あらゆる回転ツールの中で最も低い振動、重量、騒音レベル。 ダイグラインダーのRSIと作業時間を削減!
Air Turbine Tools® の特許技術はどのように役立ちますか?
Air Turbine Tools® 空気式ペンシル グラインダーは、25,000 rpm ~ 90,000 rpm で高トルクと高速を実現します。 当社のガバナーと 1.4HP の出力により、カット中の定格速度が維持されます。 当社の空気式ペンシルグラインダーとルーターを使用すると、生産が速くなり、仕上げ面がきれいになり、切削工具の寿命が延びます。 「スピードが切断を決める」ように、エアペンシルグラインダーを軽い手でガイドするだけです。 これらのユニークなエアペンシルグラインダーは、クラス、デザイン、機能において最高のものです。 快適なグリップ、コンパクトなサイズ、正確な先端を実現するように設計されており、産業オペレータは Air Turbine Tools® ペンシル グラインダーまたはルーターを使用して安全性と信頼性を実現します。
ドキュメント名 | Made in USA 驚異の高回転エアタービングラインダー AIR TURBINE TOOLS(エアタービンツールズ)日本上陸! |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 4.3Mb |
取り扱い企業 | 喜一工具株式会社 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |

Revolutionary High Speed Hand Tools
Light & Powerful: 25,000 - 90,000 rpm to 1.40 hp
Ergonomically Safer - Maintenance Free - Reliable
+1.561.994.0500 • www.airturbinetools.com • info@airturbinetools.com
Are Your Power Tools Causing Hand Arm Stress?
Noise and Vibration while you work? Time limits on working with your tools?
Oil mist spraying in your face and over your parts? Suffering with finger heat or cold?
What’s the answer?
Revolutionary Air Turbine Tools® solve problems in hand operations. 40 Tools
Reduce injury risk and repetitive stress on your hands and arm.
From just 6 oz (0.17 kg) Air Turbine Tools® are also light weight.
Limitations on working time in operations are eliminated.
Sound level at less than 67 dBA protects your hearing.
No oil mist sprays in your face with oil-free Air Turbine Tools®.
Comfort and safety need not sacrifice performance!
Our governed turbine prevents your tool from slowing down in corners or
hard material. You keep the high speed on your cut.
Power to 1.40 hp (1.04 kW) maintains the high speed of rotation for
optimized cutting action. Just connect 90 psi / 6,2 bar air.
Governed high speed does the cutting effortlessly and precisely.
At 25,000 to 65,000 rpm Air Turbine Tools® improve:
• Surface Quality
• Cutting Tool Life
• Production Rates
• Cutting Action
Always use eye protection and follow safety instructions.
1 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
Much Lower Vibration & Weight: View Statistics Below
These tools will improve safety in compliance with ISO 2631 and directive 2002 .44/EC
EAV = Time to reach Exposure Action Value.
ELV = Exposure Limit Value.
Hand Tools Working Time Specifications
Model Time to reach EAV Time to reach ELV Vibration magnitude
2.5 m/s² A(8) 5 m/s² A(8) m/s² r.m.s Weight Power
200SV 17 hours, 71 hours, .4 oz 0.20 hp
58 minutes 50 minutes 1.67 5
0.15 kg 0.15 kW
201 128 hours, 2 6 oz 0.20 hp
15 minutes 513 hours 0.6 0.17 kg 0.15 kW
202 34 hours, 138 hours, 0 hp
44 minutes 55 minutes 1.20 6 oz .55
0.17 kg 0.41 kW
206X 24 hours, 97 hours, 0
28 minute 51 minutes 1.43 8.2 oz .40 hp
s 0.23 kg 0.30 kW
525 23 hours, 94 hours, oz 0.45 hp
32 minutes 6 minutes 1.46 14.5
0.41 kg 0.34 kW
525X 23 hours, 94 hours, 5 oz 0.80 hp
32 minutes 6 minutes 1.46 15.
