デジタイザNETBOX DN6.22x 8ビット、1.25GS/s~5GS/s、12~24チャネル
デジタイザNETBOX DN6.22x 8ビット、1.25GS/s~5GS/s、12~24チャネル
ドキュメント名 | デジタイザNETBOX DN6.22x 8ビット、1.25GS/s~5GS/s、12~24チャネル |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 1Mb |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | 株式会社エレクトロニカ IMT事業部 (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |
DN6.22x 8ビット、1.25GS/s~5GS/s、~48チャネル
・サンプリングレート: 1.25GS/s, 2.5GS/s, 5GS 12/16/20/24チャネル
・入力抵抗: 50Ω
・帯域帯域: 500MHz/1.5GHz
・4入力レンジ:±200mV~±2.5 V(LVRオプション±40mV~±500mV)
Time Stamp
製品名 分解能 入力チャネル サンプリングレート 帯域
DN6.221-12 8 12 1.25GS/s 500MHz
DN6.221-16 8 16 1.25GS/s 500MHz
DN6.221-20 8 20 1.25GS/s 500MHz
DN6.221-24 8 24 1.25GS/s 500MH
DN6.225-12 8 12 5GS/s(3チャネル) 1.5GHz
DN6.225-16 8 16 5GS/s(4チャネル) 1.5GHz
DN6.225-20 8 20 5GS/s(5チャネル) 1.5GHz
DN6.225-24 8 24 5GS/s(6チャネル) 1.5GHz
DN6.22x - 24 channel 8 bit digitizerNETBOX up to 5 GS/s
• 12, 16, 20 or 24 channels with 1.25 GS/s up to 5 GS/s
• Full signal bandwidth up to 1.5 GHz FPGA Options:
• Simultaneously sampling on all channels
• Separate ADC and amplifier per channel • Block Average up to 128k
• complete on-board calibration • Block Statistics/Peak Detect
• 4 input ranges: ±200 mV up to ±2.5 V
• Low voltage input option: ±40 mV up to ±500 mV
• Programmable input offset of ±200%
• 12, 16, 20 or 24 GSample standard acquisition memory
• Window, re-arm, hysteresis, OR/AND trigger
• Features: Single-Shot, Streaming, ABA mode, Multiple
Recording, Gated Sampling, Timestamps
• Ethernet Remote Instrument • Direct Connection to PC/Laptop
• LXI Core 2011 compatible • Connect anywhere in company LAN
• GBit Ethernet Interface • Embedded Webserver for Maintenance/Updates
• Sustained streaming mode up to 100 MB/s • Embedded Server option for open Linux platform
Operating Systems SBench 6 Professional Included Drivers
• Windows 7 (SP1), 8, 10, • Acquisition, Generation and Display of analog and • LabVIEW, MATLAB, LabWindows/CVI
Server 2008 R2 and newer digital data • C/C++, GNU C++, VB.NET, C#, J#,
• Linux Kernel 2.6, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x • Calculation, FFT Delphi, Java, Python
• Windows/Linux 32 and 64 bit • Documentation and Import, Export • IVI
Model Band- Channels @ Channels @ Channels @ Installed General Information
width 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 5 GS/s Memory
DN6.221-12 500 MHz 12 - - 3 x 4 GS The digitizerNETBOX DN6.22x series allows recording of
DN6.221-16 500 MHz 16 - - 4 x 4 GS up to 24 channels with sampling rates of up to 5 GS/s and
DN6.221-20 500 MHz 20 - - 5 x 4 GS a bandwidth of up to 1.5 GHz. These Ethernet Remote
DN6.221-24 500 MHz 24 - - 6 x 4 GS instruments offer outstanding A/D features both in band-
DN6.225-12 1.5 GHz 12 6 3 3 x 4 GS
DN6.225-16 1.5 GHz 16 8 4 4 x 4 GS width and signal quality.
DN6.225-20 1.5 GHz 20 10 5 5 x 4 GS The combination of high sampling rate and resolution
DN6.225-24 1.5 GHz 24 12 6 6 x 4 GS makes these digitizers the top-of-the-range for applications
that require high speed signal acquisition.
The digitizerNETBOX can be installed anywhere in the com-
pany LAN and can be remotely controlled from a host PC.SPECTRUM INSTRUMENTATION GMBH · AHRENSFELDER WEG 13-17 · 22927 GROSSHANSDORF · GERMANY 7.5.2020
PHONE: +49 (0)4102-6956-0 · FAX: +49 (0)4102-6956-66 · E-MAIL: info@spec.de · INTERNET: www.spectrum-instrumentation.com
Model Band- Channels @ Channels @ Channels @ Installed commGone mneeasruarelm Iennft ofurncmtioanst iroednucing the time needed to learn
width 1.25 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 5 GS/s Memory a new IVI instrument.
The Spectrum products to be accessed with the IVI driver can be lo-
cally installed data acquisition cards, remotely installed data acqui-
sition cards or remote LXI instruments like
digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX. To maximize the compatibil-
Software Support ity with existing IVI based software installations, the Spectrum IVI
driver supports IVI Scope, IVI Digitizer and IVI FGen class with IVI-
Windows Support C and IVI-COM interfaces.
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX can be accessed from
Windows 7, Windows 8,Windows 10 (each 32 bit and 64 bit). Third-party Software Products
Programming examples for Visual C++, C++ Builder, LabWin- Most popular third-party software products, such as LabVIEW,
dows/CVI, Delphi, Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#, J#, Python, Java and MATLAB or LabWindows/CVI are supported. All drivers come
IVI are included. with examples and detailed documentation.
