Edgecross Consortium to Address Edge Integration in IIoT-enabled Architectures
ドキュメント名 | Edgecross Consortium to Address Edge Integration in IIoT-enabled Architectures |
ドキュメント種別 | ホワイトペーパー |
ファイルサイズ | 854.1Kb |
取り扱い企業 | 一般社団法人Edgecross コンソーシアム (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |

By ARC Advisory Group
Edgecross Consortium to Address Edge
Integration in IIoT-enabled Architectures
Executive Overview ...................................................................... 3
The IIoT Business Value Proposition ............................................... 4
The Rise of the IIoT Network Edge ................................................. 4
Edge-to-Cloud Integration Challenges ............................................. 6
Migration toward Edge Computing .................................................. 6
The Need for Open Architecture IIoT Edge Platforms ........................ 8
Edgecross Consortium Tackles Edge Computing Challenges? ............. 9
Edgecross Platform Components .................................................... 9
Application Example: Enabling Preventative Maintenance ............... 12
Membership and Activities Schedule ............................................. 13
Comments from Founding Members.............................................. 14
Author profiles ........................................................................... 17
ARC White Paper • January 2018
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Executive Overview
Customers and suppliers of automated equipment across all industries are
waking up to the numerous incremental value propositions associated with
industrial internet-based strategies. Initiatives such as the Industrial Inter-
net of Things (IIoT), Industrie 4.0 (I4.0), information technology
(IT)/operational technology (OT) convergence, smart manufacturing, Smart
Society, and others are viewed as a means of accel-
Successful execution of industrial
erating core business drivers, including increased
internet-enabled business improvement
strategies requires increased IT/OT revenues, reduced costs, asset optimization, and
convergence, edge-to cloud integration ability to extend the base of potential customers.
and open architectures. Industrial edge This recognition extends to the C-Level, where ex-
platforms are emerging as a primary ecutives increasingly recognize the potential
means of addressing these core business impact of these initiatives.
functional requirements.
Pursuit of industrial internet-enabled strategies
necessitates a departure from the traditional siloed “IT vs OT/factory au-
tomation (FA)” perspective that has historically pervaded manufacturing
firms. Success with internet-enabled business improvement requires true
convergence of IT, OT, and engineering technology (ET) to implement the
access, transparency, security, and execution capabilities needed to deliver
on its significant promise.
These prospects herald the dawning of a new age at the industrial network
edge, one that must be addressed as customers prepare for and implement
internet-based business strategies. This preparation extends to ensuring
that what enterprise applications view as “the network edge” meets the re-
quirements for successfully executing connectivity-enabled business
strategies. This has numerous implications throughout the architecture.
The newly formed Edgecross Consortium looks to meet the need for the
core functionality required in the emerging era of edge computing, includ-
ing an edge platform that provides seamless coordination throughout the
architecture. IT systems will now be able to not only reach into the OT/FA
realm in search of operational improvements, but also into cloud-resident
supply chain and engineering activities. The Edgecross Consortium mis-
sion extends beyond a simple IIoT integration framework to creation of an
edge platform environment capable of meeting today’s business and tech-
nology integration challenges.
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The IIoT Business Value Proposition
Initiatives such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Industrie 4.0
(I4.0), China 2025, and the Smart Society are increasingly seen as the means
to reduce downtime, increase flexibility, and achieve an open, connected
and secure infrastructure. In today’s environment, target outcomes for in-
ternet-enabled strategies can range from reduced operations or
maintenance costs to reduced machine downtime,
Target outcomes for industrial internet- increased production flexibility, or migration to a
enabled strategies include lower service-oriented product offering. These benefits
operations and maintenance costs,
extend throughout the value chain to suppliers,
reduced downtime, increased production
OEMs, system integrators, and end customers.
flexibility, and/or migration to a service-
oriented offering.