0.44 kg 0.60 kW
525XSVE 12 hours, 50 hours, 0.80 hp
32 minute 8 minutes 2.00 27.9 oz
s 0.79 kg 0.60 kW
230DM 345 hours, 1382 hours, 0.88 hp
40 minutes 37 minutes 0.38 39.7 oz
1.12 kg 0.66 kW
310R 345 hours, 1382 hours, 0.88 hp
40 minutes 37 minutes 0.38 39.7 oz
1.12 kg 0.66 kW
310RX 345 hours, 1382 hours, 1.40 hp
40 minutes 37 minutes 0.38 41.4 oz
1.17 kg 1.04 kW
0145 30 hours, 122 hours, z 0.20 hp
44 minutes 53 minutes 1.28 6 o
0.17 kg 0.15 kW
2545 64 hours, 256 hours, 0.45 hp
2590 11 minutes 41 minutes 0.88 18 oz
0.50 kg 0.34 kW
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2
End Maintenance and Frequent Repairs
Traditional hand tools require maintenance, frequent repairs, expensive part replacement and lubrication.
Air Turbine Tools® don’t.
There are only two moving parts in Air Turbine Tools®: Governor Control
1. Proprietary governed turbines 1. Delivers Power on Demand
2. Air cooled steel grease packed bearings. 2. Minimizes Air Consumption
Patented Double Turbine Power
Our patented tools have low friction and great reliability. to 1.4 hp (1 kW)
What are the Differences from Vane, Electric Tools and Ungoverned Turbines?
• No vanes to vibrate and cause hand arm stress.
Vanes vibrate and need frequent replacement. Vane tools are also heavy and get hot, giving rise to burns.
• Most vane tools require lubrication.
Oil mist sprays on your work and in your face. No need to lubricate Air Turbine Tools®, eliminating oil.
• Using electric tools?
Electric tools are heavy and vibrate. High Frequency brushes create heat and burn up necessitating repair.
Most do not reach higher speeds and a control system is required. No need for an expensive electrical box.
• Ungoverned turbines quickly slow down when you are cutting and have lower power.
Lower speed and weak performance result. Ungoverned turbines don’t have the high torque necessary to
be effective in application.
• Air Turbine Tools® patented automatic brake option stops your tool in seconds.
High speed optimizes cutting performance of your mounted points or burs
and improves surface finish quality.
3 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
Key Advantages at a Glance
Governor Control for Direct Drive Reliability. Great Reliability.
Constant High Torque. Only 2 Moving Parts. Low Heat.
Maintains High Speed +
Power under Load. No Maintenance. No Hand Burns.
Powerful Light Constant High Cutting Faster Production.
Weight Range. Speed Enables Work Longer Tool Life.
Reduced Stress to be done with a
and Carpel Tunnel Light Hand.
Injury Risk.
Low Vibration. No Oil or Lubrication. Just Improved
No Limit on Work Time. Supply 90 psi / 6.2 bar air. Surface Quality.
Quiet - Under 67 dBA. No part or Shop Air Improved Accuracy.
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4
Your High Speed Solution
The Tools of a New Generation™
Constant High Speed and Power:
• Patented governed turbine maintains constant high speed under load.
• Accelerate production and optimize cutting tool performance and life.
• Improve finish quality.
High Precision:
• Low Vibration and Weight improves precision.
• Design facilitates close proximity work.
• Only two moving parts (Turbine and Bearings).
• Air cooled grease packed bearings.
• No maintenance or lubrication.
5 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
Multiple Options:
• Slide Valve SV or
DM Trigger Switch Control
• Patented automatic brake
option available.
• 40 Tools available.
Simple Setup:
• Just connect dry, clean 90
psi / 6.2 bar compressed air.
Shown: 525SV
0.45 hp - Governed 40,000 rpm.
Direct Drive Motor:
• Low friction and heat.
