUBSEA/OFFSHORE SPACE RADAR AUTOMATION SPINNER Fiber Optic Rotary Joint with Slip Ring: P-FORJ Fiber optic rotary joints (FORJs) are powerful tools for transmission at high data rates via rotating interfaces. Such applications typically require the conversion of electronic data into light signals on either or both sides of the rotating junction. Powering the electro-optical converter at the rotating side is crucial in these cases. To solve this problem, we have designed a P-FORJ (P stands for power) that transmits light signals and elec- tric power at the same time. Any desired combination of high-quality SPINNER FORJ and slip ring can be easily configured to suit your application. Smallest P-FORJ in the Market We offer you the smallest P-FORJ now available in the market. It enables high data transmission rates while only requiring seven millimeters of free space around its rotational axis. And if its slip ring wears out, it’s designed for very easy replacement to let you take full advantage of the exceptionally long life and reliability that characterize all SPINNER fiber-optic rotary joints. We supply our P-FORJs together with standard lengths of Motor-driven hybrids, encoders, and RF rotary joints are also fiber and electric cable. If our regular portfolio doesn’t meet available. Please also ask about our specially designed and your requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact us – you tested fiber-optic multiplexers for combining with our P-FORJ. can count on us to offer you a viable solution. 2 | spinner-group.com

SPINNER | P-FORJ SPINNER Fiber Optic Rotary Joint with Slip Ring: P-FORJ Configure your SPINNER P-FORJ: Rotary Fiber Power Data Fiber ber FO FO Fiber Joint Optic Rings Rings Channel Fi Co ctor Connector Protection Unique Count Type nne C1 C2 P1 / P2 Identifier P O XX ZZ - X Z - XXX ZZZ - XZ - XZ Ø 14 mm (w. 1.068) Combined Up to 08 Ø 20 mm (w. 1.14 IL) Combined Up to 08 Ø 22 mm (w. 1.14 IL) Combined Up to 24 Ø 30 mm (w. 1.14 IL) Combined Up to 36 Ø 30 mm (w. 2.25 IL) Combined Up to 36 Customized w. 1.068 P w. 1.14 G w. 1.14L H w. 2.25 D w. 2.25L N Single-mode E9 / 125 (standard OS1) S Single-mode SMF28 Ultra U Multi-mode G50 / 125 (standard OM2) M Multi-mode G62.5 / 125 (OM1) N Special fiber (e.g. G657, HI1060, etc.) X Type C1 and C2 Connectors Connector/Polish LC / APC (standard, singlemode) LCA LCA LC / PC LCP LCP FC / APC FCA FCA FC / PC (standard, multimode) FCP FCP SC / APC SCA SCA SC / PC SCP SCP ST / PC STP STP MU / APC MUA MUA MU / PC MUP MUP Fiber protective tube with 900 µm buffer 30 mm bending radius (standard) 1 Fiber protective tube with Kevlar / aramid armor 20 mm bending radius (optional) 2 Metal protective tube 30 mm bending radius (optional) M Example: Slip ring combination with a 2CH FORJ L-type with SMF28 Ultra, FC/APC with Kevlar protection with three power rings for 24V/2A, one RS422 (e.g. six rings) and a CAN-BUS (e.g. three rings) for SPINNER (e.g. SP): PO-0309-NU-FCAFCA-22-SP spinner-group.com | 3

HIGH FREQUENCY PERFORMANCE WORLDWIDE SPINNER designs and builds cutting-edge radio frequency systems, setting performance and longevity standards for others to follow. The company's track record of innovation dates back to 1946, and many of today's mainstream products are rooted in SPINNER inventions. Industry leaders continue to count on SPINNER's engineering excellence to drive down their costs of service and ownership with premium-quality, off-the-shelf products and custom solutions. Headquartered in Munich, Germany, the global frontrunner in RF components remains the first choice in simple-yet-smart RF solutions. www.spinner-group.com SPINNER GmbH SPINNER Austria GmbH SPINNER Electrotécnica S.L. Headquarters Modecenterstraße 22/C38 c/ Perú, 4 – Local n° 15 Erzgiessereistr. 33 1030 Vienna 28230 Las Rozas (Madrid) 80335 Munich AUSTRIA SPAIN GERMANY Phone: +43 1 66277 51 Phone: +34 91 6305 842 Phone: +49 89 12601-0 info-austria@spinner-group.com info-iberia@spinner-group.com info@spinner-group.com SPINNER France S.A.R.L. SPINNER ICT Inc. SPINNER Nordic AB 24 Rue Albert Priolet 2220 Northmont Parkway, 250 Kråketorpsgatan 20 78100 St. Germain en Laye Duluth, GA 30096 43153 Mölndal FRANCE USA SWEDEN Phone: +33 1 74 13 85 24 Phone: +1 770 2636 326 Phone: +46 31 7061670 info-france@spinner-group.com info@spinner-group.com info-nordic@spinner-group.com SPINNER Telecommunication SPINNER UK Ltd. Devices (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Suite 8 Phoenix House 351 Lian Yang Road Golborne Enterprise Park, Songjiang Industrial Zone High Street Shanghai 201613 Golborne, Warrington P.R. CHINA WA3 3DP Phone: +86 21 577 45377 UNITED KINGDOM info-china@spinner-group.com Phone: +44 1942 275222 info-uk@spinner-group.com Data subject to change without notice 1.0/RS/12.2022