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Safety switches for potentially explosive atmospheres
ATEX products from EUCHNER
General information
The ATEX directive Prevention of explosions
Since 1 July 2003, all equipment in the EU that is used in a The most effective way of preventing an explosion is to prevent
potentially explosive atmosphere must comply with directive the formation of a potentially explosive atmosphere. This type
94/9/EC. of explosion protection is called primary explosion protec-
This directive is entitled “Equipment for potentially explosive tion. Primary explosion protection is not always possible. For
atmospheres (ATEX)” – ATEX for short. The ATEX directive this reason, ignition of the potentially explosive atmosphere
is intended for manufacturers and users of equipment and must be prevented. This measure
protective systems used in potentially explosive atmospheres. is termed secondary explosion protection. In practice, this
This directive was superseded by directive 2014/34/EU in form of protection is achieved by using explosion protected
April 2016. equipment. This equipment ensures that no ignition source can
be produced due to its operation in a potentially explosive
All previously valid national regulations were standardized in atmosphere.
the course of harmonizing the ATEX directive within the EU
member states. Accordingly, the same, consistent rules for Marking of equipment
explosion protection are applicable here. Equipment intended for potentially explosive atmospheres must
Explosion protection is part of safety engineering and serves to be marked with the symbol.
avoid harm to persons and property damage. The equipment must be marked accordingly on the type label.
Explosion-protection equipment is marked
Prerequisites for an explosion according to:
The following prerequisites must be met for an explosion A pplication
to occur: Equipment properties
A potentially explosive mixture of
– combustible material (gas, vapor, mist or dust)
– oxidizing agents (oxygen)
An ignition source (sparks, hot surfaces, etc.)
Combustible Air (oxygen)
Ignition source
Marking according to application
n Marking according to ATEX
II 3 G
Directive Equipment Categories Material groups
Corresponds to groups
2014/34/EU I: Mining
II: A ll areas except Equipment categories
mining (includes category and material group)
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Very high safety level High safety level Normal safety level
Material groups
G: gases, D: dusts G D G D G D
Equipment categories 1G 1D 2G 2D 3G 3D
Hazardous zones Zone 0 Zone 20 Zone 1 Zone 21 Zone 2 Zone 22
Equipment groups
Depending on the place of use, equipment is classified into the zones. The hazardous zone defines the probability of occur-
following groups according to the ATEX directive: rence of a potentially explosive atmosphere. A distinction is
Group I: Equipment for use in underground mining made between zones for combustible gases (zones 0, 1 and 2)
Group II: Equipment for all other potentially explosive and combustible dusts (zones 20, 21 and 22). The related
atmospheres. zone must be defined by the machine or plant manufacturer.
The EN 60079-14 standard must be taken into account
Equipment categories for selecting the equipment and for its subsequent assembly
The category describes the permissible application and the and setup.
achieved safety level of equipment according to the ATEX
directive. Equipment with equipment-related ignition sources
must undergo an ignition hazard assessment to avoid potential ZONE 1
ignition sources. This must form the basis for taking measures ZONE 0
in accordance with the basic safety requirements to rule out
the risk of ignition from this equipment.
The equipment category defines the hazardous zone in which a
device (equipment) can be used. ZONE 2
Table 1 shows the classification and assignment of equipment Example zone classification for a tank system.
categories and individual hazardous zones.
Information on zone 2/22
Material groups ATEX equipment manufactured by EUCHNER is suitable for
The ATEX directive divides combustible materials into so-called use in zone 2 and zone 22.
material groups. A distinction is made between the following I f cable glands are used on equipment for zone 2/22, they
material groups: must possess special ATEX suitability. An appropriate cable
G (gases, vapors and mists) gland is included with EUCHNER ATEX products.
D (dusts) Equipment for zone 2/22 does not require a test certificate
from a notified body. ATEX equipment is tested by the man-
Hazardous zones ufacturer under the manufacturer’s responsibility.