• No gears, high frequency brushes,
or vanes to heat up or burn out.
• Long Service Life.
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6
200SV Series
If you like an inkpot shape the super ergonomic 200SV Series is the
tool for you. The 200SV delivers power at 0.20 hp (0.15 kW) at
governed 50,000 rpm.
That’s the difference. Governed high speed stays high when you
cut. You will increase your productivity and improve finish quality -
remember coated cutting tools only work well at high speed
Compact and easy to grip the 200SV weighs only 5.4 oz
(0.15 kg). Low vibration magnitude of 1.67 m/s² r.m.s
makes non-stop work easy - with reduced hand- 5.4 oz (0.15 kg)
arm stress.
Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
Only a light hand is needed to guide 17 hours, 58 minutes
this 50,000 rpm tool as “speed does
the cutting”. Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
71 hours, 50 minutes
Our patented automatic
brake option stops the Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
200SV in seconds. 1.67
Part Numbers 50,000 rpm
Model P/N
200SV 1/8” 32060
200SV 1/8” w/brake 32062
200SV 3mm 32061
200SV 3mm w/brake 32063
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting.
Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 200SV Series
Governed Speed rpm 50,000
Power Rating hp (kW) 0.2 (0.15)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 4 (1.88)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 6 (2.83) - 9 (4.24)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/8” (3mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/8” or optional 3mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 1/4” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 1/4” air supply fitting. Optional Collets and accessory filters are available.
7 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
201 Series SV Version
You will immediately feel the 201’s ultra low vibration and weight and
hear the < 67 dBA sound level. The light 201 is powerful - designed to work
reliably in industrial applications.
The 201SV is rated for nonstop work: 128 hours 15 minutes before
reaching EAV 2.5 m/s2 A(8) or 513 hours before reaching EAV 5
m/s2 A(8). Now you can work safer and longer and there’s no
maintenance required.
6 oz (0.17 kg)
Only a light hand guiding the 201SV is needed to
get our signature benefits - improved precision, Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
faster cutting action and finer finished 128 hours, 15 minutes
surface quality.
Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
For heavier applications step up to 513 hours
the 202SV with more power
and lower vibration. Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 40,000 rpm 50,000 rpm 65,000 rpm 90,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N P/N P/N
201SV 1/8” 32140 32150 32160 32170
201SV 1/8” w/brake 32144 32154 32164 32172
201SV 3mm 32141 32151 32161 32171
201SV 3mm w/brake 32145 32155 32165 32173
201DM 1/8” 32142 32152 32162
201DM 1/8” w/brake 32146 32156 32166
201DM 3mm 32143 32153 32163
201DM 3mm w/brake 32147 32157 32167
DM Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 201 Series
Governed Speed rpm 40,000 / 50,000 / 65,000 / 90,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .15 (.11) / .2 (.15)/ .2 (.15) /.2 (.15)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 3 (1.51) / 4 (1.88) / 4 (1.88) / 5 (2.36)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 4.8 (2.22) - 7 (3.30)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/8” (3mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/8” or optional 3mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 1/4” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 1/4” air supply fitting. Optional Collets and accessory filters are available.
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8
202 Series SV Version
Reduce hand arm stress and injury risk while increasing productivity –
Impossible? Not at all.
Combining safety in its low vibration and high power the 6 oz (0.17 kg)
202SV can’t be matched for its power to weight ratio – just try it!
