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GRINTECH社製 グリンレンズ



・独自の『non-toxic silver exchange』技術を使用



ドキュメント名 GRINTECH社製 グリンレンズ
ドキュメント種別 製品カタログ
ファイルサイズ 4.7Mb
取り扱い企業 株式会社ルミネックス (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧)


DOE Diffractive Optical Elements


HOLOEYE Photonics社製 空間光変調器


カメラ用液晶可変NDフィルター Polar View(R)




Seite 00 Catalog Cover 20181209

GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de

Seite 01 Inhaltsverzeichnis 20181218

Directory The Company 2 Scope of Business 3 GRIN Rod Lenses – Numerical Aperture 0.5 4 GRIN Rod Lenses – Numerical Aperture 0.2 5 GRIN Rod Lenses – Numerical Aperture 0.2 – for high performance collimation 6 GRIN Cylindrical Lenses 7 GRIN Objective Lenses for Endoscopy 8 GRIN Endoscopic Rod Lens Systems 9 Partnership 10 GRIN Needle Endomicroscopes for Fluorescence Microscopy 11 GRIN Needle Endomicroscopes for 2-Photon Microscopy 12 High NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objective for Fluorescence Microscopy 13 High NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objective for 2-Photon Microscopy 14 High NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objective as Achromatic version 15 New High NA Chromatic and Field Corrected Endomicroscopic Imaging Objectives 16 New Positioning Stage for GRIN-Microsystems 17 Small Size Laser-optic Line Generator 18 Customized GRIN Fiber Assemblies 19 Customized GRIN Biophotonic Probes – Imaging Probe 20 Customized GRIN Biophotonic Probes – OCT and Focusing Probe 21 Development of customized GRIN Systems 22 Tolerances and Handling Instructions 23 Introduction to Gradient Index (GRIN) Lenses 24 Introduction to Gradient Index Imaging Optics 25 Contact 26 GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 1 Revision 12/2018

Seite 02 The Company Grintech 20190104

The Company red dot: headquarters GRINTECH GmbH source: JENA Wirtschaft / Jürgen Scheere GRINTECH is one of the leading manufacturers of gradient index (GRIN) micro-optic lenses and lens systems based on more than 20-years of experience. GRINTECH delivers medical imaging and biophotonic technology, optical metrology and sensor technology to growing markets. GRIN-lenses are miniaturized lenses having extraordinary good optical performance and flat optical surfaces. The optical power of GRIN-lenses is achieved by a refractive index (GRadient INdex) profile fabricated by a non-toxic silver or lithium ion exchange process in glass. Our unique rod micro lenses have typical dimensions from 250 µm to 2 mm. With diffraction-limited numerical apertures up to 0.45, the flat optical surfaces enable an easy assembly to micro-optical lens systems tailored to your specific requirements. GRINTECH GmbH was founded in 1999 as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering in Jena, Germany. We at GRINTECH support the GRIN technology with our long-standing technical expertise and reliable customer service. GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 2 Revision 12/2018

Seite 03 Scope of Business Grintech 20190104

Scope of Business In the view of our worldwide customers, GRINTECH is well known as a highly flexible development and fabrication partner for special customer driven and adapted micro-optomechanical modules. These assemblies and subassemblies are often inspired by or based on our standard products, which are presented in the following catalogue section (page 4 - 18). The range from GRIN rod and cylindrical lenses used for fiber and laser diode collimation and beam shaping (page 4 - 7) over lenses and assemblies for clinical and industrial endoscopic applications (page 8 - 9) up to needle imaging assemblies and miniature high-NA objectives for in-vivo endomicroscopy and related accessories (page 11 - 17). However, most successfully our customers appreciate that GRINTECH develops, fabricates and delivers custom-made modules and assemblies dedicated to the specific needs of their application with a high quality and reliability. For the research market, that is impressively illustrated by the publication list of our customers using GRINTECH optics on our website, often in world leading scientific journals. But we also support our industrial customers with our sophisticated team of several optical designers and mechanical engineers to design and produce, beyond the standard catalogue products, much more complex optical sensors, focusing or deflecting modules and imaging assemblies consisting of mechanical housings and mounts, optical fibers, prisms, beam splitters, laser diodes etc., which are combined with GRIN and other lenses. We invite you to complete the custom assembly configurator on pages 19 - 22 to make the communication process as fast, efficient and easy as possible. It helps to clarify the most popular features as for example fiber type, length, buffer, connector type, prism size, stainless steel tube mounts, angled fiber end face, coatings, design wavelengths, spot or image working distance, spot size and numerical aperture, etc., and to add your specific requested features. You can find the same content also on www.grintech.de for direct contact to our sales and engineering team. Please explore and get inspired! GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 3 Revision 12/2018