In accordance with EN 60079-10-1/2, the potentially explosive
applications of electrical equipment are classified into hazardous
Classification and assignment of the equipment categories
Com- Temporary behavior of combustible materials in the Hazardous Equipment marking Equipment
bustible explosion area. zones protection level
materi- Explosive medium: Equip- Equipment (EPL)
als ment category
present continuously, for long periods or frequently Zone 0 II
present occasionally Zone 1 II 1G Ga
2G Gb
probably not present. If present, only rarely or briefly Zone 2 II 3G Gc
present continuously, for long periods or frequently Zone 20 II
present occasionally Zone 21 II 1D Da
2D Db
probably not present due to disturbed dust. If present, only
Zone 22 II 3D Dc
Table 1
Hazardous zones Equipment categories
Zone 0 C ategory 1G/1D
Area in which a potentially explosive atmosphere comprising Equipment in this category is intended for use in areas in which
a mixture of air and combustible gases, vapors or a potentially explosive atmosphere comprising gases (G) or dusts
mists is present continuously, for long periods or (D) is present continuously, for long periods or frequently.
frequently. Requirements for the equipment
Zone 20 Very high level of safety. The equipment remains protected
Area in which a potentially explosive atmosphere comprising a against providing a source of ignition even in case of malfunc-
cloud of combustible dust in the air is present continuously, tions to be expected only rarely. The equipment also remains
for long periods or frequently. safe if two independent failures occur. Safety is achieved using
two independent means of protection against providing a
source of ignition.
Zone 1 C ategory 2G/2D
Area in which a potentially explosive atmosphere comprising Equipment in this category is intended for use in areas in which it
a mixture of air and combustible gases, vapors or mists can is to be expected that a potentially explosive atmosphere
occasionally form during normal operation. comprising gases (G) or dusts (D) may occur occasionally.
Zone 21 R equirements for the equipment
Area in which a potentially explosive atmosphere comprising High level of safety. The equipment remains protected against
a cloud of combustible dust in the air can occasionally form providing a source of ignition even in the case of malfunctions or
during normal operation. fault conditions to be expected frequently. Safety is achieved using
one means of protection against providing a source of ignition.
Zone 2 C ategory 3G/3D
Area in which a potentially explosive atmosphere comprising Equipment in this category is intended for use in areas in which it
a mixture of air and combustible gases, vapors or mists is not to be expected that a potentially explosive atmosphere may
usually does not form or forms only briefly during occur due to gases (G) or dusts (D). If a potentially explosive
normal operation. atmosphere nevertheless occurs, then in all probability it will
Zone 22 occur only rarely and for a short period.
Area in which a potentially explosive atmosphere comprising Requirements for the equipment
a cloud of combustible dust in the air usually does not form Equipment offers a normal level of safety. The equipments
or forms only briefly during normal operation. remains protected against providing a source of ignition in
normal operation. ATEX equipment manufactured by
EUCHNER is category 3 equipment.
Dusts Gases/ vapors /mists
Marking according to equipment characteristics
n Marking according to standard
Gases Marking for use in atmospheres with combustible gases (zones 0, 1, 2) according to EN 60079-0
Ex nA IIB T5 Gc X
Explosion- Types of protection: Explosion Temperature class: Equipment X:
protected i: Intrinsic safety groups: T1 to T6 protection Special
equipment m: Encapsulation IIA/IIB/IIC Permissible surface level: conditions
o: Oil immersion temperature Ga/Gb/Gc must be met
e: I ncreased safety (e.g. properly
ec: f or equipment tightened cover
protection level Gc screws)
q: Powder filling
p: Pressurization
d: Flameproof enclosure
n: Type of protection
nA: Non-sparking equipment
nR: Restricted breathing
Dusts Marking for use in atmospheres with combustible dusts (zones 20, 21, 22) according to EN 60079-0
Ex tc IIIC T90°C Dc X
Explosion- Types of protection: Explosion Maximum surface temperature: Equipment X:
protected i: Intrinsic safety groups: T=Ta+Ti protection Special
equipment m: Encapsulation IIIA/IIIB/IIIC T: Maximum surface temperature level: conditions
t: Protection by Ta: Max. ambient temperature Da/Db/Dc must be met
enclosure Ti: Intrinsic heating of the equipment (e.g. properly
tc: f or equipment tightened cover
protection level Gc screws)
p: Pressurization
Types of protection
The general requirements for electrical equipment are listed in type and function, and it is included in the ATEX marking on
the EN 60079-0 standard. Classification occurs into various the type label of the respective device.