At 0.55 hp (0.41 kW) the 202SV Series has awesome power
output from its large diameter turbine. The narrow shaft gives
you exact control of that power for precision work. 6 oz (0.17 kg)
The vibration on the 202SV is so low it’s rated for Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
nonstop work: 34 hours 44 minutes before 34 hours, 44 minutes
reaching EAV 2.5 mm/s2 (A8), or 138 hours
55 minutes before reaching Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
ELV 5 m/s2 (A8). 138 hours, 55 minutes
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 30,000 rpm 40,000 rpm 50,000 rpm 65,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N P/N P/N
202SV 1/8” 32230 32240 32250 32260
202SV 1/8” w/brake 32234 32244 32254 32264
202SV 3mm 32231 32241 32251 32261
202SV 3mm w/brake 32235 32245 32255 32265
202DM 1/8” 32232 32242 32252 32262
202DM 1/8” w/brake 32236 32246 32256 32266
202DM 3mm 32233 32243 32253 32263
202DM 3mm w/brake 32237 32247 32257 32267
DM Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 202 Series
Governed Speed rpm 30,000 / 40,000 / 50,000 / 65,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .40 (.30) / .45 (.34) / .50 (.37) / .55 (.41)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 10 (4.72) / 13 (6.14) / 14 (6.61) / 14 (6.61)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 11 (5.19) - 20 (9.44)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/8” (3mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/8” or optional 3mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 1/4” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 1/4” air supply fitting. Optional Collets and accessory filters are available.
9 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
206X Series SV Version
Light and Quiet with ultra low vibration magnitude at 1.43 m/s2 r.m.s.
Now you can replace your heavy noisy vibrating tools requiring
lubrication and maintenance.
At 0.4 hp (0.30 kW) our patented double turbine 206X punches way
above its 8.2 oz (0.23 kg) weight.
The vibration on the 206X is so low it’s rated for nonstop work:
24 hours 28 minutes before reaching EAV 2.5 m/s2 (A8) or 8.2 oz (0.23 kg)
97 hours 51 minutes before reaching ELV 5 m/s2 (A8).
Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
Work with governed high speed which stays near 24 hours, 28 minutes
rated speed under load at constant 50,000
rpm. You will get superb surface quality and Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
virtually no stress or noise. Try this tool – it 97 hours, 51 minutes
transforms the operator’s experience.
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 40,000 rpm 50,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N
206XSV 1/4” 42988 42989
206XSV 1/4” w/brake 42991 42992
206XSV 6mm 42994 42995
206XSV 6mm w/brake 42997 42998
206XDM 1/4” 42976 42977
206XDM 1/4” w/brake 42979 42980
206XDM 6mm 42982 42983
206XDM 6mm w/brake 42985 42986
DM Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 206XSV Series
Governed Speed rpm 40,000 / 50,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .3 (.22) / .3 (.22) / .4 (.30)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 5 (2.36) / 6 (2.83) / 6 (2.83)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 7 (3.30) - 10 (4.27)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” / (6mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 1/4” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 1/4” air supply fitting. Optional Collets and accessory filters are available.
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 10
525 Series SV Version
Revolutionary comfort and superior surface quality with high speed. Plenty of
power for deburring, part cleaning, deflashing or weld removal.
Constant governed high speed does the cutting, not operator
pressure. Eliminate heat, stress and injury risk and end daily
maintenance costs. Just guide the 525 with its
low vibration and weight.
Patented automatic brake option stops this tool in a 14.5 oz (0.41 kg)
few seconds.
Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
Double turbine X version available with 23 hours, 32 minutes
extra power.
Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
For routing see 310R Series. 94 hours, 6 minutes
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 30,000 rpm 40,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N
525SV 1/4” 32530 32540
525SV 1/4” w/brake 32534 32544
525SV 6mm 32531 32541
525SV 6mm w/brake 32535 32545
525DM 1/4” 32532 32542
525DM 1/4” w/brake 32536 32546
525DM 6mm 32533 32543
525DM 6mm w/brake 32537 32547
DM Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 525 Series
Governed Speed rpm 30,000 / 40,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .4 (30) / .45 (.34)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 10 (4.72) / 13 (6.14)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 11 (5.19) - 20 (9.27)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” / (6mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 1/4” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 1/4” air supply fitting.
11 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
525X Series - Extra Power SV Version
Exceptionally powerful and comfortable! The 525X delivers high torque at lower
speeds. Double turbine power combines with lightweight, low vibration, low
noise and provides greater accuracy and a finer high quality finish.