Seite 04 Rod NA 05 20181218

GRIN Rod Lenses – Numerical Aperture 0.5 Gradient index lenses for fiber coupling and beam shaping of laser diodes Diameter Pitch P Working Lens Focal Gradient constant Refractive index Wavelength Product code (mm) distance length length g (mm-1) at the center of λ (nm) s (mm) zl (mm) f (mm) the profile no 0.25 0 1.15 0.45 1.349 - 1.369* 1.616 - 1.629* 670-1550 GT-LFRL-050-025-50-CC 0.50 0.23 0.06 1.05 0.46 1.349 - 1.369* 1.616 - 1.629* 670-1550 GT-LFRL-050-023-50-CC 0.25 0 2.25 0.88 0.697 1.629 670 GT-LFRL-100-025-50-CC (670) 0.25 0 2.27 0.89 0.693 1.624 810 GT-LFRL-100-025-50-CC (810) 1.00 0.25 0 2.29 0.90 0.687 1.616 1550 GT-LFRL-100-025-50-CC (1550) 0.23 0.11 - 0.12* 2.06 0.90 0.697 - 0.687* 1.616 - 1.629* 670 - 1550 GT-LFRL-100-023-50-CC 0.25 0 4.24 1.66 0.370 1.629 670 GT-LFRL-180-025-50-CC (670) 0.25 0 4.27 1.67 0.368 1.624 810 GT-LFRL-180-025-50-CC (810) 1.80 0.25 0 4.30 1.70 0.365 1.616 1550 GT-LFRL-180-025-50-CC (1550) 0.23 0.21 - 0.25* 3.88 1.69 0.365 – 0.370* 1.616 - 1.629* 670 - 1550 GT-LFRL-180-023-50-CC 0.25 0 4.85 1.89 0.324 1.629 670 GT-LFRL-200-025-50-CC (670) 0.25 0 4.88 1.91 0.322 1.624 810 GT-LFRL-200-025-50-CC (810) 2.00 0.25 0 4.92 1.94 0.319 1.616 1550 GT-LFRL-200-025-50-CC (1550) 0.23 0.23 – 0.27* 4.45 1.93 0.319 – 0,324* 1.616 - 1.629* 670 - 1550 GT-LFRL-200-023-50-CC *: depending on wavelength  Working distance, design wavelength and lens length deviating from these standards are available on request  8° angled facet / other diameters (0.25, 0.35, 0.60 and 0.85 mm) are available on request  ZEMAX files can be DOWNLOADed from our website GRIN rod lenses are offered without antireflection coatings as standard. Order example: Antireflection coatings (R < 1.0 % for the design wavelength and incidence angles GT – LFRL – 100 – 025 – 50 – CC – (670) of 0 ... 30° corresponding to measurements on a reference substrate) can be offered: GT GRINTECH Coating Code: NC: no coating (reflection loss approx. 12 %) - standard LFRL Focusing Rod Lens C1: λ = 450 … 690 nm 100 Diameter: 0.5, 1.0, 1.8 or 2.0 mm C2: λ = 800 … 1000 nm 025 Pitch: 0.25 or 0.23 C5: λ = 1310 … 1550 nm 50 NA: 0.50 CC Coating Code: NC, C1, C2 or C5 One - sided coatings are available on request. (670) Design Wavelength Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. * not available for following applications : Please note our partnership with Inscopix as our exclusive distributor for the field of non-confocal, single photon epi-fluorescence imaging for neuroscience applications in non-humans (see page 10). GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 4 Revision 12/2018

Seite 05 Rod NA 02 20181218

GRIN Rod Lenses – Numerical Aperture 0.2 Gradient index lenses for fiber coupling and beam shaping of laser diodes Pitch P Working Numerical Lens Focal Refractive index Diameter Gradient constant Wavelength distance Aperture length length at the center of Product code (mm) g (mm-1) λ (nm) s (mm) NA zl (mm) f (mm) the profile no 0.25 0 0.20 3.05 1.28 0.515 1.524 670 GT-LFRL-050-025-20-CC (670) 0.50 0.25 0 0.20 3.06 1.28 0.513 1.521 810 GT-LFRL-050-025-20-CC (810) 0.25 0 0.20 3.07 1.29 0.511 1.515 1550 GT-LFRL-050-025-20-CC (1550) 0.24 0.07 – 0.09* 0.20 2.94 1.28 0.511 - 0.515* 1.515 - 1.524* 670 - 1550 GT-LFRL-050-024-20-CC 0.25 0 0.20 6.12 2.56 0.257 1.524 670 GT-LFRL-100-025-20-CC (670) 1.00 0.25 0 0.20 6.13 2.57 0.256 1.521 810 GT-LFRL-100-025-20-CC (810) 0.25 0 0.20 6.16 2.59 0.255 1.515 1550 GT-LFRL-100-025-20-CC (1550) 0.24 0.15 – 0.18* 0.20 5.89 2.57 0.255 0.257* 1.515 - 1.524* 670 - 1550 GT-LFRL-100-024-20-CC 0.25 0 0.20 11.15 4.66 0.141 1.524 670 GT-LFRL-180-025-20-CC (670) 1.80 0.25 0 0.20 11.17 4.68 0.140 1.521 810 GT-LFRL-180-025-20-CC (810) 0.25 0 0.20 11.22 4.72 0.139 1.515 1550 GT-LFRL-180-025-20-CC (1550) 0.24 0.26 – 0.31 0.20 10.74 4.68 0.139 – 0.141* 1.515 - 1.524* 670 - 1550 GT-LFRL-180-024-20-CC *: depending on wavelength  Working distance, design wavelength and lens length deviating from these standards are available on request  other diameters (0.25 and 0.35) are available on request  ZEMAX files can be DOWNLOADed from our website Order example: GRIN rod lenses are offered without antireflection coatings as standard. GT – LFRL – 100 – 025 – 20 – CC – (670) Antireflection coatings (R < 1.0 % for the design wavelength and incidence angles of GT GRINTECH 0 ... 10° corresponding to measurements on a reference substrate) can be offered: LFRL Laser Focusing Rod Lens Coating Code: NC: no coating (reflection loss approx. 12 %) - standard 100 Diameter: 0.5, 1.0, 1.8 mm C1: λ = 450 … 690 nm 025 Pitch: 0.25 or 0.24 C2: λ = 800 … 1000 nm 20 NA: 0.20 C5: λ = 1310 … 1550 nm CC Coating Code: NC, C1, C2 or C5 (670) Design Wavelength One - sided coatings are available on request. Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 5 Revision 12/2018