Linux Support Embedded Webserver
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX can be access- The integrated webserver
ed from any Linux system. The Linux support includes SMP follows the LXI standard
systems, 32 bit and 64 bit systems, versatile program- and gathers information
ming examples for Gnu C++, Python as well as drivers for on the product, set up of
MATLAB for Linux. SBench 6, the powerful data acquisi- the Ethernet configuration
tion and analysis software from Spectrum is also included as a Linux and current status. It also
version. allows the setting of a con-
figuration password, ac-
Discovery Protocol cess to documentation
The Discovery function and updating of the com-
helps you to find and plete instrument firmware,
identify any Spectrum LXI including the embedded
instruments, like the remote server and the
digitizerNETBOX and webserver.
generatorNETBOX, avail-
able to your computer on the network. The Discovery function will Hardware features and options
also locate any Spectrum card products that are managed by an
installed Spectrum Remote Server somewhere on the network. LXI Instrument
The digitizerNETBOX and
After running the discovery function the card information is cached generatorNETBOX are fully
and can be directly accessed by SBench 6. Furthermore the quali- LXI instrument compatible
fied VISA address is returned and can be used by any software to to LXI Core 2011 following
access the remote instrument. the LXI Device Specification
2011 rev. 1.4. The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX has been
SBench 6 Professional tested and approved by the LXI Consortium.
The digitizerNETBOX and
generatorNETBOX can be used Located on the front panel is the main on/off switch, LEDs showing
with Spectrum’s powerful software the LXI and Acquisition status and the LAN reset switch.
SBench 6 – a Professional license
for the software is already in- Front Panel
stalled in the box. SBench 6 sup- Standard SMA connectors are used for
ports all of the standard features of all analog input signals and all trigger
the instrument. It has a variety of and clock signals. No special adapter
display windows as well as analy- cables are needed and the connection is
sis, export and documentation secure even when used in a moving envi-
functions. ronment.
• Available for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Custom front panels are available on re-
Windows 10 and Linux quest even for small series, be it BNC, LEMO connectors or custom
• Easy to use interface with drag and drop, docking windows and specific connectors.
context menus
• Display of analog and digital data, X-Y display, frequency Ethernet Connectivity
domain and spread signals
• Designed to handle several GBytes of data The GBit Ethernet connection can be
• Fast data preview functions used with standard COTS Ethernet
cabling. The integration into a stan-
dard LAN allows to connect the
IVI Driver digitizerNETBOX/generatorNET-
The IVI standards define an open driver architecture, a set of instru- BOX either directly to a desktop PC
ment classes, and shared software components. Together these pro- or Laptop or it is possible to place
vide critical elements needed for instrument interchangeability. IVI's the instrument somewhere in the
defined Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) standardize company LAN and access it from any desktop over the LAN.
Boot on Power on Option External trigger input
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX can be factory config- All boards can be triggered using up to two external analog or dig-
ured to automatically start and boot upon availability of the input ital signals. One external trigger input has two analog comparators
power rail. That way the instrument will automatically become that can define an edge or window trigger, a hysteresis trigger or
available again upon loss of input power. a rearm trigger. The other input has one comparator that can be
used for standard edge and level triggers.
Input Amplifier
The analog inputs can be adapt- Multiple Recording
ed to real world signals using a The Multiple Recording
wide variety of settings that are mode allows the recording of
individual for each channel. By several trigger events with an
using software commands one extremely short re-arming
can select a matching input time. The hardware doesn’t
range and the signal offset can be compensated by programmable need to be restarted in be-
AC coupling or offset shifting. tween. The on-board memory is divided in several segments of the
same size. Each of them is filled with data if a trigger event occurs.
Software selectable lowpass filter Pre- and posttrigger of the segments can be programmed. The num-
Each analog channel contains a software selectable low-pass filter ber of acquired segments is only limited by the used memory and
to limit the input bandwidth. Reducing the analog input bandwidth is unlimited when using FIFO mode.
results in a lower total noise and can be useful especially with low
voltage input signals. Gated Sampling
The Gated Sampling mode
Automatic on-board calibration allows data recording con-
Every channel of each card is calibrated in the factory before the trolled by an external gate
board is shipped. However, to compensate for environmental vari- signal. Data is only record-
ations like PC power supply, temperature and aging the software ed if the gate signal has a
driver includes routines for automatic offset and gain calibration. programmed level. In addi-
This calibration is performed on all input ranges of the "Buffered" tion a pre-area before start
path and uses a high precision onboard calibration reference. of the gate signal as well as a post area after end of the gate signal
can be acquired. The number of gate segments is only limited by
the used memory and is unlimited when using FIFO mode.
Digital inputs
This option acquires additional syn- Timestamp
chronous digital channels phase-
stable with the analog data. As de- The timestamp function
fault a maximum of 3 additional writes the time positions of
digital inputs are available on the front plate of the card using the the trigger events in an extra
multi-purpose I/O lines. An additional option offers 16 more digital memory. The timestamps are
channels. relative to the start of record-
ing, a defined zero time, ex-
ternally synchronized to a radio clock, an IRIG-B a GPS receiver.
Ring buffer mode Using the external synchronization gives a precise time relation for
The ring buffer mode is the acquisitions of systems on different locations.
standard mode of all oscillo-
scope instruments. Digitized ABA mode
data is continuously written
into a ring memory until a The ABA mode com-
trigger event is detected. After the trigger, post-trigger samples are bines slow continuous
recorded and pre-trigger samples can also be stored. The number data recording with fast
of pre-trigger samples available simply equals the total ring mem- acquisition on trigger
ory size minus the number of post trigger samples. events. The ABA mode
works like a slow data
logger combined with a
FIFO mode fast digitizer. The exact
The FIFO mode is designed for continuous data transfer between re- position of the trigger events is stored as timestamps in an extra
mote instrument and PC memory or hard disk. The control of the memory.
data stream is done automatically by the driver on interrupt request.