The constant high speed 525X enables you to work on
hard-to-reach applications for fast removal or finishing -
comfortably with a light touch directing the tool. At up
to 0.80 hp (0.60 kW) high speed cutting action on
your work piece is assured. 15.5 oz (0.44 kg)
Patented automatic brake option stops this Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
tool in mere seconds. 23 hours, 32 minutes
Extended version for cavities Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
available, see page 13. 94 hours, 6 minutes
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 30,000 rpm 40,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N
525XSV 1/4” 42530 42540
525XSV 1/4” w/brake 42534 42544
525XSV 6mm 42531 42541
525XSV 6mm w/brake 42535 42545
525XDM 1/4” 42532 42542
525XDM 1/4” w/brake 42536 42546
525XDM 6mm 42533 42543
525XDM 6mm w/brake 42537 42547
DM Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 525X Series
Governed Speed rpm 30,000 / 40,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .8 (.60) / .8 (.60)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 19 (8.97) / 20 (9.44)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 22 (10.38) - 30 (14.16)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” / (6mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 3/8” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 3/8” air supply fitting. Optional Collets and accessory filters are available.
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 12
525XSVE Series
Reach deep cavities! The 525XSVE delivers double turbine power
combined with lightweight, low vibration, low noise for operator
comfort. The 525XSVE also provides greater accuracy and a
finer high quality finish.
The constant high speed 525XSVE enables you
to work on hard-to-reach applications for fast
removal or finishing - comfortably with a light
touch directing the tool. At up to 0.80 hp
(0.60 kW) high speed cutting action 27.9 oz (0.79 kg)
on your work piece is assured.
Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
Patented automatic brake 12 hours, 32 minutes
option stops this tool
in seconds. Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
50 hours, 8 minutes
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 30,000 rpm
Model P/N
525XSVE 1/4” 42562
525XSVE 6mm 42563
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting.
Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 525XSVE Series
Governed Speed rpm 30,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .8 (.60)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 19 (8.97)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 22 (10.38) - 30 (14.16)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” / (6mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve
and 3/8” air supply fitting.
13 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
230DM Series
Almost silent, this light tool shows the power and superiority
of the governed turbine. The 230DM incorporates heavy duty
bearings and has collet capacities of 1/4” or 6mm. For use
in heavy-duty applications where hard use is expected for
graphite finishing or Kevlar cutting, die polishing, removing
welds or foundry work.
The 230DM will perform heavy material removal
tasks reliably, faster, cleaner.
Reduced fatigue, hand arm stress
and carpel tunnel injury risk. 39.7 oz (1.12 kg)
The 230DM has a a trigger Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
switch for quick, easy shut-off. 345 hours, 40 minutes
Available with and without Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
brake option. 1382 hours, 37 minutes
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 25,000 rpm 30,000 rpm 40,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N P/N
230DM 1/4” 32722 32732 32742
230DM 1/4” w/brake 32728 32738 32748
230DM 6mm 32723 32733 32743
230DM 6mm w/brake 32729 32739 32749
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 230 Series
Governed Speed rpm 25,000 / 30,000 / 40,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .76 (.57) / .83 (.62) / .88 (.66)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 13 (6.14) / 14 (6.61) / 14 (6.61)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 15 (7.08) - 35 (16.52)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” (6mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. DM: Trigger switch and 3/8” air supply fitting.
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 14
310R Router Series SV Version
Control and Power - to 0.88 hp. For high speed routing.
Wood, plastics and fiberglass are cut faster and cleaner at
governed 40,000 rpm with less fiber break-out with the 310R.