Seite 06 Rod NA 02 high performance 1.0 und 1.8mm 20181218

GRIN Rod Lenses – Numerical Aperture 0.2 – for high-performance collimation with optimized gradient index profile for compensation of higher-order spherical aberrations and better beam quality Diameter Pitch P Working Numerical Lens Focal Gradient Refractive index Wavelength Product code (mm) distance Aperture length length constant at the center of λ (nm) s (mm) NA zl (mm) f (mm) g (mm-1) the profile no 0.25 0 0.20 6.04 2.52 0.260 1.524 670 GT-CFRL-100-025-20-CC (670) 1.00 0.25 0 0.20 6.05 2.53 0.260 1.521 810 GT-CFRL-100-025-20-CC (810) 0.25 0 0.19 6.08 2.55 0.258 1.515 1550 GT-CFRL-100-025-20-CC (1550) 0.24 0.16 – 0.18* 0.19 5.81 2.54 0.258 – 0.260* 1.515 – 1.524* 670 -1550 GT-CFRL-100-024-20-CC (1550) 0.25 0 0.19 11.06 4.62 0.142 1.524 670 GT-CFRL-180-025-20-CC (670) 1.80 0.25 0 0.19 11.08 4.64 0.142 1.521 810 GT-CFRL-180-025-20-CC (810) 0.25 0 0.19 11.13 4.68 0.141 1.515 1550 GT-CFRL-180-025-20-CC (1550) 0.24 0.26 – 0.31* 0.19 10.71 4.69 0.141 – 0.142* 1.515 – 1.524* 670 -1550 GT-CFRL-180-024-20-CC (1550) *: depending on wavelength  Working distance, design wavelength and lens length deviating from these standards are available on request  ZEMAX files can be DOWNLOADed from our website optimized measured wavefront error: 0.055ʎ RMS - Wavefront RMS @ 635 nm < 0.07 - diffraction limited properties - higher order spherical aberrations are corrected - for high-performance applications (e.g. collimators with M² < 1.1) Order example: GRIN rod lenses are offered without antireflection coatings as standard. GT – CFRL – 100 – 025 – 20 – CC – (670) Antireflection coatings (R < 1.0 % for the design wavelength and incidence angles GT GRINTECH of 0 ... 30° corresponding to measurements on a reference substrate) can be offered: CFRL Focusing Rod Lens for high-performance collimation Coating Code: NC: no coating (reflection loss approx. 12 %) - standard 100 Diameter: 1.0, 1.8 mm C1: λ = 450 … 690 nm 025 Pitch: 0.25 or 0.24 C2: λ = 800 … 960 nm 20 NA: 0.20 C5: λ = 1310 … 1550 nm CC Coating Code: NC, C1, C2 or C5 (670) Design Wavelength One - sided coatings are available on request. Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 6 Revision 12/2018

Seite 07 Cylindrical Lens 20181218

GRIN Cylindrical Lenses  Gradient index lenses for the fast axis collimation of high power laser diode bars, high brightness diodes and other beam shaping purposes zl  Plane surfaces b d s Thickness Pitch P Working Numerical Lens length Focal Gradient Refractive index Width b Wavelength Product code (mm) distance Aperture zl (mm) length constant at the center of (mm) λ (nm) s (mm) NA f (mm) g (mm-1) the profile no 1.00 0.24 0.08 0.5 2.34 0.97 0.634 1.624 14 810 GT-LFCL-100-024-50-CC  Working distance, design wavelength and lens length deviating from these standard as customized solution are available on request  different lens width available upon request Order example: GRIN cylindrical lenses are offered without antireflection coatings as standard. GT – LFCL – 100 – 024 – 50 – CC – (670) Antireflection coatings (R < 1.0 % for the design wavelength and incidence angles GT GRINTECH of 0 ... 30° corresponding to measurements on a reference substrate) can be offered: LFCL Laser Focusing Cylindrical Lens Coating Code: NC: no coating (reflection loss approx. 12 %) - standard 100 Thickness: 1.0 mm C2: λ = 800 … 1000 nm 024 Pitch: 0.24 50 NA: 0.50 One - sided coatings are available on request. CC Coating Code: NC or C2 Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 7 Revision 12/2018