The complete installed on-board memory is used for buffer data, Firmware Option Block Average
making the continuous streaming extremely reliable.
The Block Average Module im-
proves the fidelity of noisy re-
Channel trigger petitive signals. Multiple
The data acquisition instruments offer a wide variety of trigger repetitive acquisitions with
modes. Besides the standard signal checking for level and edge as very small dead-time are accu-
known from oscilloscopes it’s also possible to define a window trig- mulated and averaged. Ran-
ger. All trigger modes can be combined with the pulsewidth trigger. dom noise is reduced by the
This makes it possible to trigger on signal errors like too long or too averaging process improving
short pulses. In addition to this a re-arming mode (for accurate trig- the visibility of the repetitive signal. The complete averaging pro-
ger recognition on noisy signals) the AND/OR conjunction of dif- cess is done inside the FPGA of the digitizer generating no CPU
ferent trigger events is possible. As a unique feature it is possible to load at all. The amount of data is greatly decreased as well as the
use deactivated channels as trigger sources. needed transfer bandwidth is heavily reduced.
Please see separate data sheet for details on the firmware option.
Firmware Option Block Statistics (Peak Detect)
The Block Statistics and Peak
Detect Module implements a
widely used data analysis and
reduction technology in hard-
ware. Each block is scanned
for minimum and maximum
peak and a summary includ-
ing minimum, maximum, aver-
age, timestamps and position information is stored in memory. The
complete averaging process is done inside the FPGA of the digitiz-
er generating no CPU load at all. The amount of data is greatly de-
creased as well as the needed transfer bandwidth is heavily
Please see separate data sheet for details on the firmware option.
Option Embedded Server
The option turns the digitizer-
in a powerful PC that allows to
run own programs on a small
and remote data acquisition
system. The digitizerNET-
BOX/generatorNETBOX is en-
hanced by more memory, a powerful CPU, a freely accessable
internal SSD and a remote software development access method.
The digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX can either run connected
to LAN or it can run totally independent, storing data to the internal
SSD. The original digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX remote in-
strument functionality is still 100 % available. Running the embed-
ded server option it is possible to pre-calculate results based on the
acquired data, store acquisitions locally and to transfer just the re-
quired data or results parts in a client-server based software struc-
ture. A different example for the
digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX embedded server is surveil-
lance/logger application which can run totally independent for
days and send notification emails only over LAN or offloads stored
data as soon as it’s connected again.
Access to the embedded server is done through a standard text
based Linux shell based on the ssh secure shell.
External clock input and output
Using a dedicated connector a sampling clock can be fed in from
an external system. Additionally it’s also possible to output the in-
ternally used sampling clock on a separate connector to synchro-
nize external equipment to this clock.
Reference clock
The option to use a precise
external reference clock
(normally 10 MHz) is nec-
essary to synchronize the
instrument for high-quality
measurements with external equipment (like a signal source). It’s
also possible to enhance the quality of the sampling clock in this
way. The driver automatically generates the requested sampling
clock from the fed in reference clock.
DN2 / DN6 Technical Data
Analog Inputs
Resolution 8 Bit
Input Type Single-ended
ADC Differential non linearity (DNL) ADC only ±0.35 LSB
ADC Integral non linearity (INL) ADC only ±0.9 LSB
ADC Bit Error Rate (BER) sampling rate 1.25 GS/s 10–16
Channel selection software programmable 1, 2, or 4 (maximum is model dependent)
Analog Input impedance fixed 50 Ω
Input Ranges (standard ranges) software programmable ±200 mV, ±500 mV, ±1 V, ±2.5 V (programmable input offset at 0%)
Input Ranges (Low Voltage Option) software programmable ±40 mV, ±100 mV, ±200 mV, ±500 mV (programmable input offset at 0%)
Programmable Input Offset software programmable ±200% of input range (allowing bi-polar ranges to become uni-polar)
Input Coupling software programmable AC/DC
Max DC voltage if AC coupling active ±30 V
Offset error (full speed) after warm-up and calibration < 0.5 LSB
Gain error (full speed) after warm-up and calibration < 2.0 LSB
Crosstalk 20 MHz sine signal (standard ranges) ≥ ±500 mV standard range < -96 dB (all channel same input range)
Crosstalk 20 MHz sine signal (standard ranges) = ±200 mV standard range < -88 dB (all channel same input range)
Crosstalk 100 MHz sine signal (standard ranges) ≥ ±500 mV standard range < -78 dB (all channel same input range)