types of protection: The type of protection the manufacturer EUCHNER uses the following types of protection (Table 2):
uses for a device (equipment) essentially depends on the device
Basic Marking Type of protection Standard corresponding standard to the type of protection
Type of protection “nR”
Restricted breathing enclosure
Ex nR (zone 2) EN 60079-15
Enclosure designed to restrict the penetration of gas, vapors
and mists
Gases Type of protection “nA”Ex nA (zone 2) EN 60079-15
EN 60079-0 Non-sparking equipment
Type of protection “i”
Ex ic (zone 2) EN 60079-11
Intrinsic safety
Type of protection “ec”
Ex ec (zone 2) EN 60079-7
due to increased safety
Type of protection “t”
Ex tc (zone 22) EN 60079-31
Dusts Protection by enclosure
EN 60079-0 Type of protection “i”
Ex ic (zone 22) EN60079-11
Intrinsic safety
Table 2
Explosion groups
Explosion groups and temperature classes determine the Explosion group IIC includes explosion groups IIB and IIA.
media for which equipment may be used within the hazardous ATEX equipment manufactured by EUCHNER belongs to
zones. explosion group IIB.
Equipment for areas with combustible gases E quipment for areas with combustible dusts
The ignitability of an explosive atmosphere depends on the Material group D is classified into explosion groups IIIA, IIIB
material. and IIIC depending on the size and conductivity of the dust
Gases and vapors are classified into explosion groups IIA, IIB particles (see Table 3).
and IIC depending on the energy required for ignition (see The danger posed by dusts (ignitability) increases from
Table 4 in the chapter on temperature classes). explosion group IIIA to IIIC. ATEX equipment manufactured
by EUCHNER belongs to explosion group IIIC.
The danger posed by the gases (ignitability) increases from ex-
plosion group IIA to IIC. The requirements on the equipment
increase correspondingly. Electrical equipment approved for
IIB, for example, may also be used for explosion group IIA.
Explosion group Dust types
IIIA Combustible fibers and lint (example: textiles)
IIIC Non-conductive dust (example: sawdust, flour)
Conductive dust (example: metal dust, dust containing carbon)
Table 3
Temperature classes
Electrical equipment is classified into temperature classes T1 A safety clearance (maximum surface temperature to ignition/
to T6. The temperature class relates directly to the smoldering temperature) might also have to be taken into
ignition temperature of gases and dusts (temperature above account.
which an explosive atmosphere ignites) and On equipment intended for use in zones 0, 1, 2 (gases),
s moldering temperature of dusts (temperature above which the related temperature class must be given in the equipment
a deposited dust layer begins to smolder) marking.
and thereby specifies the maximum permissible surface tem- On equipment intended for use in zones 20, 21, 22 (dusts),
perature of the equipment. the maximum surface temperature must be given in the equip-
The maximum surface temperature must always be less than ment marking.
the ignition/smoldering temperature of the explosive atmo-
sphere in which the equipment is used.
Classification of explosive gases according to explosion groups and temperature classes
Ammonia Gasoline Ethyl alcoholMethane Diesel
IIA Cyclohexane AcetaldehydeEthane Fuel oil n-butanePropane n-hexane
Ethylene glycolTown gas Ethylene
IIC H ydrogen Ethyl etherAcrylonitrile Ethylene oxide
C arbon Hydrogen Acetylene Trichlorosilane disulfide
T1 < 450 °C
T2 < 300 °C
T3 < 200 °C
T4 < 135 °C
T5 < 100 °C
T6 < 85 °C
Note: The list contains only some of the explosive materials.