To achieve these objectives, customers must be
able to dynamically access, monitor, manage, con-
trol, and optimize the associated assets, machines, processes, and/or con-
nected end products. The industrial network edge and the devices
associated with it have emerged as primary vehicles for delivering incre-
mental business value via internet-enabled strategies.
The Rise of the IIoT Network Edge
Connectivity, transparency, and remote access are primary enablers of
many of today’s internet strategies. Cloud integration, IT/OT/ET conver-
gence, and the overall need to feed data from the field to higher-level
applications are central to achieving these objectives, as is seamless hori-
zontal and vertical integration throughout the architecture. Each of these
concepts relies heavily on the industrial network edge as its information
The IIoT requires extensive integration of field and asset data with enter-
prise-level business improvement applications, many of which are resident
in the cloud. Numerous different types of cloud-based platforms are
emerging concurrent with the rise of the IIoT, including vendor-specific
operating systems platforms and those that rely on public clouds, such as
Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure.
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Numerous different types of IIoT platforms are emerging
Cloud-based enterprise-level business improvement strategies in the Indus-
trial Internet age need data from edge machines, processes, and other assets
and components to feed data-driven activities such as analytics. These
cloud-based architectures rely on the network edge to provide data com-
munications, application integration, and security, among other key roles.
Formerly isolated, OT-centric installations must now respond to the need to
integrate data with IT and ET. This emphasis on communication with
higher-level applications is behind the term “network edge,” since a top-
down perspective from the enterprise level results in field-level equipment
appearing at the outer edge of the architecture.
The Network Edge performs an important role in IIoT Strategies
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This trend is evident as companies are already escalating connectivity re-
quirements in their request for proposals (RFPs), using these new
capabilities to achieve initial benefits in areas such as remote monitoring,
diagnostics, and energy management that typically require remote access
and incremental data gathering. New project requisitions around the world
and across industries provide concrete evidence of the need for multifold
increases in edge connectivity.
Edge-to-Cloud Integration Challenges
Industrial internet strategies are typically viewed as a means of delivering
the edge data necessary to fuel performance improvement strategies exe-
cuted in higher level applications. In the industrial market, this is
particularly true for the large amount of data required by cloud-based ana-
lytics and similar applications tasked with delivering reduced machine
downtime and other strategic industrial internet value propositions. It is
also a necessary enabler behind the push toward Product-as-a-Service as a
means of both delivering services and monitoring usage.
Cloud integration at the edge currently serves
Edge-to-cloud integration presents
many additional purposes, including device con-
challenges in areas such as the need to
figuration and management, remote access and
pre-process large volumes of data,
unacceptable latency times, and monitoring, data storage, and/or application exe-
potential security concerns. cution. Enterprise applications are emerging as
primary consumers of data generated at the indus-
trial edge, but the sheer volume of data generated by these devices makes
cloud-based execution unrealistic in many cases. Edge applications them-
selves may not be able to tolerate the latency inherent in delivering data
back and forth to the Cloud for analysis and feedback, plus some customers
are not willing to serve their data up into a Cloud due to security concerns.
Migration toward Edge Computing
Migration of cloud-based applications down to the network edge infra-
structure and intelligent end device tiers is one of the main pressures
driving change at the industrial edge. Further evolution of the edge-to-
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cloud integration phenomenon includes emergence of edge or fog compu-
ting strategies. With this approach, some of the functionality traditionally
associated with the enterprise level is migrating into edge devices them-
selves. Edge computing is distinct from traditional automation and control
in that it emphasizes execution of applications typically resident in the
cloud rather than local control programs.
Edge computing helps avoid overburdening enterprise applications and
communication links by processing data at the edge and driving further
distribution of the architecture. Edge devices themselves continue to deliv-
er ongoing price/performance improvements in both connectivity and
compute capability, which in turn facilitates continued migration toward
edge computing.