Crosstalk 100 MHz sine signal (standard ranges) = ±200 mV standard range < -65 dB (all channel same input range)
Over voltage protection (standard ranges) input range ±200 mV ±500 mV ±1 V ±2.5 V
max. continuous input power 22.5 dBm 27.0 dBm 27.0 dBm 27.0 dBm
max. peak input voltage ±3 V ±7.5 V ±15 V ±30 V
Over voltage protection (low voltage option) input range ±40 mV ±100 mV ±200 mV ±500 mV
max. continuous input power 21.0 dBm 27.0 dBm 22.5 dBm 27.0 dBm
max. peak input voltage ±2.5 V ±6.25 V ±3 V ±7.5 V
Available trigger modes software programmable Channel Trigger, External, Software, Window, Re-Arm, Or/And, Delay, PXI (M4x only)
Channel trigger level resolution software programmable 14 bit
Trigger engines 1 engine per channel with two individual levels, 2 external triggers
Trigger edge software programmable Rising edge, falling edge or both edges
Trigger delay software programmable 0 to (8GSamples - 32) = 8589934560 Samples in steps of 32 samples
Multi, ABA, Gate: re-arming time 1.25 GS/s or below 80 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
2.5 GS/s 160 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
5 GS/s 320 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Pretrigger at Multi, ABA, Gate, FIFO software programmable 32 up to 8192 Samples in steps of 32
Posttrigger software programmable 32 up to 16G samples in steps of 32 (defining pretrigger in standard scope mode)
Memory depth software programmable 64 up to [installed memory / number of active channels] samples in steps of 32
Multiple Recording/ABA segment size software programmable 64 up to [installed memory / 2 / active channels] samples in steps of 32
Trigger accuracy (all sources) 1 sample
Timestamp modes software programmable Standard, Startreset, external reference clock on X0 (e.g. PPS from GPS, IRIG-B)
Data format Std., Startreset: 64 bit counter, increments with sample clock (reset manually or on start)
RefClock: 24 bit upper counter (increment with RefClock)
40 bit lower counter (increments with sample clock, reset with RefClock)
Extra data software programmable none, acquisition of X0/X1/X2 inputs at trigger time, trigger source (for OR trigger)
Size per stamp 128 bit = 16 bytes
External trigger Ext0 Ext1
External trigger impedance software programmable 50 Ω /1 kΩ 1 kΩ
External trigger coupling software programmable AC or DC fixed DC
External trigger type Window comparator Single level comparator
External input level ±10 V (1 kΩ), ±2.5 V (50 Ω), ±10 V
External trigger sensitivity 2.5% of full scale range 2.5% of full scale range = 0.5 V
(minimum required signal swing)
External trigger level software programmable ±10 V in steps of 1 mV ±10 V in steps of 1 mV
External trigger maximum voltage ±30V ±30 V
External trigger bandwidth DC 50 Ω DC to 200 MHz n.a.
1 kΩ DC to 150 MHz DC to 200 MHz
External trigger bandwidth AC 50 Ω 20 kHz to 200 MHz n.a.
Minimum external trigger pulse width ≥ 2 samples ≥ 2 samples
Clock Modes software programmable internal PLL, external reference clock, Star-Hub sync (M4i only), PXI Reference Clock (M4x only)
Internal clock accuracy ≤ ±20 ppm
Clock setup granularity divider: maximum sampling rate divided by: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... up to 262144
External reference clock range software programmable ≥ 10 MHz and ≤ 1.25 GHz
External reference clock input impedance 50 Ω fixed
External reference clock input coupling AC coupling
External reference clock input edge Rising edge
External reference clock input type Single-ended, sine wave or square wave
External reference clock input swing 0.3 V peak-peak up to 3.0 V peak-peak
External reference clock input max DC voltage ±30 V (with max 3.0 V difference between low and high level)
External reference clock input duty cycle requirement 45% to 55%
Clock setup granularity when using reference clock divider: maximum sampling rate divided by: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... up to 262144
Internal reference clock output type Single-ended, 3.3V LVPECL
Internal reference clock output frequency 2.5 GHz / 64 = 39.0625 MHz
Star-Hub synchronization clock modes software selectable Internal clock (standard clock mode only), External reference clock
ABA mode clock divider for slow clock software programmable 16 up to (128k - 16) in steps of 16
Channel to channel skew on one card < 60 ps (typical)
Skew between star-hub synchronized cards < 130 ps (typical, preliminary)
M4i.223x M4i.222x M4i.221x
DN2.223-xx DN2.222-xx DN2.221-xx
DN2.225-xx DN6.221-xx
ADC Resolution 8 bit 8 bit 8 bit
max sampling clock 5 GS/s 2.5 GS/s 1.25 GS/s
min sampling clock 4.768 kS/s 4.768 kS/s 4.768 kS/s
lower bandwidth limit (DC coupling) 0 Hz 0 Hz 0 Hz
lower bandwidth limit (AC coupling) < 30 kHz < 30 kHz < 30 kHz
-3 dB bandwidth (no filter active), Standard input ranges 1.5 GHz 1.5 GHz 500 MHz-
-3 dB bandwidth (no filter active), small input ranges, ir40m option installed 1.2 GHz 1.2 GHz 500 MHz-
-3 dB bandwidth (BW filter active) ~400 MHz ~400 MHz ~370 MHz
Block Average Signal Processing Option M4i.22xx/DN2.22x/DN6.22x Series