Oil-free mechanism results in no oil misting and no part
contamination. The 310R is a light powerful direct
drive turbine with only 2 moving parts - resulting
in great reliability. A further advantage of the
310R is the tool’s low vibration magnitude
(just 0.38 mm/s2) and low heat – both 39.7 oz (1.12 kg)
improving operator comfort and
reducing RSI risk. Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
345 hours, 40 minutes
Slide Valve SV or DM Trigger
Switch Control. Accessory Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
Guides available. 1382 hours, 37 minutes
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 25,000 rpm 30,000 rpm 40,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N P/N
310RSV 1/4” 33420 33430 33440
310RSV 1/4” w/brake 33424 33434 33444
310RSV 6mm 33421 33431 33441
310RSV 6mm w/brake 33425 33435 33445
310RDM 1/4” 33422 33432 33442
310RDM 1/4” w/brake 33426 33436 33446
310RDM 6mm 33423 33433 33443
310RDM 6mm w/brake 33427 33437 33447
DM Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 310R Series
Governed Speed rpm 25,000 / 30,000 / 40,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .76 (.57) / .83 (.62) / .88 (.66)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 13 (6.14) / 14 (6.61) / 14 (6.61)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 14 (6.61) - 35 (16.52)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” (6mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 3/8” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 3/8” air supply fitting.
15 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
310RX Router Series - Extra Power SV Version
Incredible Double Turbine Power - to 1.40 hp (1.04 kW).
Composites, plastics and alloys can be routed faster and
cleaner at 40,000 rpm with a finer surface quality and less
fiber break-out with the 310RX.
The oil-free patented mechanism results in no oil
misting and no part contamination.The 310RX
is a powerful direct drive turbine with only 2
moving parts: the result is low vibration,
low heat and great durability. 41.4 oz (1.17 kg)
Slide Valve SV or DM Trigger Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
Switch Control. Accessory 345 hours, 40 minutes
Guides available.
Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
1382 hours, 37 minutes
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 25,000 rpm 30,000 rpm 40,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N P/N
310RXSV 1/4” 43420 43430 43440
310RXSV 1/4” w/brake 43424 43434 43444
310RXSV 6mm 43421 43431 43441
310RXSV 6mm w/brake 43425 43435 43445
310RXDM 1/4” 43422 43432 43442
310RXDM 1/4” w/brake 43426 43436 43446
310RXDM 6mm 43423 43433 43443
310RXDM 6mm w/brake 43427 43437 43447
DM Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 310RX Series
Governed Speed rpm 25,000 / 30,000 / 40,000
Power Rating hp (kW) 1.2 (0.90) / 1.3 (0.98) / 1.4 (1.04)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 16 (7.55) / 17 (8.02) / 18 (8.50)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 19 (8.97) - 40 (18.89)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” (6mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 3/8” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 3/8” air supply fitting. Optional Collets and accessory filters are available.
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 16
0145 Series
Put the 0145SSV in your fingers or palm and experience exceptionally fine SSV Short Version
control necessary for close proximity work. Feather-light at 6 oz (0.17 kg)
the 0145SSV has lots of torque.
The 0145 is so naturally balanced that it feels like an extension of
your hand.
This tool is effective for precision work, marking or deburring but its so light
you hardly notice you are working.
Our patented 45° design conforms to the natural position of your hand for
hand- eye coordination. Because the motor is in the 45° head there are
no gears, vanes or brushes to vibrate or heat up. 6 oz (0.17 kg)
As a result the 0145 delivers direct drive reliability with only 2 moving parts Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
combined with lower vibration and weight than a gear head. 30 hours, 44 minutes
Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
122 hours, 53 minutes
Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Part Numbers 40,000 rpm 50,000 rpm 65,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N P/N
0145SSV 1/8” short 35042 35052 35062
0145SSV 3mm short 35043 35053 35063
0145SV 1/8” long 35040 35050 35060
0145SV 3mm long 35041 35051 35061
Long Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 0145 Series
Governed Speed rpm 40,000 / 50,000 / 65,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .15 (.11) / .2 (.15) / .2 (.15)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 3.2 (1.51) / 4 (1.89) / 4 (1.89)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 4.7 (2.22) - 7 (3.30)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/8” (3mm)
Standard Equipment: 1/8” or optional 3mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 1/4” air supply
fitting. Optional Collets and accessory filters are available.