Seite 08 Objective Lens 20181218

GRIN Objective Lenses for Endoscopy  Gradient index lenses for endoscopic imaging optics  Aperture and field stops (black chromium coating ring on lens  Non-toxic silver-based glass material, view angle ϑ = ± 30° surface generated by photolithography) are available on request  Plane surfaces, low chromatic aberration  Certification: Biological safety – toxicology (EN ISO 10993-1)  Combination with prisms and beam splitter cubes on request  Design wavelength: 570 nm yO ϑ dA d yi l zl Diameter Working distance Lens length1 Parax. Magnification Refractive index at the Product code d (mm) l (mm) zl (mm) M = yo/yi center of the profile no 2.0* Infinity 4.79 -- 1.635 GT-IFRL-200-inf-50-CC 20 5.06 -10.78 1.635 GT-IFRL-200-020-50-CC 2.0 10 5.33 -5.46 1.635 GT-IFRL-200-010-50-CC 5 5.84 -2.86 1.635 GT-IFRL-200-005-50-CC 1.8* Infinity 4.19 -- 1.635 GT-IFRL-180-inf-50-CC 20 4.40 -12.29 1.635 GT-IFRL-180-020-50-CC 1.8 10 4.61 -6.21 1.635 GT-IFRL-180-010-50-CC 5 5.01 -3.22 1.635 GT-IFRL-180-005-50-CC Infinity 2.23 -- 1.635 GT-IFRL-100-inf-50-CC 20 2.29 -23.1 1.635 GT-IFRL-100-020-50-CC 1.0 10 2.35 -11.58 1.635 GT-IFRL-100-010-50-CC 5 2.46 -5.86 1.635 GT-IFRL-100-005-50-CC Infinity 1.93 -- 1.635 GT-IFRL-085-inf-50-CC 0.85 10 2.02 -13.34 1.635 GT-IFRL-085-010-50-CC 5 2.11 -6.73 1.635 GT-IFRL-085-005-50-CC Infinity 1.32 -- 1.635 GT-IFRL-060-inf-50-CC 0.6 10 1.36 -19.48 1.635 GT-IFRL-060-010-50-CC 5 1.40 -9.78 1.635 GT-IFRL-060-005-50-CC Infinity 1.13 -- 1.635 GT-IFRL-050-inf-50-CC 0.5 10 1.16 -22.71 1.635 GT-IFRL-050-010-50-CC 5 1.19 -11.39 1.635 GT-IFRL-050-005-50-CC 0.35 5 0.79 -16.9 1.635 GT-IFRL-035-005-50-CC 0.25 5 0.56 -23.63 1.635 GT-IFRL-025-005-50-CC  Working distance and lens length deviating from these standards are available on request  ZEMAX files can be DOWNLOADed from our website Order example: GRIN rod lenses are offered without antireflection coatings as standard. GT – IFRL – 100 – 010 – 50 – CC Antireflection coatings (R < 1.0 % for the design wavelength and incidence angles GT GRINTECH of 0 ... 30° corresponding to measurements on a reference substrate) can be offered: IFRL Imaging Focusing Rod Lens Coating Code: NC: no coating (reflection loss approx. 12 %) - standard 100 Diameter: 0.25, 0.35,0.5, 0.6, 0.85 1.0, 1.8 or 2.0 mm C1: λ = 450 … 690 nm 010 Working distance: 5, 10, 20 mm or infinity 50 NA: 0.50 One - sided coatings are available on request. CC Coating Code: NC or C1 Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. Note: GRINTECH objective lenses can be combined with GRIN relay lenses to complete endoscopic imaging systems by gluing the optical surfaces directly together. Prisms to change the direction of view can also be glued directly on the front surface of the objective lens. We are happy to advise you. * not available for following applications : Please note our partnership with Inscopix as our exclusive distributor for the field of non-confocal, single photon epi-fluorescence imaging for neuroscience applications in non-humans (see page 10). GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 8 Revision 12/2018

Seite 09 Endoscopic Systems 20181210

GRIN Endoscopic Rod Lens Systems GRIN endoscopic systems, which combine a GRIN objective lens, a GRIN relay lens and a GRIN eyepiece. Combining the system with a prism enables the change of the direction of view. Standard diameters are 0.35, 0.5, 1.0 und 2.0 mm. We offer the systems in two different principle design options: Design A: Design B: The objective lens creates a reduced intermediate image at the The objective lens creates a reduced intermediate image at the exit surface of the objective lens, which will be imaged by the exit surface of the objective lens, which will be imaged by the relay lens 1:1 (if the lens length of the relay lens is a multiple of relay lens at infinity. Such a lens system is a complete endoscop- the period) or - 1:1 (if the lens length of the relay lens is an odd ic imaging system. It allows the direct observation with the multiple of the half period) to the exit surface of the relay lens. human eye or the use of a conventional camera system (including camera lens): camera and camera lens are not included! schematic view design A schematic view design B 1.0 Pitch 0.75 Pitch CCD, eye 30° 30° this part is not included! object objective lens relay lens object objective lens relay lens possible working distances (please specify): possible working distances (please specify): 0.35 mm diameter: 5 mm, 0.35 mm diameter: 5 mm, 0.5 to 2.0 mm diameter: 5 mm, 10 mm and infinity 0.5 to 2.0 mm diameter: 5 mm, 10 mm and infinity other working distances on request other working distances on request possible pitch lengths: possible pitch lengths: Relay Relay diameter System length [mm] Image orientation diameter System length [mm] Image orientation pitch pitch 0.5 approx. 8.2 inverted to like design A 0.75 approx. 12.0 like design B 0.35 1.0 approx. 15.7 like design A 0.35 1.25 approx.19.4 inverted to like design B 1.5 approx. 23.1 inverted to like design A 1.75 approx. 26.9 like design B 0.5 approx. 16.3 inverted to like design A 0.75 approx. 23.8 like design B 0.50 1.0 approx. 31.4 like design A 0.5 1.25 approx.38.9 inverted to like design B 1.5 approx. 46.5 inverted to like design A 1.75 approx. 54.0 like design B 0.5 approx. 24.7 inverted to like design A 0.75 approx. 35.9 like design B 1.00 1.0 approx. 47.0 like design A 1.00 1.25 approx. 58.2 inverted to like design B 1.5 approx. 69.4 inverted to like design A 1.75 approx. 80.6 like design B 0.5 approx. 55.5 inverted to like design A 0.75 approx. 80.7 like design B 2.00 2.00 1.0 approx. 105.8 like design A 1.25 approx. 130.9 inverted to like design 1.5 approx. 156.0 inverted to like design A Both versions are available Order example: with a 90° change of view GT – ERLS – d – wd – p 90° prism GT GRINTECH by attaching a prism to the object ERLS Endoscopic Rod Lens System objective. d Diameter: 0.35, 0.50, 1.00 or 2.00 mm objective wd Working distance: 5, 10 mm or infinity p Relay pitch: 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 or 1.75 We are happy to advise you. Please contact us. GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 9 Revision 12/2018

