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YLS-AMB Series Adjustable Mode Beam Laser NEW PRODUCT Independent & Dynamic Control of Beam Profile The Broadest Range of Beam Profile Tunability Central Beam: Ring Beam: Central + Ring Beam: 100 μm Core, up to 12 kW Outer 300 or 600 μm up to 20 kW Applications Multiple Applications by 2D/3D Thin & Thick Metal the Same Laser Cutting and Welding Applications Requiring Variable Thickness Cutting On-the-fly Adjustment of Improved Pierce Quality Beam Brightness Improved Welding and Applications Requiring Brazing Quality Non-uniform Intensity Distribution Processing Any Metal: Mild and Stainless Steel, IPG’s YLS-AMB Adjustable Mode Beam Lasers Demanding High-quality Titanium, Copper, Brass Cutting Applications provide up to 20 kW total output power and Aluminum with automatic tuning of output beam mode parameter. The central core delivers up to 12 kW output power. The independent programmable Features adjustment of the output beam mode to any combination of a small-spot high intensity bright core to a larger ring-shaped beam allows processing a wider range of material Rapid Automatic Switching Easy Process Optimization Between Applications and Automation thicknesses and improves piercing and cutting with Different Optimal speed and quality, as well as optimizing welding Cost-effective Solution to BPP Most Complex Tasks performance without need for external free- No Need for External Optics space optics such as optical switches, zoom Wall Plug Efficiency Greater to Adjust BPP 45% process heads and other peripherals previously Total Output Power up to required to support this level of flexibility. With Maintenance-free 20 kW Operation industry record output power, the YLS-AMB Central Core Power up to Series fiber lasers enable optimal processing of Industry Leading Reliability 12 kW both thick and thin materials by the same laser.

YLS-AMB Series Adjustable Mode Beam Laser Optical Characteristics YLS-15000-AMB* Wavelength, nm 1068-1080 Mode of Operation CW/Modulated Modulation Frequency, kHz 0-5 Total Average Power, kW 15 Central Core Output Power, kW 6 Ring Beam Output Power, kW 9 Power Tunability, % 10-100 Power Stability, % ±1 Central Fiber Core Diameter, μm 100 Outer Ring Fiber Diameter, μm 300 or 600 Central Beam Parameter Product, mm × mrad <4, 3.5 Typ. Ring Beam Parameter Product, mm × mrad <17, 22 Typ. @130 × 300 μm Ring<35, 30 Typ. @130 × 600 μm Ring * All specifications are given for the specific YLS-15000-AMB model with maximum 6 kW power in the core and 9 kW in the ring. The maximum total average power for YLS-AMB Series lasers is up to 20 kW, the maximum central core power up to 12 kW. Different output power levels, custom core/ring output power combinations and core and ring fiber diameters are available upon request. The minimum core size of YLS-AMB Series is 50 μm. Please contact IPG representative with your requirements. General Characteristics Up to 5 kW: 780 × 804 × 556 Cabinet Dimensions (W × D × H), mm 6-10 kW: 1005 × 804 × 556 12-20 kW: 1005 × 804 × 806 Weight, kg Up to 440 Supply Voltage, VAC 400-480 3-phase, 50/60 Hz Wall-plug Efficiency, % >45 Front Left Back 1 (508) 373-1100; sales.us@ipgphotonics.com DANGER - INVISIBLE LASERRADIATION AVOID EYE OR SKIN MAX. AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER: 40,000 W EXPOSURE TO DIRECT OR +49 2736 44200; sales.europe@ipgphotonics.com (European Inquiries) WAVELENGTH RANGE: 900-1200 nm SCATTERED RADIATIONCLASS 4 LASER PRODUCT www.ipgphotonics.com IEC 60825-1:2014 Legal notices: All product information is believed to be accurate and is subject to change without notice. Information contained herein shall legally bind IPG only if it is specifically incorporated into the terms and conditions of a sales agreement. Some specific combinations of options may not be available. The user assumes all risks and liability whatsoever in connection with use of a product or its application. IPG, IPG Photonics, The Power to Transform and IPG Photonics’ logo are trademarks of IPG Photonics Corporation. © 2015-18 IPG Photonics Corporation. All rights reserved. 1.1.7 R12 11/18