・反射型LCOS(液晶)マイクロディスプレイ or 透過型LC(液晶)ディスプレイ
ドキュメント名 | HOLOEYE Photonics社製 空間光変調器 |
ドキュメント種別 | 製品カタログ |
ファイルサイズ | 626.6Kb |
登録カテゴリ | |
取り扱い企業 | 株式会社ルミネックス (この企業の取り扱いカタログ一覧) |

Spatial Light Modulators
Spatial Light Modulators PLUTO-2 - Phase Only Spatial Light
HOLOEYE´s Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) systems are Modulator Series
based on translucent or reflective liquid crystal microdis- The PLUTO-2 phase
plays. These devices can modulate light spatially in modulator models are based
amplitude or phase, so they act as a dynamic optical on reflective LCOS microdis-
element. The optical function or information to be plays with 1920 x 1080 pixel
displayed can be taken directly from the optic design resolution and 8.0 μm pixel
software or an image source and can be transferred by a pitch.
computer interface.
Display Type Reflective LCOS
Implementation is accomplished using the HDMI port of Resolution 1920 x 1080 Pixel
a standard PC graphics card. The SLM can be used just Pixel Pitch 8.0 μm
like an external plug & play monitor. Active Area / Diagonal 15.36 x 8.64 mm / 0.7”
Fill Factor 93%
SLM Software Features Addressing Bit Depth 8 Bit
All HOLOEYE Spatial Light Modulators can be controlled Input Frame Rate 60 Hz / (180 Hz)
by a Configuration Manager (Windows). This software Signal Format HDMI - HDTV Res.
gives the opportunity to control all relevant image
parameters and provides an easy gamma control to The PLUTO-2 series covers different versions optimized
configure the device for different applications and for different applications and wavelength ranges from 350
wavelengths. nm up to 1700 nm. Furthermore high retardation display
panels are available (VIS and NIR) which enable a modulo
Aditionally an SLM Pattern Generator Software is delivered 4 or 6 encoding of optical functions depending on the
with the SLM. Key features are: wavelength.
- computation of computer generated holograms (CGH)
from user defined images The pulse code modulation for digitally addressed devices
- generation of SLM signals representing basic optical leads to a slight superimposed phase flicker. For some
functions such as lenses, gratings, axicon and vortex applications a stable phase response is required. This can
functions be accomplished driving the high retardation display
- superposition of CGH's with basic optical functions to versions with low voltage settings for 2 phase retardation,
combine functionalities however compromising the response time.
For easy display of images and image sequences on the All different phase display versions can be driven with the
Spatial Light Modulator an SLM Slideshow Player software same PLUTO-2 driver units. This provides you the flexibility
is also delivered with the kit. to ubgrade / adapat the SLM device to another version for
different applications without the need to purchase a
Besides that an SLM Display Software Development Kit complete new SLM kit.
(SDK) is availalbe which provides APIs
(Application Programming Interface) The PLUTO-2 driver also features a dual-core ARM®
for National Instruments™ Cortex™-A9 processor which includes on-chip memory.
LabVIEW, MathWorks® This enables the user to program additional functionality
MATLAB®, Octave which is directly processed on the PLUTO-2 device. The
and Python™ dual-core system runs an embedded Linux™ SMP
environments. operating system and includes a library which provides full
control and supervision of the display and driver board.
-VIS-016 (HR) -NIR-015 (HR)
-VIS-014 -NIRO-023 -TELCO-013
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Device λ Range Maximum Average
Phase Refl.
PLUTO-2-VIS-014 420-650 nm 2.7 @ 633 nm 65 %
PLUTO-2-VIS-016 420-650 nm 5.4 @ 633 nm 65 %
PLUTO-2-NIR-011 420-1100 nm 2.0 @ 1064nm 65 - 75 %
PLUTO-2-NIR-015 650-1100 nm 3.7 @ 1064 nm 65 - 75 %
PLUTO-2-NIRO-023 1100-1400 nm 4.1 @ 1300 nm 74 %
PLUTO-2-TELCO-013 1400-1700 nm 3.5 @ 1550 nm 80 %
PLUTO-2 - High Reflectivity Versions GAEA-2 Phase Only Spatial Light
Some PLUTO-2 SLM display versions are equipped with a Modulator Series
dielectric mirror coating to increase the reflectivity. Due to The GAEA-2 phase
the increased reflectivity less absorption occurs and these modulators are based on
display versions can be used with higher incident laser reflective LCOS microdisplays
power compared to the standard versions. with 4160 x 2464 pixel
resolution and 3.74 μm pixel
pitch. The phase displays can
-UV-099 -VIS-096 -NIR-080 -NIR-049
be addressed at 3840x2160
pixel or 4000x2464 pixel
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
1000 1200
resolution at 60 Hz. The full physical resolution of 4160 x
Maximum Average
λ Range 2464 pixel can be used at 58 Hz frame rate.Device
Phase Refl.