Seite 10 Partnership Inscopix 20181209

Brain Imaging – one of the most enabling applications of GRINTECH micro-optics Endomicroscopy using GRINTECH lenses and assemblies allows an in-vivo imaging access to deep tissue regions in the brain, especially in non-humans. It helps to understand disease formation and progression on a cellular level of the tissue. To support our customers even better by providing appropriate biological techniques and protocols, GRINTECH has created a partnership with Inscopix Inc. in Palo Alto, California, one of the leading technology providers in neuroscience microscopic imaging. Beginning on December 1st, 2015 Inscopix will distribute exclusively our products in the field of non-confocal, single photon epi-fluorescence imaging for neuroscience applications in non-humans. www.inscopix.com GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 10 Revision 12/2018

Seite 11 Needle Endomicroscopes - 1P 20181218

GRIN Needle Endomicroscopes for Fluorescence Microscopy - please see note below* GRIN Needle Endomicroscopes are used for deep tissue imaging. They relay the micron-scale resolved image of the tissue over a longer length to a plane outside of the tissue at the other end of the needlescope. They are used with multi-photon fluorescence imaging (Design Wavelength 860 nm). The Endomicroscopes are fabricated as GRIN-singlets with NA = 0.50 on both sides or as GRIN-doublets with an object NA of 0.5 and an image NA of 0.19. Working distances on object side are specified in water or tissue, on image side in air. They are offered in different lengths resulting from adding 0.5 GRIN-pitches (periods) to the GRIN. Optional, they can be offered as side viewing needlescope by adding a 90° prism on object side. Singlets: Doublets: • object side working distance in water: 60 µm • object side working distance in water: 60 µm • image side working distance in air: 0 µm / 80 µm • image side working distance in air: 80 µm • design wavelength: 520 nm • design wavelength: 520 nm • NA Object / image side: 0.50 / 0.50 • NA Object / image side: 0.50 / 0.19 • Magnification: 1:1 / 1:-1 (depending on pitch length) • Magnification: 1:2.6 / 1:-2.6 (depending on pitch length Available lengths: Available lengths: Diameter Product Code Image side Length Diameter Product Code Length (mm) (mm) working (mm) (mm) distance (µm) NEM-050-60-80-520-DS 3.98 NEM-050-60-00-520-S-0.5p 0 2.22 0.50 NEM-050-60-80-520-DM 10.08 0.50 NEM-050-60-80-520-S-0.5p 80 2.08 NEM-050-60-80-520-DL 16.19 NEM-050-60-80-520-S-1.0p 80 4.38 1.00 NEM-100-60-80-520-DS 8.28 NEM-050-60-80-520-S-1.5p 80 6.67 NEM-100-60-80-520-DM 20.50 NEM-050-60-80-520-S-2.0p 80 8.96 NEM-100-60-00-520-S-0.5p 0 4.67 • Other diameters (0.35 mm, 1.8 mm), other working distances or 1.00 NEM-100-60-80-520-S-0.5p 80 4.54 other design wavelength are available on request NEM-100-60-80-520-S-1.0p 80 9.28 NEM-100-60-80-520-S-1.5p 80 14.02 • Other diameters (0.35 mm, 0.60 mm, 0.85 mm, 1.80 mm or Notes: 2.00 mm), other working distances or other design wavelength  Diameters are sole GRIN-optics diameters are available on request  Optionally the Endomicroscopes can be delivered in medical-grade stainless steel tubes (1.4301), with outer diameters of 0.70 mm for 0.5 mm optics and 1.2 mm for 1.0 mm optics. The tubes are mounted flush on the object side (tissue, high NA) for the side viewing version the prism is not protected by the tube.. On the image side, the optics sticks out of the tube by 50 – 500 µm. Please add –ST to the product code if desired. object side working distance 60 µm in water (tissue)  The lengths can have a tolerance of +/- 5 %. stainless steel tube (0.2 mm larger than optics diameter)  The lenses are non-coated. For customized projects, the lenses can be AR-coated.  A side-viewing scope using microprisms may be also possible on a customized basis (see left).  Please ask for combination with imaging fiber bundles (Fujikura) as customized solution. * not available for following applications : Please note our partnership with Inscopix as our exclusive distributor for the field of non-confocal, single photon epi-fluorescence imaging for neuroscience applications in non-humans (see page 10). GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 11 Revision 12/2018