Table 4
Equipment protection level
Devices (equipment) for potentially explosive atmospheres The first letter indicates the type of explosive atmosphere: G for
are classified into protection levels (EPL: Equipment Protection gas and D for dust. The second letter indicates the correspond-
Level). The marking consists of two letters. ing protection level (see Table 1).
Temperature class Explosion group
Overview of Electromechanical safety switches
ATEX safety
Safety switch Safety switch Safety switch Safety switch
Marking according to
- Application (gases/dusts) II 3 G D II 3 G D II 3 G D II 3 G D
- Equipment characteristics (gases) Ex nR IIB T5 Gc Ex nR IIB T5 Gc Ex nR IIB T5 Gc Ex nR IIB T4 Gc
- Equipment characteristics (dusts) Ex tc IIIC T90° Dc (NZHS)Ex tc IIIC T100° Dc (NZRS) Ex tc IIIC T90° Dc Ex tc IIIC T90° Dc X Ex tc IIIC T110° Dc X
- Basic housing accord- - Basic housing accord- - I dentical mounting - Metal actuating head
ing to EN 50041 ing to EN 50041 dimensions to safety - High locking force
Features/specific advantages - W ith impact resistant - With impact resistant switch STA - W ith impact resistant
cover cover - With impact resistant cover
Slow-action switching contacts
Positively driven contacts 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 4
NO contacts 1 – 2 1 – 1 – 2 1 – 1 – 2 1 – 1 – – 2 1 –
NC contacts – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1 – – 1 –
Conventional thermal current 4 A 4 A 4 A 1 mA
Switching current, min. (at 24 V) 1 mA 1 mA 1 mA 1 mA
Mechanical life, min. 30 x 106 2 x 106 2 x 106 1 x 106
Housing material Anodized die-cast alloy Anodized die-cast alloy Die-cast alloy Die-cast alloy
Housing dimensions, min. (HxWxD) 128 x 44 x 43.5 mm 142 x 44 x 43.5 mm 123 x 45 x 52 mm 191 x 43 x 46 mm
Ambient temperature -20 to +75 °C -20 to +75 °C -10 to +75 °C -20 to +75 °C
Degree of protection, max., acc. to IEC 60529 IP67 IP67 IP67 IP67
LED indicators – – – –
Depending on actuator
Approach/actuating directions
Approach speed, max. 20 m/min. 20 m/min. 20 m/min. 20 m/min.
Solenoid operating voltage – – – 24 V
Power consumption – – – 8 W
Locking force, max. – – – 3000 N
Cable entry (ATEX cable gland included) M 20 x 1.5 M 20 x 1.5 3 x M 20 x 1.5 3 x M 20 x 1.5
Straight actuator/bent /– / /
Hinged actuator
Door radius, min. 165 mm 200 mm 200 mm
Bolts for safety guards – – –
optionally available p available on request – not applicable
The specified data refer to the respective minimum and/or maximum values for the entire series.
Accessories Connection Guard locking Environment Inputs/outputs ATEX
Overview of Transponder-coded safety switches
ATEX safety Without guard locking With guard locking
Safety switch Safety switch Safety switch
Marking according to
- Application (gases/dusts) II 3 G D II 3 G D II 3 G D
- Equipment characteristics (gases) Ex ic nA IIB T5 Gc X Ex nA IIB T6 Gc X Ex nA IIB T4 Gc X
--Equipment characteristics (dusts) Ex ic tc IIIC T90° Dc X Ex tc IIIC T80° Dc X Ex tc IIIC T110° Dc X
Safety category PL acc. to EN ISO 13849-1 Cat. 4 / PL e Cat. 4 / PL e Cat. 4 / PL e
- No own pulsing of the - CES-C04 AP/AR switches - Metal actuating head
safety outputs may be used in potentially - A ttachment compatible with
- External pulsing (possible explosive atmospheres only safety switch STA
with safe PLC, for example) when equipped with housing - With impact resistant cover
Features/specific advantages guard AM-C-C04-Ex-137528 - s eparate pulsing on safety - separate pulsing on safety outputs to detect short
outputs to detect short circuits
Semiconductor safety outputs 2 2 2
Monitoring outputs (semiconductor) 1 1 2
Switching current per safety output (semiconductor) 100 mA 150 mA 150 mA
Mechanical life, min. – – 1x106
Integrated evaluation unit/ Integrated evaluation unit/ Integrated evaluation unit/
read head read head read head
Dimensions, min. (HxWxD) 118 x 40 x 40 mm 75 x 30 x 20 mm 245 x 45 x 43 mm
Ambient temperature -20 to +50 °C 0 to +65 °C -20 to +55 °C
Degree of protection, max., according to IEC 60529 IP67 IP67/IP69/IP69K IP65/IP67
LED indicators 2 2 3
Approach directions
Solenoid operating voltage – – 24 DC
Power consumption, max. – – 6 W
Locking force, max. – – 2600 N
Plug connector Plug connector M 12 Plug connector M 8 / connection cable Plug connector M 12
Rectangular actuator (transponder) Typical switch-on distance: Typical switch-on distance: 22 mm 14 mm Straight actuator
Bolts for safety guards – – –
optionally available p available on request – not applicable
The specified data refer to the respective minimum and/or maximum values for the entire series.