Two primary drivers are contributing to this reali-
Edge computing insulates IT systems
from the deluge of machine data, plus it ty: the need to process data locally to prevent a
provides the speed and security data deluge from the field to the enterprise, plus
necessary for OT/FA applications. the speed, security, and other advantages inherent
in executing applications close to their data source
and target execution environment. Availability of analytical feedback near
or on the target assets delivers speedy, ultimately real-time feedback, as
well as improved operational security.
Edge computing capabilities will help offload enterprise applications from
the potential tsunami of data emanating from edge devices. Edge compu-
ting can assist by identifying and flagging data anomalies that may be
associated with problems in the device and/or process, plus assist with fil-
tering, offloading, and storing data not immediately required by the
enterprise application.
These events are extending the definition of IT and OT/FA convergence to
the merging of computational power and connectivity, or compute/connect.
Network infrastructure devices whose primary traditional role has been to
enable data connectivity between and within different layers of the archi-
tecture are now adding compute power to meet the emerging demands of
edge computing. At the same time, the need to process and deliver pre-
processed OT data to cloud-based enterprise applications is driving com-
pute capability down in the architecture and closer to the edge.
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IT/OT Convergence includes Compute/Connect convergence at the Edge
The Need for Open Architecture IIoT
Edge Platforms
Increasing functional and performance burdens on the IIoT edge are lead-
ing to the need for a dedicated edge platform environment that can meet
the rising number of requirements. This component of the architecture is
emerging to address needs such as reduced time, effort, cost, and special-
ized skills required to achieve IT connectivity to hybrid OT environments,
as well as availability of standard tools for device management and devel-
oping and deploying applications.
Edge platforms are emerging as a necessary archi-
IIoT edge platforms reduce the time,
effort, cost, and specialized skills tectural requirement that insulates both IT and OT
necessary to achieve edge-to-cloud from the intricacies of their specific environments.
integration. Edge platforms can deliver pre-processed OT data
to IT-based applications in the appropriate format
and via support of IT protocols, while also easing integration requirements
for OT devices and processes. Edge platforms can also provide context for
connected data and may offer modeling, visualization, and certain analytics
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ARC White Paper • January 2018
Edgecross Consortium Tackles Edge
Computing Challenges?
Six leading industrial companies, including Advantech, IBM Japan,
Mitsubishi Electric, NEC, Omron, and Oracle Japan, have formed the
Edgecross Consortium to address the need for edge computing standardi-
zation on a global scale and across industries. As the list of sponsoring
firms suggests, the consortium intends to bring IT and OT/FA together to
enable the extensive incremental value enabled by the emergence of the
IIoT and edge computing. This mission extends beyond a simple IIoT inte-
gration framework to creation of an edge platform environment capable of
meeting today’s business and technology integration challenges.
The Edgecross platform vision addresses core func-
The Edgecross platform provides core tionality required in the emerging realm of edge
functionality to bring IT and OT/FA
computing. The IPC gateway-based architecture
together and enable IIoT-driven
enables data collection from throughout the
performance improvement.
OT/FA environment, regardless of the vendor or
network types deployed. Real-time diagnosis and feedback occurs at the
production site, enabling real-time local feedback and response. Local edge
data processing capabilities enable OT/FA personnel as well as edge appli-
cations to abstract data for use in optimizing operations both locally and
across global locations. Edgecross further enables IT-driven applications to
execute in the OT/FA environment and supports a vast library of edge
computing applications.
The Edgecross platform enables these possibilities through a platform that
provides seamless coordination throughout the architecture. IT systems are
now able to not only reach into the OT/FA realm to address operational
improvements, but also into cloud-resident supply chain and engineering
Edgecross Platform Components
Development and support of a widely disseminated interface between IT
systems and the OT/FA environment will be one of the Edgecross Consor-
tium’s initial deliverables. This interface will support existing installations,
allowing incorporation of legacy equipment into the architecture. IPC-
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based gateway communication will also be supported to allow seamless
data coordination with OT/FA equipment and cloud-based IT systems.
The combination of an IPC-based gateway and edge platform software de-
livers a powerful edge processing environment capable of real-time data
processing and data model control. This architecture is consistent with the
current emphasis on gateways to achieve edge-to-cloud integration.