Seite 12 Needle Endomicroscopes - 2P 20181218

GRIN Needle Endomicroscopes for 2-Photon Microscopy GRIN Needle Endomicroscopes are used for deep tissue imaging. They relay the micron-scale resolved image of the tissue over a longer length to a plane outside of the tissue at the other end of the needlescope. They are used with multi-photon fluorescence imaging (Design Wavelength 860 nm). The Endomicroscopes are fabricated as GRIN-singlets with NA = 0.50 on both sides or as GRIN-doublets with an object NA of 0.5 and an image NA of 0.19. Working distances on object side are specified in water or tissue, on image side in air. They are offered in different lengths resulting from adding 0.5 GRIN-pitches (periods) to the GRIN. Optional, they can be offered as side viewing needlescope by adding a 90° prism on object side. Singlets: Doublets: • object side working distance in water: 250 µm • object side working distance in water: 250 µm • image side working distance in air: 100 µm • image side working distance in air: 100 µm • design wavelength: 860 nm • design wavelength: 860 nm • NA object / image side: 0.50 / 0.50 • NA object / image side: 0.50 / 0.19 • Magnification: 1:1 / 1:-1 (depending on pitch length) • Magnification: 1:2.6 / 1:-2.6 (depending on pitch length) Available lengths: Available lengths: Diameter Product Code Length (mm) Diameter Product Code Length (mm) (mm) (mm) NEM-050-25-10-860-S-0.5p 1.87 NEM-050-25-10-860-DS 3.79 0.50 NEM-050-25-10-860-S-1.0p 4.20 0.50 NEM-050-25-10-860-DM 9.89 NEM-050-25-10-860-S-1.5p 6.52 NEM-050-25-10-860-DL 16.00 NEM-050-25-10-860-S-2.0p 8.85 1.00 NEM-100-25-10-860-DS 8.10 NEM-100-25-10-860-S-0.5p 4.38 NEM-100-25-10-860-DM 20.33 1.00 NEM-100-25-10-860-S-1.0p 9.22 NEM-100-25-10-860-S-1.5p 14.07 • Other diameters (0.35 mm, 1.80 mm), other working distances or other design wavelength are available on request • Other diameters (0.35 mm, 0.60 mm, 0.85 mm, 1.80 mm or 2.00 mm), other working distances or other design wavelength are available on request Notes:  Diameters are sole GRIN-optics diameters  Optionally the Endomicroscopes can be delivered in medical-grade stainless steel tubes (1.4301), with outer diameters of 0.70 mm for 0.5 mm optics and 1.2 mm for 1.0 mm optics. The tubes are mounted flush on the object side (tissue, high NA) for the side viewing version the prism is not protected by the tube.. object side working distance stainless steel tube 250 µm in water (tissue) On the image side, the optics sticks out of the tube by 50 – 500 µm. (0.2 mm larger than optics diameter) Please add –ST to the product code if desired.  The lengths can have a tolerance of +/- 5 %.  The lenses are non-coated. For customized projects, the lenses can be AR-coated.  A side-viewing scope using microprisms may be also possible on a customized basis (see left).  Please ask for combination with imaging fiber bundles (Fujikura) as customized solution. * not available for following applications : Please note our partnership with Inscopix as our exclusive distributor for the field of non-confocal, single photon epi-fluorescence imaging for neuroscience applications in non-humans (see page 10). GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 12 Revision 12/2018

Seite 13 High NA Fluorescence 20181209

High-NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objective for Fluorescence Microscopy GRINTECH’s high-NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objectives cascade the optical power of a plano-convex lens and a GRIN lens with aberration compensation to achieve an object NA of 0.8. Applications: In vivo endomicroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, tissue imaging, flexible fluorescence microscopy, NA conversion Product Code: GT-MO-080-018-488 Product Code: GT-MO-080-0415-488 Features:  Object NA = 0.80 Features:  Object NA = 0.80  Object working distance 80 µm (water)  Object working distance 80 µm (water)  Image NA = 0.18  Image NA = 0.415  Magnification 4.65 x  Magnification 1.92 x  Recommended Excitation 488 nm  Recommended Excitation 488 nm  Mounted in stainless steel holder  Mounted in stainless steel holder Image Object Image Object NA = 0.18 NA = 0.8 NA = 0.415 NA = 0.8 Image wd = 200 µm Object wd = 80 µm Image wd = 100 µm Object wd = 80 µm in air in water in air in water 1.4 mm 1.4 mm 7.00 mm 3.30 mm 7.65 mm (+/-0.17mm) 4.10 mm (+/-0.35 mm) Diffraction limited NA versus Field Diffraction limited NA versus Field 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 radial object field height [µm] radial object field height [µm] (from optical design simulation according to Marechal (from optical design simulation according to Marechal criterion @ 488 nm, wavefront RMS ≤ 0.07 λ) criterion @ 488 nm, wavefront RMS ≤ 0.07 λ) Chromatic Aberration in Object Space Chromatic Aberration in Object Space 95 95 90 90 85 85 80 80 75 75 70 70 460 480 500 520 540 560 460 480 500 520 540 560 λ [nm] λ [nm] Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. Pat. US 7,511,891 GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de working distance in water [µm] N.A. diffraction limited working distance in water [µm] N.A. diffraction limited 13 Revision 12/2018

Seite 14 High NA 2 Photon 20181209

High-NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objective for 2-Photon Microscopy GRINTECH’s high-NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objectives cascade the optical power of a plano-convex lens and a GRIN lens with aberration compensation to achieve an object NA of 0.8. Applications: In vivo endomicroscopy, 2-photon microscopy, deep brain and tissue imaging, flexible fluorescence microscopy, NA conversion Product Code: GT-MO-080-018-810 Product Code: GT-MO-080-0415-810 Features:  Object NA = 0.80 Features:  Object NA = 0.80  Object working distance 200 µm (water)  Object working distance 200 µm (water)  Image NA = 0.18  Image NA = 0.415  Magnification 4.8 x  Magnification 1.92 x  Recommended Excitation 800 – 900 nm  Recommended Excitation 800 – 900 nm  Mounted in stainless steel holder  Mounted in stainless steel holder Image Object Image Object NA = 0.18 NA = 0.8 NA = 0.415 NA = 0.8 Image wd = 200 µm Object wd = 200 µm Image wd = 100 µm Object wd = 200 µm in air in water in air in water 1.4 mm 1.4 mm 7.00 mm 3.30 mm 7.50 mm (+/-0.17 mm) 4.00 mm (+/-0.35 mm) Diffraction limited NA versus Field Diffraction limited NA versus Field 0,8 0.8 0,7 0.7 0,6 0.6 0,5 0.5 0,4 0.4 0,3 0.3 0,2 0.2 0,1 0.1 0,0 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 radial object field height [µm] radial object field height [µm] (from optical design simulation according to Marechal (from optical design simulation according to Marechal criterion @ 810 nm, wavefront RMS ≤ 0.07 λ) criterion @ 810 nm, wavefront RMS ≤ 0.07 λ) Chromatic Aberration in Object Space Chromatic Aberration in Object Space 205 205 200 200 195 195 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 λ [nm] λ [nm] Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. Pat. US 7,511,891 GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de working distance in water [µm] N.A. diffraction limited working distance in water [µm] N.A. diffraction limited 14 Revision 12/2018