Firmware ≥ V1.14 (since August 2015) Firmware < V1.14
Data Mode (resulting sample width) software programmable 32 bit mode 16 bit mode 32 bit mode only
Minimum Waveform Length 64 samples 128 samples 64 samples
Minimum Waveform Stepsize 32 samples 64 samples 32 samples
Maximum Waveform Length 1 channel active 64 kSamples 128 kSamples 32 kSamples
Maximum Waveform Length 2 channels active 32 kSamples 64 kSamples 16 kSamples
Maximum Waveform Length 4 or more channels active 16 kSamples 32 kSamples 8 kSamples
Minimum Number of Averages 2 2 4
Maximum Number of Averages 16777216 (16M) 256 16777216 (16M)
Data Output Format fixed 32 bit signed integer 16 bit signed integer 32 bit signed integer
Re-Arming Time between waveforms 1.25 GS/s or below 80 samples (+ programmed pretrigger) 80 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Re-Arming Time between waveforms 2.5 GS/s 160 samples (+ programmed pretrigger) 160 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Re-Arming Time between waveforms 5 GS/s 320 samples (+ programmed pretrigger) 320 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Re-Arming Time between end of average to start of Depending on programmed segment length, 80/160/320 samples as above listed
next average max 50 µs
Block Statistics Signal Processing Option M4i.22xx/DN2.22x Series/DN6.22x Series
Minimum Waveform Length 64 samples
Minimum Waveform Stepsize 32 samples
Maximum Waveform Length Standard Acquisition 2 GSamples / channels
Maximum Waveform Length FIFO Acquisition 2 GSamples
Data Output Format fixed 32 bytes statistics summary
Statistics Information Set per Waveform Average, Minimum, Maximum, Position Minimum, Position Maximum, Trigger Timestamp
Re-Arming Time between Segments 1.25 GS/s or below 80 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Re-Arming Time between Segments 2.5 GS/s 160 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Re-Arming Time between Segments 5 GS/s 320 samples (+ programmed pretrigger)
Multi Purpose I/O lines (front-plate)
Number of multi purpose lines three, named X0, X1, X2
Input: available signal types software programmable Asynchronous Digital-In, Synchronous Digital-In, Timestamp Reference Clock
Input: impedance 10 kΩ to 3.3 V
Input: maximum voltage level -0.5 V to +4.0 V
Input: signal levels 3.3 V LVTTL
Input: bandwith 125 MHz
Output: available signal types software programmable Asynchronous Digital-Out, Trigger Output, Run, Arm, PLL Refclock, System Clock
Output: impedance 50 Ω
Output: signal levels 3.3 V LVTTL
Output: type 3.3V LVTTL, TTL compatible for high impedance loads
Output: drive strength Capable of driving 50 Ω loads, maximum drive strength ±48 mA
Output: update rate 14bit, 16 bit ADC resolution sampling clock
Output: update rate 8 bit ADC resolution Current sampling clock < 1.25 GS/s : sampling clock
Current sampling clock > 1.25 GS/s and < 2.50 GS/s : ½ sampling clock
Current sampling clock > 2.50 GS/s and < 5.00 GS/s : ¼ sampling clock
Analog Channels SMA female (one for each single-ended input) Cable-Type: Cab-3mA-xx-xx
Clock Input SMA female Cable-Type: Cab-3mA-xx-xx
Clock Output SMA female Cable-Type: Cab-3mA-xx-xx
Trg0 Input SMA female Cable-Type: Cab-3mA-xx-xx
Trg1 Input SMA female Cable-Type: Cab-3mAxx-xx
X0/Trigger Output/Timestamp Reference Clock programmable direction SMA female Cable-Type: Cab-3mA-xx-xx
X1 programmable direction SMA female Cable-Type: Cab-3mA-xx-xx
X2 programmable direction SMA female Cable-Type: Cab-3mA-xx-xx
Option digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX embedded server (DN2.xxx-Emb, DN6.xxx-Emb)
CPU Intel Quad Core 2 GHz
System memory 4 GByte RAM
System data storage Internal 128 GByte SSD
Development access Remote Linux command shell (ssh), no graphical interface (GUI) available
Accessible Hardware Full access to Spectrum instruments, LAN, front panel LEDs, RAM, SSD
Integrated operating system OpenSuse 12.2 with kernel 4.4.7.
Internal PCIe connection DN2.20, DN2.46, DN2.47, DN2.49, DN2.59, DN2.60 PCIe x1, Gen1
DN6.46, DN6.49, DN6.59
DN2.22, DN2.44, DN2.66 PCIe x1, Gen2
DN6.22, DN6.44, DN6.66
Ethernet specific details
LAN Connection Standard RJ45
LAN Speed Auto Sensing: GBit Ethernet, 100BASE-T, 10BASE-T
LAN IP address programmable DHCP (IPv4) with AutoIP fall-back (169.254.x.y), fixed IP (IPv4)
Sustained Streaming speed DN2.20, DN2.46, DN2.47, DN2.49, DN2.60 up to 70 MByte/s
DN6.46, DN6.49
DN2.59, DN2.22, DN2.44, DN2.66 up to 100 MByte/s
DN6.59, DN6.22, DN6.44, DN6.66
Used TCP/UDP Ports Webserver: 80 mDNS Daemon: 5353
VISA Discovery Protocol: 111, 9757 UPNP Daemon: 1900
Spectrum Remote Server: 1026, 5025
Power connection details
Mains AC power supply Input voltage: 100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz
AC power supply connector IEC 60320-1-C14 (PC standard coupler)
Power supply cord power cord included for Schuko contact (CEE 7/7)
Serial connection details (DN2.xxx with hardware ≥ V11)
Serial connection (RS232) For diagnostic purposes only. Do not use, unless being instructed by a Spectrum support agent.