17 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500
2545 Series
Differences you will feel immediately: SSV Short Version
Speed does the cutting with low stress.
The patented 45° 2545 angle tool is designed
with the turbine in its angle head and no gears.
Light weight with low vibration provides superior comfort.
Just 2 moving parts for superior reliability with our totally 18 oz (0.50 kg)
oil-free and maintenance-free mechanism.
Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
Select governed 30,000 or 40,000 rpm for deburring 64 hours, 11 minutes
and weld removal. Front and Rear Exhaust options.
Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
Select: 256 hours, 41 minutes
Slide Valve SV or DM Trigger Switch Control.
Short SSV or Long Handle SV Version. Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Front F or R Rear Exhaust. 0.88
Part Numbers 30,000 rpm 40,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N
2545SSVF 1/4” 35546 35548
2545SSVF 6mm 35547 35549
2545SVF 1/4” 35532 35542
2545SVF 6mm 35533 35543
2545SVR 1/4” 35530 35540
2545SVR 6mm 35531 35541
2545DM 1/4” 35534 35544
2545DM 6mm 35535 35545
SV Long Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 2545 Series
Governed Speed rpm 30,000 / 40,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .4 (0.30) / .45 (0.34)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 10 (4.72) / 13 (6.14)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 11 (5.19) - 20 (9.44)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” (6mm)
Front Exhaust Version
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 1/4” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 1/4” air supply fitting.
© 2022 Air Turbine Tools, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 18
2590 Series SV Long Version
The patented 90° 2590 angle tool is designed with the
turbine in its angle head and no gears. This design results in
light weight with low heat and low vibration.
Excellent for deburring and finishing. High rotational speed is
maintained by our patented governed turbines so you
simply guide the 2590 letting speed do the work with 18 oz (0.50 kg)
just a light hand.
Time to reach EAV 2.5 m/s² A(8)
Just 2 moving parts in this tool for super reliability and the 64 hours, 11 minutes
2590 is both maintenance-free and totally oil free.
Select governed 30,000 or 40,000 rpm. Time to reach ELV 5 m/s² A(8)
256 hours, 41 minutes
Slide Valve SV or DM Trigger Switch Control. Vibration magnitude m/s² r.m.s
Short SSV or Long Handle SV Version. 0.88
Front F or R Rear Exhaust.
Part Numbers 30,000 rpm 40,000 rpm
Model P/N P/N
2590SSV 1/4” 35846 35848
2590SSV 6mm 35847 35849
2590SVF 1/4” 35832 35842
2590SVF 6mm 35833 35843
2590SVR 1/4” 35830 35840
2590SVR 6mm 35831 35841
2590DM 1/4” 35834 35844
2590DM 6mm 35835 35845
DM Version
*For Hand Applications Only. Not suitable for mounting. Check suitability of cutting tool with manufacturer.
General Specifications 2590 Series
Governed Speed rpm 30,000 / 40,000
Power Rating hp (kW) .4 (0.30) / .45 (0.34)
Inlet Air Pressure (clean dry air only) 90 psi (6.2 bar)
Air Consumption Idle cfm (l/s) 10 (4.72) / 13 (6.14)
Air Consumption Working Flow cfm (l/s) 11 (5.19) - 20 (9.44)
Sound Level Less Than 67 dBA
Max Shank Capacity 1/4” (6mm)
Rear Exhaust Version
Standard Equipment: 1/4” or optional 6mm collet, collet wrenches, rear exhaust. SV: 5’ air supply assembly with slide valve and 1/4” air supply
fitting. DM: Trigger switch and 1/4” air supply fitting. Optional Collets and accessory filters are available.
19 www.airturbinetools.com | +1.561.994.0500