Edgecross platform overview
The Consortium’s initial activities target development of two critical core
functional components that enable the Edgecross platform to run on IPCs:
real time data processing and data modeling control. Real-time data pro-
cessing capabilities will allow the platform to be used to determine when
and from which devices data will be collected. This capability will enable
the platform to meet the needs of specific edge applications in terms of both
appropriate data formatting and implementing desired timing cycles for
data collection. This extends to managing feedback to edge devices, ena-
bling faster and easier development of edge applications with real-time
diagnostic feedback.
The data modeling control function will be used to generate structural
models of edge devices into a familiar tree structure. This model will in-
clude both a Bill of Materials (BOM)-type feature containing the order of
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device’s structural elements as well as important control functions such as
current, temperature, or torque.
Accurate data modeling is a challenge in edge processing applications due
to the differing kinds, functions, suppliers, and/or shipping destinations of
the machines and equipment installed in the shop floors inherent in its di-
verse landscape. This diversity can lead to difficulty in effectively
identifying the cause or location of a specific issue flagged by analytics ap-
plications if a proper data model that reflects the actual structure of edge
devices is not in place.
Edgecross takes a two-pronged approach to the important issue of accurate
data modeling at the edge. This approach is based on standard device pro-
files accessed via a standard edge platform supporting standard OT and IT
interfaces. Core platform functionality will include automatic generation of
model data based on these standard device profiles. The profiles, which
will include details on both the device attributes as well as their usage with
specific automation networks, will be provided by the edge device provid-
The consortium also aims to promote standardization of these data models
in further pursuit of a more accurate and simplified approach to edge pro-
cessing. The success of this standardization effort, which falls under the
consortium’s Technical Working Group, will rely on device suppliers and
equipment builders participating in the standards effort and developing
conforming device profiles.
The combination of an IPC-based gateway and edge platform software de-
livers a powerful edge processing environment capable of real-time data
processing and data model control. Inclusion of an offering of “data collec-
tor” function in the Edgecross vision eliminates the need for developers to
spend time on non-value-add custom integration tasks and allows data to
be easily incorporated from a variety of field inputs. The Consortium plans
to further ease development through availability of open development kits
and technical support resources.
The Consortium has already started to distribute beta development kits for
IT system companies and edge application developers to its membership.
The Consortium will open its Market Place and start to offer edge applica-
tions at the time of the official launch of the basic Edgecross software
platform, which is planned for spring 2018.
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Application Example:
Enabling Preventative Maintenance
Preventative maintenance capabilities are essential to achieving IIoT-driven
objectives such as reduced machine downtime and/or eliminating extend-
ed facility shutdowns. Edgecross fulfills the edge integration and execution
requirements necessary to perform preventative maintenance by easily col-
lecting, converting and analyzing data to and from the OT/FA and IT
In this example, the platform collects and converts data from a variety of
equipment and network types to make it suitable for use by the preventa-
tive maintenance application. The maintenance software analyzes the data
and generates a diagnosis within its own execution environment, then
sends any necessary notifications to production devices via Edgecross.
Edgecross could then light a signal lamp that notifies personnel of an im-
pending equipment breakdown and alerting them to the need for corrective
action. Edgecross enables this capability by fostering easy integration,
analysis, and dissemination of field equipment data to IT systems, and then
conveying the resulting response seamlessly through the architecture.
Edgecross enables performance improvements across facilities
Edgecross further allows this application to extend to facilities throughout a
global enterprise. Data collected from local facilities across different sites
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can be consolidated and analyzed to extract breakdown indication detec-
tion patterns. These patterns can then be collected into the cloud through
the Edgecross gateway, then distributed to the preventative maintenance
application running on Edgecross platform installed at the overseas remote
sites. The patterns can be compared to machines and equipment behavioral
data collected from overseas facilities in the Edgecross environment.