Certification, Compliance, Warranty
EMC Immunity Compliant with CE Mark
EMC Emission Compliant with CE Mark
Product warranty 5 years starting with the day of delivery
Software and firmware updates Life-time, free of charge
Dynamic Parameters
M4i.223x, M4x.223x and DN2.223-xx, DN2.225-xx and DN6.225-xx, 8 Bit 5 GS/s
Input Path DC or AC coupled, fixed 50 Ohm
Test signal frequency 10 MHz 40 MHz 70 MHz 240 MHz 600 MHz
Input Range ±200 mV ±500 mV ±1 V ±2.5 V ±200 mV ±1V ±200 mV ±1V ±200 mV ±1V ±200 mV ±1V
THD (typ) (dB <-60.2 dB <-60.3 dB -<60.3 dB <-60.3 dB <-58.9 dB <-58.2 dB <-58.8 dB <-58.0 dB <-54.0 dB <-54.0 dB <-45.0 dB <-46.3 dB
SNR (typ) (dB) >44.5 dB >44.8 dB >44.8 dB >44.5 dB >44.7 dB >44.7 dB >44.3 dB >44.3 dB >42.9 dB >42.9 dB >40.3 dB >40.2 dB
SFDR (typ), excl. harm. (dB) >53.7 dB >54.9 dB >54-9 dB >54.2 dB >50.3 dB >50.8 dB >50.2 dB >49.7 dB >49.4 dB >49.5 dB >44.3 dB >44.6 dB
SFDR (typ), incl. harm. (dB) >53.7 dB >54.7 dB >54.8 dB >54.2 dB >50.3 dB >50.8 dB >50.2 dB >49.7 dB >49.4 dB >49.5 dB >44.3 dB >44.6 dB
SINAD/THD+N (typ) (dB) >44.4 dB >44.7 dB >44.7 dB >44.4 dB >44.5 dB >44.4 dB >44.2 dB >44.1 dB >42.6 dB >42.6 dB >39.1 dB >39.3 dB
ENOB based on SINAD (bit) >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.0 bit >6.8 bit >6.8 bit >6.2 bit >6.2 bit
ENOB based on SNR (bit) >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >6.9 bit >6.9 bit >6.4 bit >6.4 bit
M4i.222x, M4x.222x and DN2.222-xx, 8 Bit 2.5 GS/s
Input Path DC or AC coupled, fixed 50 Ohm
Test signal frequency 10 MHz 40 MHz 70 MHz 240 MHz 600 MHz
Input Range ±200 mV ±500 mV ±1 V ±2.5 V ±200 mV ±1V ±200 mV ±1V ±200 mV ±1V ±200 mV ±1V
THD (typ) (dB >-56.2 dB <-56.3 dB <-56.5 dB <-56.4 dB <-55.9 dB <-55.9 dB <-54.9 dB <-55.3 dB <-53.9 dB <-53.4 dB <-43.9 dB <-45.2 dB
SNR (typ) (dB) >45.6 dB >45.8 dB >45.6 dB >45.5 dB >44.7 dB >44.9 dB >44.5 dB >44.6 dB >43.9 dB >44.0 dB >42.1 dB >41.9 dB
SFDR (typ), excl. harm. (dB) >57.2 dB >57.3 dB >55.7 dB >55.1 dB >50.9 dB >50.5 dB >50.9 dB >50.6 dB >49.8 dB >49.0 dB >46.3 dB >45.2 dB
SFDR (typ), incl. harm. (dB) >56.5 dB >56.3 dB >55.1 dB >54.5 dB >50.9 dB >50.5 dB >50.9 dB >50.6 dB >49.8 dB >49.0 dB >45.2 dB >45.2 dB
SINAD/THD+N (typ) (dB) >45.2 dB >45.4 dB >45.3 dB >45.2 dB >44.4 dB >44.4 dB >44.2 dB >44.3 dB >43.5 dB >43.5 dB >39.9 dB >40.2 dB
ENOB based on SINAD (bit) >7.2 bit >7.3 bit >7.2 bit >7.2 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >6.9 bit >6.9 bit >6.3 bit >6.4 bit
ENOB based on SNR (bit) >7.3 bit >7.3 bit >7.3 bit >7.3 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.1 bit >7.0 bit >7.0 bit >6.7 bit >6.7 bit
M4i.221x, M4x.221x, DN2.221 and DN6.221-xx, 8 Bit 1.25 GS/s - standard input ranges
Input Path DC or AC coupled, fixed 50 Ohm
Test signal frequency 10 MHz 40 MHz 70 MHz 240 MHz
Input Range ±200 mV ±500 mV ±1 V ±2.5 V ±200 mV ±1V ±200 mV ±1V ±200 mV ±1V
THD (typ) (dB <-59.0 dB <.58.9 dB <58.9 dB <59.0 dB <-53.6 dB <53.2 dB <-54.4 dB <-54.6 dB <-52.1 dB <-52.4 dB
SNR (typ) (dB) >46.9 dB >47.0 dB >47.0 dB >47.0 dB >46.8 dB >47.0 dB >47.0 dB >47.0 dB >46.1 dB >46.2 dB
SFDR (typ), excl. harm. (dB) >62.1 dB >62.1 dB >62.2 dB >62.0 dB >58.2 dB >59.8 dB >62.2 dB >61.9 dB >59.5 dB >58.5 dB
SFDR (typ), incl. harm. (dB) >60.7 dB >60.4 dB >60.5 dB >60.4 dB > 56.1 dB >56.2 dB > 57.7 dB >57.6 dB >52.5 dB >52.7 dB
SINAD/THD+N (typ) (dB) >46.6 dB >46.7 dB >46.7 dB >46.7 dB >46.0 dB >46.1 dB >46.3 dB >46.3 dB >45.1 dB >45.3 dB
ENOB based on SINAD (bit) >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.4 bit >7.4 bit >7.4 bit >7.4 bit >7.2 bit >7.2 bit
ENOB based on SNR (bit) >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.5 bit >7.3 bit >7.4 bit
M4i.221x, M4x.221x and DN2.221-xx, 8 Bit 1.25 GS/s - low voltage input ranges
Input Path DC or AC coupled, fixed 50 Ohm
Test signal frequency 10 MHz 40 MHz 70 MHz 240 MHz
Input Range ±40 mV ±100 mV ±200 mV ±500 vV ±40 mV ±100 mV ±40 mV ±100 mV ±40 mV ±100 mV
THD (typ) (dB <-57.0 dB <.57.0 dB <.57.1 dB <.57.2 dB
SNR (typ) (dB) >44.0 dB >44.9 dB >44.9 dB >44.9 dB
SFDR (typ), excl. harm. (dB) >62.1 dB >62.1 dB >62.1 dB >62.2 dB
SFDR (typ), incl. harm. (dB) >60.1 dB >60.2 dB >60.2 dB >60.4 dB
SINAD/THD+N (typ) (dB) >44.0 dB >44.8 dB >44.8 dB >44.8 dB
ENOB based on SINAD (bit) >7.0 bit >7.2 bit >7.2 bit >7.2 bit
ENOB based on SNR (bit) >7.0 bit >7.2 bit >7.2 bit >7.2 bit
Dynamic parameters are measured at ±1 V input range (if no other range is stated) and 50Ω termination with the samplerate specified in the table. Measured parameters are averaged
20 times to get typical values. Test signal is a pure sine wave generated by a signal generator and a matching bandpass filter. Amplitude is >99% of FSR. SNR and RMS noise parameters
may differ depending on the quality of the used PC. SNR = Signal to Noise Ratio, THD = Total Harmonic Distortion, SFDR = Spurious Free Dynamic Range, SINAD = Signal Noise and Dis-
tortion, ENOB = Effective Number of Bits.