Display Type Reflective LCOS
PLUTO-2-UV-099 350-420 nm 2.3 @ 405 nm 90 %
Resolution max . 4160 x 2464 Pixel
PLUTO-2-VIS-096 450-650 nm 2.3 @ 650 nm 95 %
3.74 μm
PLUTO-2-NIR-080 730-950 nm 4.8 @ 800 nm 95 % Pixel Pitch
Active Area / Diagonal 15.32 x 9.22 mm / 0.7”
PLUTO-2-NIR-049 1000-1100 nm 2 @ 1064 nm 93 %
Fill Factor 90 %
Addressing Bit Depth 8 Bit
LETO - Phase Only Spatial Light Modulator Input Frame Rate 3840 x 2160 Pixel @ 60 Hz
Series 4000 x 2464 Pixel @ 60 Hz
The LETO phase modulator is 4160 x 2464 Pixel @ 58 Hz
based on reflective LCOS Signal Format HDMI
microdisplays with 1920 x
1080 pixel resolution. With a The small pixel pitch of 3.74 μm enables high diffraction
pixel pitch of only 6.4 μm and angles with high effective spatial resolution of 133.5 lp/mm.
small interpixel gaps of 0.2 μm
the LETO SLM provides a The GAEA series covers a version for the visible (420 - 650
high fill factor of 93% and nm), the near IR (650-1100 nm) and a version for the area of
thereby high light efficiency. 1400-1700 nm.
Display Type Reflective LCOS -VIS-036 -NIR-069 -TELCO-033
Resolution 1920 x 1080 Pixel
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Pixel Pitch 6.4 μm
Active Area / Diagonal 12.5 x 7.1 mm / 0.55”
Device λ Range
Phase Refl.
Fill Factor 93 % GAEA-VIS-036 420-650 nm 3 @ 633 nm 62 %
Addressing Bit Depth 8 Bit GAEA-NIR-069 650-1100 nm 2.4 @ 1064 nm 60 %
Input Frame Rate 60 Hz / 180 Hz GAEA-TELCO-033 1400-1700 nm 2.6 @ 1550 nm 72 %
Signal Format HDMI - HDTV Res.
LC 2012 Translucent Spatial Light
The LETO is also prepared to work in color-field-sequential Modulator
(CFS) mode. For operation with color-switchable LASER the The LC 2012 is a basic Spatial
LED connector can be used to synchronize the light source Light Modulator system based
with the device. on a translucent liquid crystal
microdisplay with a resolution
The LETO series covers a version for the visible (420-650 of 1024 x 768 pixel (XGA). The
nm), a version for version for the near IR (650 -1100 nm) and device can be used for phase
a fast version for Color Sequential (CFS) operation in the or amplitude modulation in the
visible. visible range (however, phase shift may be limited, e.g. ~2
at 450 nm, ~ 1.8 at 532 nm). The LC 2012 is addressed
by a standard HDMI interface.
-VIS-017 (CFS)
-VIS-009 -NIR-081 Display Type Translucent LC
Resolution 1024 x 768 Pixel
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
1000 1200 Pixel Pitch 36 μm
Maximum Average Active Area / Diagonal 36.9 x 27.6 mm / 1.8”
Device λ Range
Phase Refl. Fill Factor 55 %
LETO-VIS-017 420-650 nm min. 2 (CFS) 75 % Addressing Bit Depth 8 Bit
LETO-VIS-009 450-650 nm 2.8 @ 650 nm 75 % Input Frame Rate 60 Hz
LETO-NIR-081 650-1100 nm 2.4 @ 1064 nm 62-70 % Signal Format HDMI - XGA Res.
HOLOEYE Photonics AG
Volmerstr. 1
12489 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 4036 938 0
Fax: +49 (0)30 4036 938 99
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