Accessories Connection Guard locking Environment Inputs/outputs ATEX
Ordering table
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Electromechanical safety switches
NZ1RS-3131-M-EX 094169 - - - - - - 2 pos. dr. + 2 NO 2 / 22 T5/100 °C
NZ1HS-3131-M-EX 094167 - - - - - - 2 pos. dr. + 2 NO 2 / 22 T5/90 °C
NZ1VZ-2131E-M-EX 093660 - - - - - - 3 pos. dr. + 1 NO 2 / 22 T5/90 °C
SGA1A-2131A-M-EX 123460 - - - - - - 3 pos. dr. + 1 NO 2 / 22 T5/90 °C
2 pos. dr. STA3A-2131A024MF-EX 115584 circuit current 1 NC 2 / 22 T4/110 °C
principle + 1 NO
Open- 2 pos. dr.
STA4A-2131A024MF-EX 115585 circuit current 1 NC 2 / 22 T4/110 °C
principle + 1 NO
STA3A-4121A024MF-EX 115586 circuit current 2 pos. dr. 1 NC + 1 NO 2 / 22 T4/110 °C
STA4A-4121A024MF-EX 123076 circuit current 2 pos. dr. 1 NC + 1 NO 2 / 22 T4/110 °C
Transponder-coded safety switches
Safety switches without guard locking
CES-A-C5H-01-EX 097945 - - - - - - 2 safety outputs 2 / 22 T5/90 °C
(Unicode) (semiconductor)
CES-A-BBA-EX 098158 2 / 22 T6/85 °C
CES-A-BPA-EX 102125 2 / 22 T6/85 °C
CES-C04 any 2 safety outputs 2 / 22 T6/80 °C
(version AP/AR) (semiconductor)
Equipment protection:
AM-C-C04-EX 137528 2 / 22 T6/85 °C
CES-A-BBN-C04-EX 137527 2 / 22 T6/85 °C
Safety switches with guard locking
CTP-L1-AP-U-HA-AZ-SA-EX 136675 Closed- 2 safety outputs 1 monitoring output OD 2 / 22 T4/110 °C
(Unicode) circuit current (semiconductor) (semiconductor)
principle + monitoring output OL
CTP-L1-AP-U-HA-AZ-SA-EX 129512 Closed- 2 safety outputs 1 monitoring output OD 2 / 22 T4/110 °C
(Unicode) circuit current (semiconductor) (semiconductor)
principle + diagnostics
output OI
Actuator (straight):
A-C-H-G-LS-EX 136826 2 / 22 T4/110 °C
1) pos. dr.: positively driven normally closed contact; NC: normally closed contact, NO: normally open contact
ss/ Further informationa
e c
ce e Details about the various ATEX safety switches and accessories can be found on our homepage at www.euchner.com
r r
fa tur
pe . s
u erax p
Kohlhammerstraße 16
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49 711 7597-0
Fax +49 711 753316
136805-03-04/17 Subject to technical modifications; no responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of this information. © EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG · TA