RMS Noise Level (Zero Noise)
M4i.223x, M4x.223x and DN2.223-xx, DN2.225-xx, DN6.225-xx, 8 Bit 5 GS/s
Input Range ±200 mV ±500 mV ±1 ±2.5 V
Voltage resolution (1 LSB) 1.6 mV 3.9 mV 7.8 mV 19.5 mV
DC, fixed 50 Ω, typical <0.3 LSB <0.5 mV <0.3 LSB <1.2 mV <0.3 LSB <2.3 mV <0.3 LSB <5.9 mV
DC, fixed 50 Ω, maximum <0.6 LSB <0.9 mV <0.6 LSB <2.3 mV <0.5 LSB <4.7 mV <0.5 LSB <11.7 mV
M4i.222x, M4x.222x and DN2.222-xx, 8 Bit 2.5 GS/s
Input Range ±200 mV ±500 mV ±1 ±2.5 V
Voltage resolution (1 LSB) 1.6 mV 3.9 mV 7.8 mV 19.5 mV
DC, fixed 50 Ω, typical <0.3 LSB <0.5 mV <0.3 LSB <1.2 mV <0.3 LSB <2.3 mV <0.3 LSB <5.9 mV
DC, fixed 50 Ω, maximum <0.6 LSB <0.9 mV <0.7 LSB <2.7 mV <0.5 LSB <4.7 mV <0.5 LSB <11.7 mV
Standard Version M4i.221x, M4x.221x and DN2.221-xx, 8 Bit 1.25 GS/s
Input Range ±200 mV ±500 mV ±1 ±2.5 V
Voltage resolution (1 LSB) 1.6 mV 3.9 mV 7.8 mV 19.5 mV
DC, fixed 50 Ω, typical <0.2 LSB <0.3 mV <0.2 LSB <0.8 mV <0.2 LSB <1.6 mV <0.2 LSB <3.9 mV
DC, fixed 50 Ω, maximum <0.3 LSB <0.5 mV <0.3 LSB <1.2 mV <0.3 LSB <2.3 mV <0.3 LSB <5.9 mV
Low Voltage Version M4i.221x, M4x.221x and DN2.221-xx, 8 Bit 1.25 GS/s
Input Range ±40 mV ±100 mV ±200 mV ±500 mV
Voltage resolution (1 LSB) 0.3 mV 0.8 mV 1.6 mV 3.9 mV
DC, fixed 50 Ω, typical <0.4 LSB <0.2 mV <0.4 LSB <0.3 mV <0.4 LSB <0.6 mV <0.4 LSB <1.6 mV
DC, fixed 50 Ω, maximum <0.5 LSB <0.2 mV <0.5 LSB <0.4 mV <0.5 LSB <0.8 mV <0.5 LSB <2.0 mV
DN6 specific Technical Data
Environmental and Physical Details DN6.xxx
Dimension of Chassis without connectors or bumpers L x W x H 464 mm x 431 mm x 131 mm
Dimension of Chassis with 19“ rack mount option L x W x H 464 mm x TBD mm x 131 mm (3U height)
Weight (3 internal acquisition/generation modules) 12.1 kg, with rack mount kit: TBD kg
Weight (4 internal acquisition/generation modules) 12.5 kg, with rack mount kit: TBD kg
Weight (5 internal acquisition/generation modules) 12.9 kg, with rack mount kit: TBD kg
Weight (6 internal acquisition/generation modules) 13.4 kg, with rack mount kit: TBD kg
Warm up time 10 minutes
Operating temperature 0°C to 40°C
Storage temperature -10°C to 70°C
Humidity 10% to 90%
Dimension of packing (single DN6) L x W x H 580 mm x 580 mm x 280 mm
Volume weight of Packing (single DN6) 19.0 kgs
Power Consumption
230 VAC
12 channel versions TBD TBD
16 channel versions TBD TBD
20 channel versions TBD TBD
24 channel versions 1.09 A 247 W
MTBF TBD hours
Block diagram of digitizerNETBOX DN6
• The number of maximum channels and internal digitizer modules and existance of a synchronization Star-Hub is model dependent.