Edgecross then enables notification of potential upcoming equipment
breakdowns to operators in overseas facilities.
Membership and Activities Schedule
At the first announcement on November 6, 2017, the Consortium an-
nounced a long list of supporting companies, including: AWS, Beckhoff,
Bynas, Canon IT Solutions, CDS, CIMX, Citizen Machinery, Contec, Das-
sault Systemes, Disec, DMG Mori, Elmic, ePlan, Fujitsu, Fujisoft, HP, ILC,
Intel, Interface, ISID, JTE, KSK Analytics, Lattice Technology, Mazak,
McAfee, Mcor, Microsoft, Net One Systems, NSD, NSW, Panasonic Indus-
trial Devices SUNX, PFU, Portwell, Saison Information Systems, Renesas,
Schneider Electric, Siemens, Soft Service, Tibco, Toshiba Electronic Engi-
neering, Trend Micro, Tsuzuki, VMware, Wind River, and WingArc1st.
Two new mem-
bers, CTC and
Kuka, were
added on the
day of the con-
founding during
the opening day
of System Con-
trol Fair (SCF)
2017 in Tokyo
on November 29,
bringing the to-
tal member-ship
to 53 companies.
Edgecross to pursue partnership with various other
platforms in the marketplace Initial Consorti-
um activities
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will focus on developing specifications for the Edgecross open software
platform and promoting its dissemination. This work will include provid-
ing avenues for supporting companies to cooperate and collaborate
through member’s participation in Technical and Marketing WGs, as well
as conformance tests for certification of compatible products. Cooperative
marketing such as opening of Market Place on the internet for application
sales will be followed. Further activities will include expanding applica-
tions across industries and geographies and cooperation with leading
academic institutions.
The Consortium plans to recruit additional members via its presence at ex-
hibitions and other future marketing efforts. It also plans to pursue
partnerships with other edge-computing platforms and cloud-based IoT
platforms in the marketplace.
Comments from Founding Members
Taka Furusawa, Director, Industrial-IoT Group, iFactory
Sector, Advantech Japan Co., Ltd.
From our extensive experience in the manufacturing and sales business of
edge computing products to the world, we see many of our customers
share worries of whether to start from where in the IIoT field. The biggest
contribution of the Consortium will it enables to present clear directions
and methods to such customers not by offering solution supported by a
single supplier but by gathering expertise and experience of multiple mem-
ber companies.
Challenges include how to establish conformed technological format by
adopting different and diversified opinions of the member companies
through the Technical WG activities. How many and how faster the Con-
sortium can accumulate best practices and use cases of the Edgecross
applications as customer references is another challenge. For the manage-
ment of Market Place of the applications will be another issue. Advantech,
who operates WISE-PaaS as its own platform and launches their own Mar-
ket Place, is willing to share its expertise and experiences with the
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Tatsuya Matsunaga, VP, Value Creation, Business
Development, IBM Japan, Ltd.
I strongly support the purpose of establishing this consortium to coordinate
FA and IT from Japan. We will leverage the global knowledge and skills
that IBM has and its various in the Watson IoT area while respecting the
purpose of Edgecross and contributing to the development of this Consor-
Tetsuya Kawai, Deputy GM, 1st Manufacturing Industries
Solution Div., NEC Corporation
Edge computing platform is to give an effective meaning for IT business
vendors such as NEC to acquire data from manufacturing field. The notion
that edge connecting both competitive fields of IT and OT can be coopera-
tive is quite persuasive for us. Certification program for the products
conformity and integrity will make sure customers confidence to adopt this
Challenges of the Consortium will include credibility of the platform open-
ness, development of sophisticated software and platform, and
achievement of full-functional and -operable data corrector functionality.
As a founding member, NEC will contribute to persuade industry about its
openness, supporting advanced technologies such as cybersecurity, net-
working, AI to develop advanced platform by joining the Technical WG
activities, and contributing evaluation of data corrector functionality
through testbed trials and a like.
Yutaka Miyanaga, Executive Vice President, Omron
Corporation, Company President, Industrial Automation
We support the purpose of the establishment of the consortium. We will
leverage our broad lineup of FA equipment and control technology that
work with applications. We will also promote the introduction of IoT for
machines, devices, and equipment at the manufacturing site, and lead
Edgecross together with each of the supporting companies to contribute to
the development of Japan's manufacturing industry.
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Shinji Taketsume, Operating Officer, Cloud Solution
Sales, Oracle Corporation Japan
Oracle Japan is very much honored to become a founding member of this
Consortium. Oracle offers its wide-range and integrated Oracle Cloud
throughout the globe and has many achievements in the area of IoT as well.
We will contribute in spreading Edgecross by offering Oracle Cloud.
Haruyuki Otani, GM, Solution Systems Dept., Solution
Business Strategy Div., FA Systems Group, Mitsubishi
Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric is aiming to expand the scope of e-F@ctory solutions
business by utilizing Edgecross promotion. The basic structure of e-F@ctory
composes three-layer including FA manufacturing field layer, upper IT lay-
er, and edge layer between the two. To enforce the solution business in
edge area further, we found that we need to establish open edge software
platform that will enable to connect equipment data from the FA operation
field in multi-vendor environment to upper IT applications, which are run-
ning another multi-vendor environment.
Accumulating variety of use case is critical to success of the Consortium
initiatives. Technically, it will be a challenge to increase number of general-
purpose applications available on the edge platform. To promote wider uti-
lization of the Edgecross platform, we believe it is necessary to produce
products and services by using general-purpose applications with standard
data format, previously many of them were produced by customizations.
The Technical WG will in charge of it by obtaining the cooperation of the
various members including IT companies.
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Author profiles
Chantal Polsonetti
Vice President, Advisory Services
ARC Advisory Group
Areas of Expertise
Chantal's primary activities include working with the ARC teams covering
the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), industrial networks and other topics.
Chantal's focus areas include the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), indus-
trial Ethernet switches and devices, wireless networks, and device networks.
She also administers the ARC Industrial Internet of Things and Industrial
Network Edge groups on LinkedIn. Chantal has been with ARC since 1990
and has conducted numerous industry-leading research activities in areas
Total Available Market for Industrial Network Infrastructure
Connected Device Management Platforms for Industrial IoT
Industrial Ethernet Devices
Industrial Ethernet Switches and Infrastructure
Industrial Wireless (process and discrete industries)
Industrial Device Networks
Intelligent Train Control Systems
And many more
Prior to ARC, she was with Venture Development Corporation where she
focused on sensors and device-level topics, and International Data Group
where she provided market research support. Prior to her career as an in-
dustry analyst, Chantal was with the injection molded plastic fastener
business of Dennison Manufacturing and then L.E. Mason, a local alumi-
num, zinc, and magnesium die cast manufacturer.
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Analyst: Chantal Polsonetti
Editor: Paul Miller
Acronym Reference: For a complete list of industry acronyms, please refer Acronym
Reference: For a complete list of industry acronyms, please refer to
BOM Bill of Materials IT Information Technology
CPU Central Processing Unit I4.0 Industrie 4.0
DBMS Database Management System OT Operational Technology
DDK Driver Development Kit PaaS Product as a Services
ET Engineering Technology PLC Programmable Logic Controller
EAM Enterprise Asset Management PLM Product Lifecycle Management
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning RFP Request for Proposal
FA Factory Automation ROA Return on Assets
IIoT Industrial Internet of Things SDK Software Development Kit
IPC Industrial Personal Computer WAP Wireless Application Protocol
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organizations today, our analysts have the industry knowledge and first-hand
experience to help our clients find the best answers.
All information in this report is proprietary to and copyrighted by ARC. No part
of it may be reproduced without prior permission from ARC. This research has
been sponsored in part by the Edgecross Consortium. However, the opinions
expressed by ARC in this paper are based on ARC's independent analysis.
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