Seite 15 High NA color corrected 20190104

High-NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objectiv as achromatic version GRINTECH’s high-NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objectives with object Numerical Apertures of 0.8 are offered in an achromate version for applications where a wavelength depending focal shift between the excitation and detection is a problem and needs to be corrected. Applications: Applications: In vivo endomicroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, tissue imaging, flexible fluorescence In vivo endomicroscopy, 2-photon microscopy, NA conversion endomicroscopy, deep brain and tissue imaging, flexible fluorescence microscopy New Product Code: New Product Code: New Product Code: GT-MO-080-018-AC488-550 GT-MO-080-0415-AC488-550 GT-MO-080-018-AC900-450 Features  Object NA = 0.80 Features  Object NA = 0.80 Features  Object NA = 0.80  Object working distance  Object working distance  Object working distance 80 µm (water) 80 µm (water) 200 µm (water)  Image NA = 0.18  Image NA = 0.50  Image NA = 0.175  Magnification 4.65 x  Magnification 1.70 x  Magnification 4.76 x  Recommended Excitation  Recommended Excitation  Recommended Excitation 488 nm 488 nm 800 - 900 nm  Mounted in stainless steel  Mounted in stainless steel  Mounted in stainless steel holder holder holder  Color correction for 488 and  Color correction for 488  Color correction for 900 and 550 nm and 550 nm 450 nm Chromatic Aberration in Object Space Chromatic Aberration in Object Space Chromatic Aberration in Object Space 88 210 87 205 86 90 200 85 195 84 190 83 MO-080-018-AC488-550 (with chromatic correction) 85 MO-080-0415-AC488-550 185 82 MO-080-018-488 (with chromatic correction) 180 MO-080-018-AC450-900 81 (no chromatic correction) MO-080-0415-488 (with chromatic correction) (no chromatic correction) 175 80 MO-080-018-810 80 170 (no chromatic correction) 79 480 500 520 540 560 165 480 500 520 540 560 400 500 600 700 800 900 λ [nm] λ [nm] λ [nm] Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. Pat. US 7,511,891 GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de working distance in water [µm] working distance in water [µm] working distance in water [µm] 15 Revision 12/2018

Seite 16 High-NA-ColorCorrected-New-Endoscopes 20181213

New High-NA chromatic and field corrected Endomicroscopic Imaging Objectives GRINTECH’s new high-NA Endomicroscopic Imaging Objectives with object Numerical Apertures of 0.75 are offered in a broad achromatic and field corrected version to significantly increase the usable field of view. A GRIN-refractive multilens hybrid design allows a broader chromatic and off-axis correction resulting also in a higher confocal sensitivity (confocal signal throughput) compared to the previous versions with diffractive correcting elements. Applications: In vivo endomicroscopy, single photon fluorescence microscopy, nonlinear optical imaging modalities (SHG, TPF), tissue imaging, flexible fluorescence microscopy, NA conversion GT-MO-080-032-ACR-VISNIR-xx-xx series represents high resolution field and color corrected GT-MO-070-016-ACR-VISNIR-30-20 is objectives with a magnification of 2.3. The image side NA of 0.32 matches to imaging fiber optimized for wavelengths of 450 nm bundles. Color correction is from 450 nm to 900 nm with an optimal performance from 488 nm and 900 nm to achieve an ideal to 520 nm. The objectives are assembled in stainless steel mounts. performance in SHG and TPF applications within a large field of view. Four combinations of proximal and distal working distances are offered as listed below: GT-MO-080-032-ACR-VISNIR-… …08CG-00 …08CG-20 …08-00 …08-20 GT-MO-070-016-ACR-VISNIR-30-20 Object NA 0.7 0.7 0.75 0.75 0.7 Object WD in water [µm] 80 80 80 80 300 Designed for cover glass [µm] 170 170 none none none Image NA 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.16 Image WD in air [µm] 0 200 0 200 200 Magnification 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 4.5 Dimensions ∅ / L [mm] 1.4 / 4.89 1.4 / 4.57 1.4 / 5.02 1.4 / 4.7 1.4 / 8.36 Chromatic Aberration in Object Space Field Dependent Strehl Ratio in Object Space (From Optical Design) Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 16 Revision 12/2018

Seite 17 Positioning for GRIN-Microsystems 20181220

Positioning Stage for GRIN-Needle Endomicroscopes and High NA objectives XYZ Stage and objective mounting to connect and align to microscope objectives Applications and properties:  holding, handling and three-axis-positioning of GRIN- microsystem relative to microscope objectives  mounting for microscope objective diameter 30 mm (standard)  smaller microscope objectives diameters are possible with assistance of an adapter ring (for ordering see table below)  stable and reliable construction of the XYZ-stage  adjustment travel: X - 7.5 mm, Y - 6.5 mm, Z - 6.5 mm  thread pitch 0.2 mm  easy pick and drop of the jaws with magnetic pull  durable anodized aluminum surface Clamping unit (CLPF + CLPL)  consisting of fixed an loose jaw (CLPF+CLPL)  holding and fixation of GRIN-microsystems  different movable jaws for diameter: 0.5 / 0.7 / 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.4 mm  easy change of movable jaw due to magnetic pull  ball handle for moving the movable jaw for picking and dropping the microsystem Holder for clamping unit (HLD) with movable jaw magazine  holding and handling of the jaws including the GRIN-microsystem  easy pick and place of the jaws because of magnetic pull  allows the one-hand-usage to pick and drop the GRIN-microsystems  magazine with four places for the not used movable jaws inside the handlebar  anodized aluminum Set includes:  XYZ Stage (XYZSTG) XYZSTG-B XYZ Stage (B=blue)  fixed jaw of the clamping unit (CLPF) CLPLXX-B Lose jaw (XX=1.4 / 1.2 / 1.0 / 0.7 / 0.5 mm; B=Blue)  holder for clamping unit inclusive magazine for three jaw CLPF-B Fixed jaw (B=blue) of different diameters (HLD) ADPXX Adapterring for microscop objective XX=Diameter  one movable jaw of your choice (CLPL) HLD-B Holder for clamping unit (B=blue)  other movable jaws for different diameter can be ordered separatly Variations due to modifications of the production process are possible. It is the user´s responsibility to determine suitability for the user´s purpose. Please ask for customized solutions. GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 17 Revision 12/2018

Seite 18 Laser Line Generator 20181210

Small Size Laser-optic Line Generator GRINTECH’s Gradient-Index Micro-Optic Components with plane optical y surfaces generate a homogeneous laser line from a Gaussian beam of a I single-mode laser diode. The extraordinary small module size of ∅ 6.43 mm x 10.5 mm and a weight of only 0.9 g are combined with a y line uniformity of approx. ± 8% and a diffraction-limited focus size. x Applications: 3D contour mapping I Optical alignment Machine vision x Biomedical Standard Options: Mechanical Specifications:  Line divergence (Fan angle): ± 10°, ± 15°, ± 20° (see ordering  Weight: 0.9 g information below)  Dimensions version 1: ∅ 6.43 mm x 10.5 mm  Line focus position can be specified between 80 mm and infinity  Dimensions version 2: ∅ 8.00 mm x 10.5 mm (collimation) when ordering. Please see remarks below for focus size  Package material: anodised aluminium and depth of focus.  Red laser diode: QDLaser – QLF063A-AA, λ = 660 nm, PLD = 50 mW, TO-18 (∅ 5.6 mm) package (driver on request)  Input laser beam specification for laser diodes TO-18: Slow axis divergence: 9 deg. (+1.5 / - 0.5 deg.) @ FWHM LASER RADIATION AVOID EXPOSURE TO THE BEAM CLASS 3B LASER PRODUCT Environmental Specifications: Dimensions Version 1:  Operating temperature: 0 … 50°C  Storage temperature: -20°C … +70°C  Resistance to vibrations: 2 g / 20 ... 500 Hz (acc. IEC68-2-6)  Resistance to mechanical shock: 15 g / 6 ms (acc. IEC68-2-29)  Laser safety class: depending on application and additional optics up to class 3B Optical Specifications: Example: Fan divergence angles : 10°, 15°, 20° Line width: 75 µm FWHM ± ± ± in focus distance 123 mm  Focus distance: 80 mm – infinity, Gaussian shape  Line width in focus: FWHM/Distance = 0.60 µm/mm, Example: approx. 120 µm line width (FWHM) in 200 mm distance  Far field divergence depending on line widths, approx. according to Gaussian beam laws  Squint angle: ≤ 2°  Transmission efficiency: Pout / PLD = 90 – 95% Order example: 1,0 GT – LLGM – 643 – DA – FD 0,8 GT GRINTECH LLGM Laser Line Generator Modul 0,6 643 Diameter: 6.43 mm Variations due to modifications 0,4 DA Divergence Angle: 10 for ±10° of the production process are Example: 15 for ±15° 0,2 possible. It is the user´s Line profile +/- 10° Module 20 for ±20° responsibility to determine 0,0 FD Focus distance in mm -10 -5 0 5 10 suitability for the user´s (between 80mm and infinity) Divergenc e angle in ° purpose. GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de Relative Intensity 18 Revision 12/2018

Seite 19 Customization - GRIN Fiber Assemblies 20181218

Customization - GRIN Fiber Assemblies Applications: • Focussing Probes • Collimators • Fiber Coupling • Fiber optical sensors In addition to our standard products, GRINTECH offers fiber systems according to customer specifications. Please ask us and let us know your requirements as detailed as possible (the closer we know your specifications the better we can advise you). For the optical and mechanical design and the quotation we need at least the following information: Fiber type: for example: single mode, polarization maintaining, multi mode, or special fiber please specify operating wavelength (for SM, PM), core size (for MM) Fiber Length: Connector: FC/PC, FC/APC or other (please specify) Design wavelength: Diameter of the optical components: 0.5, 1.0 or 1.8 mm Housing of the optical part: none or stainless steel tube (please specify outer diameter and length of tubing) Focusing probe: please specify working distance / Spot size (diameter @1/e²) Collimating probe: please specify beam diameter (@1/e²) Others: For example: prism for side firing, 8° angled facet for reducing back reflections, AR coating, … Quantity: Typical configurations: GRIN-Lens Ø 1.80 mm GRIN-Lens Ø 1.00 mm / Prism 1.00 mm GRIN-Lens Ø 1.00 mm / Prism 1.00 mm Stainless Steel Tube Ø 2.00 mm Stainless Steel Tube Ø 1.20 mm Stainless Steel Tube Front Ø 1.20 mm Fiber Fiber Stainless Steel Tube Back Fiber GRINTECH GmbH / Schillerstr. 1 / 07745 Jena / Germany / Phone: +49 (0) 3641/2276-0 / Fax: +49 (0) 3641/2276-11 / www.grintech.de / info@grintech.de 19 Revision 12/2018