Block diagram of digitzerNETBOX module DN6.22x
Order Information
The digitizerNETBOX is equipped with a large internal memory for data storage and supports standard acquisition (Scope), FIFO acquisition
(streaming), Multiple Recording, Gated Sampling, ABA mode and Timestamps. Operating system drivers for Windows/Linux 32 bit and
64 bit, drivers and examples for C/C++, IVI (Scope and Digitizer class), LabVIEW (Windows), MATLAB (Windows and Linux), .NET, Delphi,
Java, Python and a Professional license of the oscilloscope software SBench 6 are included.
The system is delivered with a connection cable meeting your countries power connection. Additional power connections with other standards
are available as option.
d igitizerNETBOX DN6 - Ethernet/LXI Interface
Order no. A/D Resolution Bandwidth Channels @ Sampling Rate Installed Memory
DN6.221-12 8 Bit 500 MHz 12 ch @ 1.25 GS/s 3 x 4 GS
DN6.221-16 8 Bit 500 MHz 16 ch @ 1.25 GS/s 4 x 4 GS
DN6.221-20 8 Bit 500 MHz 20 ch @ 1.25 GS/s 5 x 4 GS
DN6.221-24 8 Bit 500 MHz 24 ch @ 1.25 GS/s 6 x 4 GS
DN6.225-12 8 Bit 1.5 GHz 12 ch @ 1.25 GS/s 6 ch @ 2.5 GS/s 3 ch @ 5 GS/s 3 x 4 GS
DN6.225-16 8 Bit 1.5 GHz 16 ch @ 1.25 GS/s 8 ch @ 2.5 GS/s 4 ch @ 5 GS/s 4 x 4 GS
DN6.225-20 8 Bit 1.5 GHz 20 ch @ 1.25 GS/s 10 ch @ 2.5 GS/s 5 ch @ 5 GS/s 5 x 4 GS
DN6.225-24 8 Bit 1.5 GHz 24 ch @ 1.25 GS/s 12 ch @ 2.5 GS/s 6 ch @ 5 GS/s 6 x 4 GS
O ptions
Order no. Option
M4i.22xx-ir40m Low voltage input range option for 22xx series. 4 Input ranges with ±40 mV, ±100 mV, ±200 mV, ±500 mV, bandwidth limited. One option
is required for each internal digitizer module.
Order no. Option
DN6.xxx-Rack 19“ rack mounting set for self mounting
DN6.xxx-Emb Extension to Embedded Server: CPU, more memory, SSD. Access via remote Linuxs secure shell (ssh)
DN6.xxx-spavg Signal Processing Firmware Option: Block Average (later installation by firmware - upgrade available)
DN6.xxx-spstat Signal Processing Firmware Option: Block Statistics/Peak Detect (later installation by firmware - upgrade available)
DN6.xxx-BTPWR Boot on Power On: the digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX automatically boots if power is switched on.
Order no. Option
DN6.xxx-Recal Recalibration of complete digitizerNETBOX/generatorNETBOX DN6 including calibration protocol
Standard SMA Cables
The standard adapter cables are based on RG174 cables and have a nominal attenuation of 0.3 dB/m at 100 MHz and 0.5 dB/m at
250 MHz. For high speed signals we recommend the low loss cables series CHF.
for Connections Connection Length to BNC male to BNC female to SMB female to MMCX male to SMA male
All SMA male 80 cm Cab-3mA-9m-80 Cab-3mA-9f-80 Cab-3f-3mA-80 Cab-1m-3mA-80 Cab-3mA-3mA-80
All SMA male 200 cm Cab-3mA-9m-200 Cab-3mA-9f-200 Cab-3f-3mA-200 Cab-1m-3mA-200 Cab-3mA-3mA-200
Probes (short) SMA male 5 cm Cab-3mA-9f-5
Low Loss SMA Cables
The low loss adapter cables are based on MF141 cables and have an attenuation of 0.3 dB/m at 500 MHz and 0.5 dB/m at 1.5 GHz.
They are recommended for signal frequencies of 200 MHz and above.
Order no. Option
CHF-3mA-3mA-200 Low loss cables SMA male to SMA male 200 cm
CHF-3mA-9m-200 Low loss cables SMA male to BNC male 200 cm
Technical changes and printing errors possible
SBench, digitizerNETBOX and generatorNETBOX are registered trademarks of Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH. Microsoft, Visual C++, Windows, Windows 98, Windows NT, Window 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista,
Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 are trademarks/registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. LabVIEW, DASYLab, Diadem and LabWindows/CVI are trademarks/registered trademarks of National Instruments
Corporation. MATLAB is a trademark/registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc. Delphi and C++Builder are trademarks/registered trademarks of Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. Keysight VEE, VEE Pro and VEE OneLab
are trademarks/registered trademarks of Keysight Technologies, Inc. FlexPro is a registered trademark of Weisang GmbH & Co. KG. PCIe, PCI Express and PCI-X and PCI-SIG are trademarks of PCI-SIG. LXI is a registered
trademark of the LXI Consortium. PICMG and CompactPCI are trademarks of the PCI Industrial Computation Manufacturers Group. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Intel and Intel Core
i3, Core i5, Core i7, Core i9 and Xeon are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. AMD, Opteron, Sempron, Phenom, FX, Ryzen and EPYC are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Advanced
Micro Devices. NVIDIA, CUDA, GeForce, Quadro and Tesla are trademarks/registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation.